RatOs doesn’t see my spider v1.1

High I m trying to flash my spider V1.1 but it is not work. I m using ratos set up wizard , put the wifi password , chose the board in the list and … no possible to flash it because the board is not detected???
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16 Replies
fredzOP11mo ago
Nope I have checked 2 Times .
not sure what you mean. You must flash using the SD card
fredzOP11mo ago
I did it
and the filename changed from firmware.bin to firmware.cur?
fredzOP11mo ago
I m checking this evening Board is well flashed but still the same problem … the raspberry/ratos is not detecting the board
Board is well flashed
how did you determine this? What firmware did you flash?
fredzOP11mo ago
The one compiled with ratos set up wizard
and it was renamed to firmware.cur?
fredzOP11mo ago
no old.bin
and there is your problem, it isn't actually flashing
fredzOP11mo ago
i don't know what's wrong with this board
Did you follow these steps?
Disconnect all wires except Power and USB, and make sure your jumpers are set correctly. Format the sd card for your board to FAT16 (sometimes just called FAT), or FAT32 with a cluster size of 8kb or 4kb. If you're reusing a card you've used for flashing before, be sure to delete ALL files on the card (or reformat it). Copy the firmware binary onto the sd card for your board Make sure the firmware file is called firmware.bin on the sd card (enable "display file extensions" in your file explorer). The file you downloaded will already have the correct name. Safely eject the SD card through your operating system. Physically take out the sd card and insert it into your control board. Click the reset button on the board, or turn it off and back on again. NOTE: if the Raspberry Pi running RatOS is currently powered by your control board or the same power source, please shut it down safely first. When the green light stops blinking and is turned off, you can cut the power.
fredzOP11mo ago
yes 10x but still no connection
have you tried different formatting? Different SD cards? Do you have file extension showing?
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fredzOP11mo ago
yes ... It is 2 days I'm trying everything solve... It is in bin ! I will order a btt

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