skipping A and B's
Im working on getting RatOS running on my 2.4. I am running LDO 42STH48-2804AH's for the A and B. Those steppers are not in the setup wizard so I picked the 2504's. But Im still losing steps in "Performance Mode". Does anyone know if there is a way to fix this without replacing these steppers? I know they are not the "Optimal" steppers but they are very good steppers.
5 Replies
If you're in performance mode and they are skipping, you are asking too high of an acceleration of them
These are my base setting in the slicer and I havent changed anything in my config. I was using these with 2209's and my old Moon steppers. D my settings look to high? This is the first time I have ever had A/B skipping issues.

Prove it to yourself, cut the accelerations in half and see if you still get the skipping
I'm just asking is all. I will try but I would have thought that switching to the 5160's and 2804's would have improved my accelerations, not lower them. thats all. I'm just looking to find what I may be missing, not be a pain. 😆 plus, the skips are happening anround an hour or so into the print. lol
Only you can test things unfortunately. So either it is the acceleration you have set or it is something else. Until you run an experiment and validate one way or the other you will never know.
Since it isn't failing all the time I would also try looking why it is failing at that point (is the geometry right to try and get up to a high acceleration then the rest of the print?) and then create a test print that recreates the skipping