trying to understand configuring RatOs

Is it typical to have to go through and change all the pin names? Like it knows I’m using an octopus EZ - but all the pin names are still just the generic “fan_toolhead_cooling_pin” type names. Not sure if I’m doing extra work or what. Maybe it’s just because im using the “ez” board?
27 Replies
no need to change any names. You just go into printer.cfg and uncomment your setup for example, to uncomment you would remove the # from this line and put the # at the front of this line (comment it out)
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
I understand how to comment things out - but for some reason I’m having to change almost every pin name. There is no “include…btt octopus ez….” To un comment for some reason. There is an example config for it it’s just not included in the list of control boards.
is it in the list of supported boards?
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
It is…
please upload your printer.cfg
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
My home internet is down right now, so I can’t unfortunately.
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
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JuiceWayOP15mo ago
Well let me try to email it to myself one second
what version of ratos is this? this looks like an old template
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
Under update manager it says v2.02-22
can you take a screenshot of the update page?
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
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yeah ratos-configurator is some weird version follow to reset it
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
Okay thank you
miklschmidt15mo ago
You'll need to replace the printer.cfg template since that was installed before updating (and the octopus max EZ was added after the last image was generated), or you can just add the include line yourself. See RatOS/templates/v-core-3-printer.templates.cfg. That's the most recent template. Those pin names are klipper board_pin aliases, they work just the same as PA1 etc, they're just aliases. RatOS uses those so you can swap boards without having to replace all the pin names, like you're currently attempting 🙂
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
Haha well it’s throwing up errors asking for them to be changed. If I delete and reformat the SD cards and start over, what do I need to look out for to get a clean EZ config file?
miklschmidt15mo ago
Haha well it’s throwing up errors asking for them to be changed.
Yeah because you didn't include your board configuration, so there are no pin aliases defined.
If I delete and reformat the SD cards and start over, what do I need to look out for to get a clean EZ config file?
No need for this Just copy RatOS/templates/v-core-3-printer.templates.cfg to printer.cfg
is it not on the development branch with this name?
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miklschmidt15mo ago
deployment not development 🙂
ughh.... I am still not awake. Is that the correct branch?
miklschmidt15mo ago
I think mainsail is showing a tag here instead of the branch, the branch should be v2.x-deployment. But the tag exists. Not sure how he ended up on a tag, your instruction is good advice regardless if it currently works or not
ok cool, just wanted to make sure I wasn't giving bad advice
miklschmidt15mo ago
that big "unknown" isn't comforting Could just need to be refreshed though
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
Oh I see it under the control boards with the new template
miklschmidt15mo ago
As long as you went through the configurator and got it flashed there, it should simply just be uncommenting that and the pins will work
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
Yeah I’m new to ratos so I’m not 100% - I was able to get the PI to detect the ez board. Thank you guys!
JuiceWayOP15mo ago
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