How do I turn off the beacon heat soaking?

I've recently updated to the newest RatOS version and now at the beginning of every print my V-Core does this "Heat soaking beacon..." move where it lifts it's bed really close up to the toolhead while heating the bed up. The thing is, I don't use beacon, I use klicky. So all this procedure does is that it rams the still deployed klicky into the bed surface, damaging it's mount. So, is there an option to turn this off?
3 Replies
blacksmithforlife Rule #2 - please include your printer.cfg, ratos.cfg, and logs
MDFPereira6mo ago
Check your variables and share the files requested in Rules.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck6mo ago
this is actually just a console output and not a feature but i will deactivate it please update ratos fixed now

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