Issue with X endstop

Howdy folks. I just finished building my VC500 and started the commissioning guide last evening and am at a standstill at first step running BEACON_RATOS_CALIBRATE. I get "Endstop x still triggered after retract" everytime I try it, or even trying to just Home. I have checked the cable wiring guide 17 times and swapped out the endstop sensor to no avail. This pic is how my enstop is wired. This is what the configurator put in the printer.cfg for X : [stepper_x] dir_pin: x_dir_pin # Add ! in front of pin name to reverse the direction of stepper_x rotation_distance: 40 # 40 for 20 tooth 2GT pulleys, 32 for 16 tooth 2GT pulleys homing_speed: 50 position_min: -60 position_max: 560 position_endstop: -60
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7 Replies
TheTik4mo ago
How have you tested the endstop?
PapalorianOP4mo ago
my kit came with 2 extra ones and I swapped it out. It is plugged into the print head board and I followed the wiring guide exactly and have verified multiple times I have the wires in the correct place on the tool head side connector that i had to crimp. The instructions have to plug it into a 5 wire slot on the board, even though you only have 3.
TheTik4mo ago
My question was how you tested it, not how you hooked it up. Have you tried the QUERY_ENDSTOPS command? What you'll want to do is run that command with nothing against the endstop, verify that it says "open". Then with your finger or whatever pressing it down, run the command again and verify it says "triggered".
PapalorianOP4mo ago
10:55 AM QUERY_ENDSTOPS 10:55 AM x:TRIGGERED y:open z:TRIGGERED with nothing touching x stop
TheTik4mo ago
And if you touch the x stop and run the command, does it still say triggered?
PapalorianOP4mo ago
correct i inspected the wire last night, I suppose I could try crimping a new one but the kit only came with one of the 5 pin skinny connectors for the board end
TheTik4mo ago
Then it isn't wired correctly. Bear in mind the wire colors can't be trusted; you'll need to swap some wires around. Time to break out the multimeter!

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