Pin 'e_cs_pin' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu'

I keep getting this error but im not sure how to pinpoint which specific config file this is one to disable it. I have attached a log file. Would appreciate any help!
2 Replies
miklschmidt•2y ago
Please post your printer.cfg, there's no e_cs_pin, never has been (it's something you're doing in your printer.cfg). Wait, prusa mk3? With an SKR 2, that explains it. The prusa config isn't abstracted for boards yet (still experimental) It'll only work with 2130's, and it seems the author made some non-standard decisions for pin names. *_cs_pin should've been _uart_pin which is the same pin on all boards i've come across anyway. Will get that fixed. You'd have to replace: ``` [include RatOS/steppers/ldo/42sth40-1684ac/2130/24v-0.4a-.cfg] [include RatOS/printers/prusa-mk3s/tmc2130.cfg]
under steppers and
under steppers and
[include RatOS/printers/prusa-mk3s/sensorless-homing-tmc2130.cfg]
under homing as well as
under homing as well as
[tmc2130 extruder] sense_resistor: 0.22 ``` under printer configuration. @cloudhd3d well it happened! somebody has a mk3 with a non standard board 😄
rare-sapphire•2y ago
Hi I know it’s been a while, but now I’m back, let see what should be modified in order to abstract the configuration from the board

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