Endstop z still triggered after retract

Hello everyone. There is an issue in my printer keeping me from sleeping at night, the Z probe and its homing. My setup is: I have a Ratirig Vcore 3.1 with octopus 1.1 and EBB36 I use a manual Klicky probe, NON stowable klicky probe, the kind that is manually inserted in position before homing and then manually removed right after. The software is RATOS and during install I flashed both the octopus and EBB for updating the whole thing. RATOS and its components have also been updated just in case and still, not working. 24V TMC 2209 for all the motors, wich are LDO's USB link between rapberrypi 4 and the EBB36 USB link between raspberry pi 4 and octopus USB link between touchscreen and raspberry pi Problem: "Z Endstop still triggered after retract "- That is the message I get after trying to home Z I can NOT home Z axis, but X and Y Home just fine. My troubleshooting: I find the probe of Z axis is always triggered, if I press the switch, or not, if I disconnect the cable from toolboard to switch, or not. Don't know why but seems to be always on. I dont know if its the EBB36 reporting to klipper a wrong status or not detecting the switch in clicky. Both the Klicky, EBB36 and octopus have worked before in a diferent software configuration in the past. I am sorry if this message is being posted in the wrong place or if it has been discussed before, elsewhere and I missed it. This problem should be the very last one to solve to get my printer working again. I am stuck in this situation because of a software update that caused all my printer OS to be corrupt and never worked again since. Thanks in advance for the gentle souls willing to look into this issue with me.
1 Reply
how do you have your klicky wired and upload your printer.cfg please

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