New Hotend for v-minion v1.0 and eva 2.4.2
Hey guys,
My dragonfly bmo on my v-minion v1.0 is broken. Now I want to replace it with a new hotend.
I have read some recommendations but I am not shure what to buy.
The Dragon hotend was recommended because it is maintenance free, no clogging.
The Rapdio is also a good hotend. But it looks like the fan needs to be more powerful.
And as I don't print that fast, I don't need a UHF version.
I would go for the Dragon HF version, but I am not sure if the printed part of the eva 2 is compatible with the Dragon HF version.
And do I need to print other parts? The problem is that I don't have a second printer and a friend of mine is printing the ABS parts for me.
I am open for recommendation.
Thanks and greetings!
EVA - Dragon
EVA 2 - 3D printer carriage platform
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