TMC 'extruder' reports error
when i go to extrude from my orbiter 1.5 this is the error message i get
TMC 'extruder' reports error: DRV_STATUS: 001600e0 s2vsb=1(ShortToSupply_B!) ola=1(OpenLoad_A!) olb=1(OpenLoad_B!) cs_actual=22
4 Replies
check your wiring - the error message says you have a short
checking now, just wan to confirm since the orbiter colors dont match the diagram, i have green blue red yellow on the orbiter, those should match up to what ratrig calls blue red green black, green to green blue to blue red to red and yellow to black correct
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸
This is my orbiter connector
ok so,
the orbiter i have that has the yellow wire, needed to have the red and black wire position switched