Pwm on nidec ??

Does someone was able to get the pwm working on the nidec ? I know that the pwm is the blue on the nidec . That the doc is totally misleading. I've followed the documentation on the 4028 form ratirig page .setup the jumper on 5v on cncfan , adjusted the name of the pin for the octopus wiring based on their shema. I've adjusted the config and the wire so it doesn't blow at start or when the fan bar is at 0%. But as soon I add some percentage it full blow. It s like aon/ off for the moment?
7 Replies
TheTik3mo ago
The nidec is 5V? What mainboard are you using?
Mr Pomme
Mr PommeOP3mo ago
the classic octopus 1.1
TheTik3mo ago
Share your printer.cfg please
Mr Pomme
Mr PommeOP3mo ago
GitHub - mrpommegit/ratrig_500: vcore 4 500
vcore 4 500. Contribute to mrpommegit/ratrig_500 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Mr Pomme
Mr PommeOP3mo ago
The 5v was for the pwm which is the most standard signal for pwm, I tried 12v without sucess.I dontt find any detailed specs for the pwm about it on nidec .It's seem pretty crap.I've order some other 4028 to test if this fan is cooked . btut I can on off it but i can't adjsut the speed at all which is an issue because it s way too strong (noise and it blow the pla away from the noozle...) the nidec is 12v GND on he 1 / PWM on 5V GND CNCFAN0 as suggested on their 4028 pge/ VCC 12V on FAN 6
Mr Pomme
Mr PommeOP3mo ago
Connecting a 4028 fan | RatOS
4028 server fans are becoming a popular option for part cooling because of their light weight and great pressure and flow rates. In this guide we'll go over how to connect one and use it for part cooling. 4-pin fans usually aren't used in 3d printers, and many boards only provide 2-pin ports, but fear not! There's always a way.
Mr Pomme
Mr PommeOP3mo ago
in this doc the name of the pin are incorect like in the global config of ratos v2.1.0-RC3-81-g1d5ceed3(so I don"t undertsand how somebody is able to pritn with the default config because even the hotend pin is incorrect vs the buuliding guide)(but this one is fixed in my config)

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