When does RatOs load 24v-0.8a-e.cfg vs instead of 24v-0.7a-e.cfg

For Orbiter Extruder
4 Replies
where are you getting 24v-0.8a-e.cfg from?
John@JARVIS MINGW64 ~/Documents/repos/ratos-configuration (v2.x) $ git grep -l "24v-0.8a-e.cfg"
John@JARVIS MINGW64 ~/Documents/repos/ratos-configuration (master) $ git grep -l "24v-0.8a-e.cfg"
Both of those git searches don't find anything maybe you meant 24v-0.85a-e.cfg? but again searching for that being used and nothing shows up, so I would say it is manual for the user to use it. The normal orbiter config uses https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration/blob/v2.x/extruders/orbiter.cfg#L17 and the https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration/blob/v2.x/extruders/orbiter-1004.cfg#L8 uses the higher 7a version
dropsOP3y ago
Yes meant the .85a , its the file in the same directory as the .7a The reason I asked is because when I was setting up ROME he uses .85a to run the extruder and I notice that the regular ratos also has the .35 or .7 or .8 run current. Wondering when that file is used. Was runing into to some issues but seems unrelated. Just wondering what uses that file.
miklschmidt3y ago
That file is just there for you to run if you want to. The Motor gets super hot at 0.85A, which is why 0.7 is the standard. depends a lot on hotend and friction to the extruder etc.
dropsOP3y ago
Ok thank you

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