Mesh heightmap after three hours of adjusting.

Guess I don't know which corners to adjust which way. Watched the video 3 times. As often happens, the experts make it look easy.
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10 Replies
BulMaster2y ago
Lower front right corner Raise front left
like-gold2y ago
What video did you watch @tracyb7734
correct-apricot2y ago
Probably this one. It's linked in the FAQ in the Fix My Mesh section
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
RatRig V-Core 3: How to Get a Square Frame
This video is for those who struggle getting bed meshed with their RatRig V-Core 3. Please feel free to jump to the chapter you are interested in. 0:00 Intro 1:05 about the v-core 3 frame and bed leveling 8:26 what to take care of in the building phase 9:17 the right square 10:09 build tips 16:50 adjusting the frame according to your bed mesh ...
correct-apricot2y ago
I actually have the same map at the moment after a few hours and it's actually an improvement from where I was. Make sure you are running the Z-tilt after each adjustment before making another map. I forgot to do that a few times along the way.
like-gold2y ago
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like-gold2y ago
I am at .465 at the moment, I will add that the box the bed was shipped in did have some shipping damage and it looks like something fell or was pushed into it. It had a s chip gash on the backside.
John Vybiral
John Vybiral2y ago
Yeah, I've got the same problem, watched the same video, & spent an entire day trying to straighten it out. No luck. Today, I saw a video of a guy using a different approach: instead of screwing around with the frame, he used shims under his flex plate. Are you using a flex plate?
Tracy7734OP2y ago
I’ve tried the shims too. I’ve been looking for a video on skew calibration but haven’t found one yet.
toml2y ago
If you’re able to print things, try some screw jacks off printables to help you make fine adjustments. It’s very difficult to move the extrusions small amounts accurately, and those small amounts translate to big distances of the width of the bed. I also used sticky markers on the side of the frame to try and make things easier. It can be a frustrating process — sometimes it’s best to walk away and come back later.
sherbs2y ago
From looking at it, seems you have some bow in your gantry and some twist in your frame... Not uncommon stuff really

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