Weird ~117Hz X Resonance and Belt Tension Graph
I have a Vcore 3.1 500mm that is sitting on the floor. I am getting an odd peak in the X-direction at like 117Hz any ideas?
Additionally my belt tension graph looks a bit odd....I think? Still new to reading these. The peaks seem to line up, but there are 3 of them, is this normal?
Thanks for the help!

23 Replies
complex-teal•2y ago
From what i've read in the other posts, the 120hz peak is never normal. I have the same issue and i'm still searching..
I think i found my problem. The Nidec 4028 Fan seems to vibrate
complex-teal•2y ago
with everything assembled

complex-teal•2y ago
removed the 4028 Fan, but just holding it in my hand cause i was too lazy getting it out of my wiretree

complex-teal•2y ago
overcome my lazyness and removed the fan completly

complex-teal•2y ago
but i still have no good idea how to fix this issue
btw VCORE 500 standard kit here
extended-salmon•2y ago
I discovered the same thing today. My sanyo fan also causes a peak at 115Hz
extended-salmon•2y ago
just as a test.... run the fan at 1/2, then full power while running the graphs.
extended-salmon•2y ago
I did. no big difference. Actually I dont think its the fan itself, but the fan + duct combo. When I remove the center bolt that holds the duct, the noise goes away.
...was going to mention the duct... had that exact issue (different duct and design,) but noise turned out to be duct vibration not the fan itself. I smeared a bit of JB Weld on it to kill the resonance. worked great.
extended-salmon•2y ago
You glued the duct to the Eva?
no...just a blob on the side to stop 'panel resonance' just like in an automobile...adding dead mat to stop large panels from vibrating...sound deadening
continuing-cyanOP•2y ago
Interesting, I will try the same thing and report my results. I just went and rebuilt to tool head to make sure everything was tight and assembled correctly.
extended-salmon•2y ago
Do you have a picture of that
no pic I could grab this second.... just a simple smear of epoxy putty to add a bit of mass to the tube to change it's resonant frequency. you could use a stick-on car wheel weight as a test even. Anything with a tiny bit of mass.
extended-salmon•2y ago
And that has really improved your shaper graphs?
reduced the sounds I could here as well as the secondary X axis spike I was seeing at around 80hz

Z spike (blue) @ 82hz on the X axis plot is the little lever on my X endstop and my connectors between umbilical and head components
continuing-cyanOP•2y ago
Update: Swapping to genuine Gates pullys on the motors and Gates belts helped solve quite a few issues. Still battling some other issues but they are not resonance related
I can't show test data related to 'quality' of belts.... but there is some. I started with no name, then went to real gates, then to gates EPDM versions (high temp)
at the same tension, graphs are definitely different. (based on my scale method of checking tensions)
Instead of JB weld, i would suggest simple silicone, or even 'gasket maker'. I will try this myself. I did end up removing my 4028 for a CPAP but also did the BRS Enginerring M2 and my graphs improved significantly. But cant say which helped the most