LGX Issues
Just to let you guys know.... The LGX needs to be at .55 amps, not .85, and the full steps per rotation distance for the LGX is 200, not 400.
1 Reply
I have it working on 2 different machines without any issue…
But I will take a look
there is something wierd on your config...
just checked
[tmc2209 extruder]
stealthchop_threshold: 0
interpolate: False
uart_pin: toolboard_t0:PA15
run_current: 0.707
driver_TBL: 0
driver_TOFF: 4
driver_HEND: 6
driver_HSTRT: 7
sense_resistor: 0.11
step_pin: toolboard_t0:PD0
dir_pin: toolboard_t0:PD1
enable_pin: !toolboard_t0:PD2
microsteps: 64
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
rotation_distance: 8
the run_current: 0.707 is set for performance. the
run the stepper motor with currents between ~0.45 and ~0.65A.is something reccomended by Bondtech for normal machines and to be on the safe side. that said, current is set to 0.707 and full steps are 200. not 0.85 and 400 like you said.