Runout sensor
I am getting an error message regarding the filament runout switch - "The value 'my_sensor' is not valid for SENSOR".
The printer is a V-Core 3, BTT Octopus Pro (F429), basic runout switch set up on one of the end stop switch ports (J28), latest version of RatOS.
The printer.cfg setting work on another almost identical printer. I have tried changing the runout switches, I reinstalling RatOS from scratch. I cannot work out why I keep getting this error.
The printer.cfg entry iro the runout switch is:
[filament_switch_sensor RunoutSensor]
pause_on_runout: True
#runout_gcode: M600
switch_pin: PG12 #this relates to J28 on the BTT Octopus Pro
I have tried changing "RunoutSensor" to "my_sensor" and I tried including "runout_gcode: M600" instead of it being commented out but it doesn't help.
No doubt I am missing something so any help would be very much appreciated.
3 Replies
please upload your entire printer.cfg
apparent-cyanOP•2y ago
Hi, printer.cfg uploaded. It's a basic .cfg, I had suspected the problem was maybe a corrupted install so I performed a fresh RatOS install on the RaspberryPi.
apparent-cyanOP•2y ago
I was trying different end stop ports which is why the .cfg show PG15 and not PG12.
For information whilst the sensor shows up on the main web interface and appears to show if filament is present correct it show the error message when I try to print. With my limited knowledge of the underlying software / firmware / hardware problem I have come to the conclusion that the issue likely relates to a combination of using the F429 version of the mainboard with (I suspect) a firmware / software update that has changed something. The result being that the sensor no longer operates correctly in RatOS. I have not seen others report this problem so I have ordered a replacement mainboard (H723 variant) which I believe is fully supported (unlike the F429). I hope this will fix the problem, plus it should auto update the mainboard firmware as per the F446 version.