I have an question because my part is getting smaller its also going faster and i have this effect how can i fix that?

4 Replies
Could you describe your problem a bit more detailed?
I printed alot of there parts but the top has a shiny finish because the top part was printed faster i gues because the top part becomes smaller vs the bottom. And i was wondering how to avoid that
Yes, basically some filaments will have a different surface finish based on the temperature they were extruded at. Because your part gets smaller at the top your print speed and therefore flowrate will probably be lower due to acceleration/jerk limits and the minimum layer time setting in your slicer. This lower flow rate means that your filament is spending more time in the melt zone of your hotend, so it is effectively being extruded at a higher temperature than on the lower part. Some things you could try are:
- Reduce your minimum layer time in your slicer, note that this will require more cooling so there is only so far you can push this
- Try printing multiple of these parts at once, that way you get around minimum layer time slowing down your print, while also giving everything enough time to cool down between layers
- Reduce your nozzle temperature before you get to the section, where the appearance changes. For prusa/bambu/orca-slicer this should work: https://forum.bambulab.com/t/can-you-change-the-temperature-after-a-certain-layer/2563/6, for cura there are plugins that allow you to change settings at a certain z height.
Ok thanks !