toolboard device conflict
I'm trying to configure my printer for a pico-mmu, where I have an EBB42 on the toolhead (vc3.1) and another for the mmu. They're both coming up as t0.
I tried following the instructions at
but my situation was different, in that both of my toolboards had already been flashed as t0 at some point (the one now on the MMU was originally on the toolhead as I was assembling it, but the USB broke off and has since been repaired).
I've tried USB flashing just the 2nd one (they both appear as t0 in the configurator),
I've tried USB flashing both the first and second board,
and I've tried DFU flashing the 2nd board.
I've also tried overriding the t0 mcu entry in RatOS to use something other than the /dev/RatOS entry.
I haven't been able to do anything to make the symlinks in /dev come up one for each (excepting by-path, which I tried to use to override as mentioned above, but unsuccessfully)
Pico MMU RatOS
Fast, Precise, Cartesian, FDM 3D Printer. Contribute to lhndo/LH-Stinger development by creating an account on GitHub.
17 Replies
Is there a guide somewhere on how to fix this? I haven't found one
As I wrote... Both are shown as T_0, but the second one has another serial. This is what you need.
Follow the steps I provided there.
It doesn't have a different name in /dev/by-id though, that's the problem I'm having
No, the toolhead has not been flashed.
You only see Beacon, Octopus and one single EBB42...
You wrote that you repaired the USB connector on the Pico EBB42... Are you sure that this EBB is working?
The one not in the printhead needs to he flashed as a usual klipper device (not with RatOs).
That easy 😉
Well, I already flashed 3 different EBB42 with RatOS in the configurator, just switching to IDEX and not storing anything. Works perfect on my side.
It will recognize the secondary EBB as T1, not as a duplicate T0 😉
Exactly... but the TE is even not able to flash that device, It´s the plan to get it as T1.
I expect that the repair of the USB did not go well.
The point of the OP is to use a secondary EBB with the MMU. If you set a CoreXY or Hybrid machine, it will always flash the EBB as T0 that is what the system expects it to do. If you need another EBB working with RatOS other than in a toolhead, it either needs to be flashed as a klipper device (outside RatOS) or flash it as you did, T1, and not finish the configurator. This way it will be recognized as a secondary EBB, not a duplicate of the toolhead one
That´s completely right.
What I wrote is, that the configurator page shows T0 even on the page for the T1. 😉
just a typo error, nothing special
Yes, I know
@miklschmidt take notes 😉
I already posted it here:
Beside that... Back to the main issue:
@za_naimis I would check that repaired EBB42. If it is not recognized at all and you are not able to flash that device, I expect a broken toolboard. The way to flash with RatOS is correct as written in
Pico MMU RatOS
Fast, Precise, Cartesian, FDM 3D Printer. Contribute to lhndo/LH-Stinger development by creating an account on GitHub.
i know, super old bug
only happens when you merge a config into IDEX.
devices with the toolhead EBB42 connected and not the mmu EBB42:
devices with the pico EBB42 connected and not the mmu EBB42:
I followed the manual process rather than using the configurator, and changed the USB serial number (not mentioned in the instructions, but it seemed the likely culprit) and now things appear as expected