Belt Tension?
what do you think, is it a belt Tension Problem?

8 Replies

Definitely looks like belt tension... But your graphs seem to look ok in that respect... Look for any intereference in the belt path and/or pulleys that aren't spinning freely...
comparing to mine, your belts are way too tight. My X is like 2.7 while yours is showing 7! Similarly mine on Y is 3.4 and yours is 5.
Maybe the Tension is the Case that my acceleration is high... But Print dont seem so smooth. I will try to get a Bit lower.
I will Check it, but I am sure that they move free.
Corexy isn't like a bed slinger, you doing need the belts super tight. Basically just tight enough to not slap the frame and then a little tighter to get them even in tension using the adxl
I just tension them a bit and than I was going higher with the Tension. Than I checked it with the adxl and took more Tension on it, till I thought it is good. But dont seems so.
is there something recommended for "power spectral denisty"?
Not that I know of