4028 Tripping 12V Rail

Hi there, suddenly, my 12V Sanyo 4028 began tripping my boards 12V rail. It spins up for a second, then the 12V goes out. Power cycling the board resets the 12V rail. Any troubleshooting suggestions? Thanks.
4 Replies
TheTik8mo ago
Could be the fan, could be the board. Are you able to power it with a standalone 12V bench power supply with a amp measurement?
AtamaOP8mo ago
I just checked the board and it is ouputting at 15V on the 12V rail. Do you think this would describe the failure mode? Thank you for your help
TheTik8mo ago
That doesn't sound good, it should be a solid 12V Whether the fan broke the power supply or the power supply just broke on it's own, the power isn't right either way
AtamaOP8mo ago
Yeah, I'm going to bench it tonight. Sadness all around.

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