See the 'max_extrude_cross_section' config option for details
Anybody know where this setting is? I couldn't find it in the extruder section. New Orbiter 2.0 and its not extruding so trying to calibrate with Orca.
26 Replies
it is in the
The default is: 4.0 * nozzle_diameter^2
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 Where would I change that? printer.cfg?
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 max_extrude_cross_section: 100 so it wouldn't error?
what error are you getting? 4* nozzle diameter^2 is a reasonable default
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 I had the wrong extruder selected. My 2.0 is the second one listed with a different motor
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 But thast wasn't the problem. Still getting error. Move exceeds maximum extrusion (6.319mm^2 vs 1.440mm^2)
1:40 PM
Move exceeds maximum extrusion (6.319mm^2 vs 1.440mm^2)
See the 'max_extrude_cross_section' config option for details
what size nozzle are you using?
.6 on Rapido UHF
and did you set your printer.cfg nozzle size?
and what is it set to in the slicer? You are trying to extrude a lot of material, I doubt that is going to work
Sorry but I don't know where to find that in Orca.
I've made no changes to the stock settings in Orca.
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 Now I'm trying Prusa Slicer with a calibration file.
Did you make sure your slicer and your printer.cfg are both configured for relative extrusion (or both configured for absolute extrusion)?
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 I copied this from a previous printer.cfg when I had the printer working well. All I've been trying to do, now going on two weeks in changing extruder to Orbiter 2.0 and hotend to UHF. [gcode_macro RatOS]
description: RatOS variable storage macro, will echo variables to the console when run.
Configuration Defaults
This is only here to make the config backwards compatible.
Configuration should exclusively happen in printer.cfg.
variable_relative_extrusion: False
variable_force_absolute_position: False
variable_preheat_extruder: True
variable_preheat_extruder_temp: 150
variable_calibrate_bed_mesh: True
variable_nozzle_priming: "primeblob"
variable_nozzle_prime_start_x: "max" # min, max or number
variable_nozzle_prime_start_y: "min" # min, max or number
variable_nozzle_prime_direction: "auto" # auto, forwards, backwards
variable_filament_unload_length: 130
variable_filament_unload_speed: 5
variable_filament_load_length: 100
variable_filament_load_speed: 10
variable_start_print_park_in: "back"
variable_start_print_park_z_height: 50
variable_start_print_heat_chamber_bed_temp: 115
variable_end_print_park_in: "back"
variable_pause_print_park_in: "back"
variable_macro_travel_speed: 150
variable_macro_z_speed: 15
variable_end_print_park_z_hop: 20
Possible values: 'sensorless' or 'endstops'.
variable_homing: "endstops"
variable_sensorless_x_current: 0.6
variable_sensorless_y_current: 0.9
Possible values: 'static' or 'stowable'
variable_z_probe: "static"
Possible Values: 'middle' or an absolute x coordinate
variable_safe_home_x: "middle"
Possible Values: 'middle' or an absolute y coordinate
variable_safe_home_y: "middle"
variable_stowable_probe_stop_on_error: False
variable_driver_type_x: "tmc2209"
variable_driver_type_y: "tmc2209"
variable_adaptive_mesh: True
variable_probe_for_priming_result: None
I copied this from a previous printer.cfg when I had the printer working wellwas this from upgrading from 1.x to 2.x?
Upgrading what from 1.x to 2.x?
Extruder, hotend, RatOS?
I've always runs 2.x
what is
set to in your printer.cfg?False
and what is it set to in your slicer?

If that says "use relative e distances" it is checked
and you have a disconnect. It needs to be checked and
needs to be TRUE or it needs to be unchecked and variable_relative_extrusion
needs to be FALSEWhich is better?
it is recommended to set
to TRUEI reinstalled RatOS yesterday when I couldn't get anything to work. Now its sortof working but the prints look horrible.
Hopefully, that fix will get me going. I liked soem of the other features like Exclude Object and Adaptive Mesh. Guess I need to go back to first grade and work up from there.