Superpinda offsets not applied when homing Z
Can anyone confirm that the offsets are not applied when homing Z? Z-Homing done is with nozzle centered not with probe centered.
Seems like a bug
12 Replies
No and no.
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
are you sure?
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
I would expect that the probe is in the center of the bed when Z-homing, right?
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
why not?
Nozzle is in the center
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
Why does it matter to you?
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
On my ender running standard klipper not ratos, probe is centered when Z-Homing?
No it's not. That's not a default. You'd have to manually specify off-center coordinates for safe_z_home.
There's nothing in klipper that subtracts probe offsets from the gcode coordinates automatically.
You always specify nozzle coordinates unless it's explicitly mentioned otherwise.
extended-salmonOP•2y ago
sensor_pin: ^PC14
control_pin: PC13
x_offset: -47.0
y_offset: -0.0
probe_with_touch_mode: true
stow_on_each_sample: false
home_xy_position: 156.8,110
speed: 100
z_hop: 10
z_hop_speed: 5
You are right
thats my ender configuration...