Rat rig V-Core 3 Unable to connect to IP Address

I've moved my Rat rig from sitting on a table where it had been uneven onto the floor, in that process I didn't unplug any wires and now I am unable to connect to my IP Address Program. I've looked through the Fix-my-printer but am unable to find anything relating. I just Interchanged the ethernet wire from my Desktop to my printer and it should work but doesn't. Do you think I damaged a part of my printer or could it be a software issue? Thank you.
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19 Replies
quickest-silver2y ago
You did try powering off the Pi and back on, right?
eager-peachOP2y ago
Are you using an IP address or RatOS.local?
eager-peachOP2y ago
IP Address
fair-rose2y ago
Have you tried putting it back on the table? Hopefully this isn’t one of those “my computer sometimes shuts off when I close the door” type situations. Other things I’d try in order: 1. Visually inspect the Pi and make sure you see activity lights. 2. Examine router logs/interface to verify the IP is correct and in use. 3. Power off the Pi and connect the HDMI output to a display/TV, power the Pi back on. If you’re lucky it’ll display the IP it receives. If not, plug in USB keyboard and mouse. Good luck! Let us know what you learn.
eager-peachOP2y ago
I've put it back on the table and it didn't work, I do see activity lights, I cannot access the router logs or the interface. All I have is the IP address I was using before. And the biggest kicker is that I didn't assemble this printer in the first place and the Pi was never put on. I'm guessing it's able to run without the Pi board since I've made several prints without it? It does have a 16gb SD card in the SD card slot so I could be mistake if the Main board is being used as a Pi
fair-rose2y ago
How are you able to print without the web interface? If there’s a display, does it let you verify the IP? Is it running RatOS/Klipper? That requires a separate computer (eg Pi) attached to the main board. Add a pic of the electronics compartment, that’ll help sort out how this printer is configured. (Still try the HDMI cable.)
eager-peachOP2y ago
It just seems to connect to the IP address Web interface when it was working, There is no display on the printer, and no slot to connect an HDMI. I'm unable to use RatOS/Klipper as I need administrator credentials that I don't have. The only thing I can think of trying is to take out the SD that was in the main board and hook it to an SD reader. But since I never set this printer up I'd have no idea what programs to go through. I'll attach a photo here shortly
That looks like a duet board, so you are running RRF not Rat-OS
fair-rose2y ago
Aha, yes, so there’s no Pi here at all. That’s a duet board with an Ethernet port. There’s no Klipper (probably), no RatOS, and no Pi.
eager-peachOP2y ago
Well the more I learn about this thing.
fair-rose2y ago
Without a display or access to your router logs it’ll be impossible to verify the IP. It’s entirely possible there’s no malfunction but the IP changed. How did you get the IP initially?
eager-peachOP2y ago
I believe I can get access to the Router logs by Monday. I never built the machine but I know who did, I just can't get in contact with him right now. When I get in touch with him I'll ask how he got the IP address. He just told me that I'd have to hook straight to the board with a usb and use "pronterface"
fair-rose2y ago
Ah. That’s inconvenient. Here’s instructions on how to use it (your USB port is the micro USB port next the the Ethernet port on the duet board): https://help.prusa3d.com/article/pronterface-and-usb-cable_2222
Pronterface and USB cable | Prusa Knowledge Base
IMPORTANT: The Pronterface software is a long-abandoned project…
fair-rose2y ago
If you’re going to use this printer a lot or want to use it not connected to a computer it’ll be worth figuring out the IP (router logs).
eager-peachOP2y ago
Thank you guys, Truly helpful. I'll be ordering a cable long enough to reach and attempting to get access to the router logs.
fair-rose2y ago
You’re welcome. 😊 Good luck and have fun with your new printer.

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