I’m trying to change the number of samples taken when running the PROBE_ACCURACY macro. I’ve tried changing "samples" this under the [probe] settings but that has no effect. Per Klipper documentation (below) it seems like I should be able to change this parameter from the default of 10.
PROBE_ACCURACY [PROBE_SPEED=<mm/s>] [SAMPLES=<count>] [SAMPLE_RETRACT_DIST=<mm>]: Calculate the maximum, minimum, average, median, and standard deviation of multiple probe samples. By default, 10 SAMPLES are taken. Otherwise the optional parameters default to their equivalent setting in the probe config section.
5 Replies
Have you tried running
to do 20 samples instead?wee-brownOP•3y ago
I had not but will do that right now
That did not work...still defaults to 10
I commented out the RATOS V2 PROBE_ACCURACY macro, manually deployed the prove and ran PROBE_ACCURACY SAMPLES=20 and it worked. So I've modified the code to read PROBE_ACCURACY_ORIG SAMPLES=20 and it too worked. Thank you for leading me to the solution.
@miklschmidt maybe a bug in the macro?
wee-brownOP•3y ago
No bug, just part of how RATOS renames the default Klipper PROBE_ACCURACY to PROBE_ACCURACY_ORIG.
Yeah it doesn't forward parameters. Missing feature.