i'm trying to install RatOS v2.1.0.rc2 on Pi 4 B

V-Core 3 500mm, Pi 4 B + Octopus pro F446 Because my old pi 4 had broken down i'm trying to install RatOS v2.1.0.rc2 on a new Pi 4 B i can connect to the Ratos on Wifi network with raspberry passw i also see the ip adress in windows When I log in with ratos.local for the first time and setup the wifi account and connect it is indicated that it will reboot and connect again via Wifi from home network. It bootup and keep restarting see video. Is there anyone who can help me with this. I've been looking for a solution for about 3 weeks.
I have found it. It was the SD card. New U1 A1 solved it. Thanks for all your support in this.:chefkiss:
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49 Replies
ctbjdm_041357mo ago
Not an expert (haven't seen this before) but Checking progress 1 disk I think is related to fsck / Linux's disk checker. I would try re-burning the image using a different tool. Some have said the Raspberry Pi tool works fine, others Balena Etcher but an older version, and I think there was one other tool recommended (not coming to me at the moment). Or try a different SD card.
Tracy77347mo ago
I would also try connecting via Ethernet.
ctbjdm_041357mo ago
yeah good call - keep it simple
koekie407mo ago
I can't connect via Ethernet printer is in the attic and the router is downstairs.
koekie407mo ago
I have already tried 4 different SD cards.
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how are you trying to connect when using ethernet?
ctbjdm_041357mo ago
Just use a crossover (old school prob not necessary) or ethernet to a laptop
koekie407mo ago
i use Wifi connection. i try to install ratos v2.0.2 it works. only i have a lot of errors.
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It is displaying that because it hasn't been able to update it yet. Hit the green refresh icon
miklschmidt7mo ago
This is the relevant line, but i can't read it...
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miklschmidt7mo ago
Udev also seems to be complaining. This almost seems like a usb controller problem. What do you have connected to that pi4?
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miklschmidt7mo ago
I'm not sure what's going on here.. But somehow your installation triggers a systemd event that causes the system to reboot. This isn't normal.
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miklschmidt7mo ago
It shouldn't be mounting any FUSE filesystem either.. @koekie40 humor me and disconnect the USB connector from your screen. I've heard others claim that they loose wifi when they connect a screen - could be related here.
miklschmidt7mo ago
This is definitely a problem.
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miklschmidt7mo ago
I would disconnect everything, and see if it comes up. Then power off, plug in one additional device, turn back on. Keep doing this until it starts the bootloop again.
koekie407mo ago
I have disconnected everything from the PI 4 only my otcopus pro not. issue still the same.
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koekie407mo ago
I have try to install RatOS V2.1.0.rc1 is also the same issue.
miklschmidt7mo ago
I'm not aware of anything that changed in the OS from 2.0 to 2.1 that could cause this. You're the first to report anything like this So it must be something specific to your setup disconnect that too. Try booting the pi with nothing connected to it on USB - all ports empty.
koekie407mo ago
I've now disconnected everything, still the same issue. What I don't understand is if I install RatOS v2.0.2 it goes fine no problem at all. and I'm not an expert in Linux to see what it could possibly be the problem,
miklschmidt7mo ago
I can't tell from what you've provided either, i'm not sure what's happening. @koekie40 can you show me a picture of your pi? Also how did you flash 2.1.0-RC2 to your sd card?
koekie407mo ago
Hello Miklschmidt, i have try it with balenaEtcher V1.19.22 and also with Raspberry pi Imager V1.8.5
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cgrr7mo ago
Try Balena 1.18.4, there were issues with later versions.
koekie407mo ago
ok i will try it is still the same issue.
miklschmidt7mo ago
I wish i could help, but the only way forward from here would require you to get the system logs off of the pi which is quite difficult with a bootloop. I have never seen anything like this. Well i have seen something sort of similar where the pi got confused and tried to boot off of connected usb devices that weren't bootable, but unplugging USB devices worked around it. There was an issue with a batch during the chip shortage. This one just doesn't make any sense to me, and it's super odd you're the only person who's experiencing it.
koekie407mo ago
What I don't understand is if I install RatOS v2.0.2 it goes fine no problem at all. What has changed about the setup after Ratos V2.0.2 to Ratos V2.1.0 after the wifi is found en connected.
miklschmidt7mo ago
Nothing i'm aware of I haven't made any changes. And if this was an OS-wide thing, everyone would be seeing boot loops, but they're not. But obviously something is different since it triggers whatever is uniquely present in your setup or flashing process that causes a boot loop. If it's a change in the image, it would come from MainsailOS or Rasperry Pi OS itself. Have you tried installing a recent MainsailOS image and connecting to wifi on that? Could also come from a change in custompios I have no idea, and i don't know what i'd be looking for as i don't know what makes your setup unique (ie. what makes it behave differently from everyone else) @koekie40 i have one hunch. Is your network set up to force ipv6?
koekie40OP7mo ago
Mikl, what do you mean with is your network set up to force ipv6?
koekie407mo ago
this from moonraker log after i setp the wifi
koekie407mo ago
try to install RatOS V2.1.0.rc2 this is the frist error
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WOPR737mo ago
have you flashed all of your hardware with the most current firmware. I think you might be having an issue with klippy firmware version? how much power are you using to power the pi and the screen? What is the current usb-c layout that your using to plug things in with? Are you using the pins to power the pi from the main board? which main board too.
koekie40OP7mo ago
Power the pi and the screen = 5.5 v, usb is empty only my board octopus pro v1.0 is on it,
miklschmidt7mo ago
We’re getting off track here. You’re having wifi and bootloop issues. Moonraker has nothing to do with that. You can download the debug zip which will include the kernel log. But it’s unlikely to contain anything useful before you have booted with the new wifi settings.
koekie407mo ago
Do I need to remove ipv6 in the router
miklschmidt7mo ago
worth a shot
koekie407mo ago
is it possible to do this in ip 4 ?
koekie407mo ago
can this be the problem. if yes how to resolve this
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Raven 3D Tech
Raven 3D Tech7mo ago
Sorry bump in. where can I get that image of RC2? Have look but no luck
miklschmidt7mo ago
Go to releases on the RatOS github https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS/releases
Releases · Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Rat-OS/RatOS
miklschmidt7mo ago
No this is a symptom
Raven 3D Tech
Raven 3D Tech7mo ago
Ouch..... I just got bitten. Thanks m8.
BAIG4LIFE7mo ago
Hey. I’m trying to setup WiFi I’m able to login to ratos hotspot but when I open the link nothing happens. What do I do? Trying the prerelease rc2
please start your own post
koekie407mo ago
Mikl, if i only install raspberry os 32 it works, if i install raspberry 32 with mainsail than i have the same issue. if i install Ratos V2.0.2 it works also.
miklschmidt7mo ago
if i only install raspberry os 32 it works,
Which version? I'm assuming bookworm (not the same).
if i install raspberry 32 with mainsail than i have the same issue.
You mean MainsailOS? Confirms it's not a RatOS specific issue. That makes it harder though, because that means it's not something i've done (haystack gets larger). Could be anything in MainsailOS or Raspberry Pi OS bullseye. And we still only have one example of this happening (your pi4b).
koekie407mo ago
Have bought a new PI4 B but still have the same problem
miklschmidt7mo ago
I'm sorry, i just don't know. Maybe something related to your router setup. If you ask it to connect to a hotspot hosted on your phone, does it stop rebooting? @koekie40 if you have the same problem with mainsailOS, it's likely there are someone on the mainsail discord server that can help you, they know much more about nitty gritty OS level quirks than i do. Worth a shot at least. I'm sorry i can't be of more use!
koekie407mo ago
I have found it. It was the SD card. New U1 A1 solved it. Thanks for all your support in this.:chefkiss:
miklschmidt7mo ago
I thought you already tried 4 different cards so that was out of the question. Damn.
miklschmidt7mo ago
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