Would an SSD (vs the SD card) speed up full updates on RPi 4B?

Would the full 8GB of optional RAM speed it up?
33 Replies
mystefix.β€’7mo ago
I'm using since quite a while a usb stick ( usb 3.x) with the pi (3B) and it is working quite well and also faster than a SD card.
chickenβ€’7mo ago
you will see no difference with more ram or a faster drive vs maybe a few seconds when its booting up or when you are apply patches. A Pi4 1gb with a quality SD card is more than enough power for RatOS. If you feel more comfortable buy 2 or 4gb one but they will not make any difference at this point in time.
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’7mo ago
I'm using a Pi 4B 2GB and unless it's crashing, it's running effortlessly. Some updates take over an hour though, so I thought of the SSD. I'll just stay on the SD unless it gets corrupted. Thanks
chickenβ€’7mo ago
Are you sure you have good WiFi access? Updates never take more than 5-10 mins max for me
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
I'm over wired ethernet only. Some updates took only 15 minutes, but one took 71 minutes. I get the feeling they're compiling code on the Pi, not just downloading/installing.
chickenβ€’6mo ago
I have never had mine take 71 mins and mine is on some really bad wifi in the corner of my garage to the point it takes 30 seconds to upload a 15mb print to the printer. I would suspect it maybe was your internet being slow or your internet provider not having great connectivity to the source of the downloads. Did you disable your wireless connection, assuming you used it for initial provisioning.
miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
this is highly suspicious, and is most likely related to your issues here: https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/1272979483116441630 Sounds a lot like a bad SD card. Which SD card are you using (make and model)?
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
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miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
did you get this from a reputable source? because that one is missing the right markings U1, HC1 is terrible
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
From the most reputable source in the universe............. it's a long river in south america.
miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
Ah i misremembered, it's the circled numbers that are terrible πŸ˜‚ U1 = 10 MB/s, = V10, guaranteed 10 mb/s write speed. Not great, but should work.
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
I'll happily get another one if it's worth a shot. I'm starting to think about a SSD drive again.
miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
Sandisk extreme pro is usually a good card SSD doesn't make much sense, they're only available in USB 2.0 interfaces, so it's rather slow.
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
That's specifically if you want to use M.2 If you get an external SSD through USB 3.0, it's pretty fast.
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
I can get this
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millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
Or spend about double and get an SSD.
miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
that's an excellent card, the title is lying though, It's 30 mb/s guaranteed writespeed. three times as fast as your current one. But even the one you have now should not take 71 minutes to run updates πŸ˜„
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
I'll order it, but the lazy bastards can't deliver it to my doorstep until later today!
miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
that's not even a thing over here πŸ˜‚
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
It's downright embarrassing actually, but you notice I won't refuse it. I do select delayed deliver on other stuff I'm not in a hurry for.
miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
Why is it embarrassing? I wish i could get shit delivered to my doorstep in a couple hours lol πŸ˜‚
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
I thought it was 71 minutes but it was 68. I failed to take a capture of which updates were going to be done, but they were likely released just before 8/16/2024 when this capture was taken.
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millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
@miklschmidt I got the new card and I'm imaging it. Once done, can I manually transfer key files from my existing SD card to the new one to prevent having to do the configuration and calibration over again? If so, can you tell me the files I need to transfer?
miklschmidtβ€’6mo ago
Still need to do the configuration (it's a few clicks, shouldn't take long, you don't need to flash the boards, just select them and skip along to the hardware configuration by using the step navigation to the right). Backup and replace the klipper section in printer.cfg on your old card as well as the variables file, and your old calibration settings are copied.
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
You're right, the config part should be easy. Thanks. @miklschmidt How can I tell if the Beacon cal values are still good? Nevermind. I just put my crushing fears aside that I'd grind the nozzle into the print bed, and did a print.
millenford - VC4 300h
millenford - VC4 300hOPβ€’6mo ago
@miklschmidt I posted this in the other thread (Getting occasional "mcu shutdowns...") too because we had the same discussion going both places. I don't have a lot of print hours on this new card, but it's been fine so far with no shutdowns. The one I'm using is actually a 64GB size.
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pteglerβ€’6mo ago
ditto on the USB 3.0 SSD. my card still has RO 2.0 and a ton of print files, just 3/4'ers the way out of the socket. no fear can kill power without corruption (
Godzilla_Bill_K4IBCβ€’6mo ago
This is the USB 3.0 SSD I got from a recommendation from another user from here. Haven't had a chance to test them yet. I don't doubt they will work. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832734017445.html
pteglerβ€’6mo ago
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XLAZODE/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1 is what's hanging on the back of mine with a spare 500g SSD I had sinc RO1.2. Come to think of it I need to swap that! my RO2.1x install is on an SD card while I was first installing! I need to swap media!
StarTech.com USB 3.1 to 2.5" SATA Hard Drive Adapter - USB 3.1 Gen ...
Here’s a fast, easy way to access data on a 2.5" solid-state or hard drive. This black cable-style adapter (with male to male connectivity) lets you connect your laptop or desktop computer directly to a solid-state drive and access it through ultra-fast USB 3.1 Gen. 2 (up to 10 Gbps). This adapte...
Godzilla_Bill_K4IBCβ€’6mo ago
Was RPi able to see it easily.
pteglerβ€’6mo ago
saw it without issue.
dyocisβ€’6mo ago
I'm using that Startech adapter and a Samsung 500G SSD on all my printers, including the VC4. I've never had any problems with it. I wouldn't say it speeds up the Pi really, but I haven't used an SD card in a couple of years.

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