Beacon revH - bed mesh hangs klipper/mainsail

Just added a Beacon revH to my RR400. Updated the printer.cfg, removed the references to the previous probe (klicky). The probe itself seems to work fine for Z homing and Z tilt calibration. However, when I try to do a bed mesh, the printer becomes unresponsive at the end of the scan. I've tried various configurations for the bed mesh. I've seen others use as high as a 50x50 mesh with the beacon probe. I've tried lowering the probe_count all the way to 7x7.
speed: 200
horizontal_move_z: 15
# 10 off each max range, plus the y-offset
mesh_min: 10, 37
mesh_pps: 390, 390
#algorithm: bicubic
#mesh_max: 380, 380
#probe_count: 50, 50
#probe_count: 15, 15
probe_count: 7, 7
speed: 200
horizontal_move_z: 15
# 10 off each max range, plus the y-offset
mesh_min: 10, 37
mesh_pps: 390, 390
#algorithm: bicubic
#mesh_max: 380, 380
#probe_count: 50, 50
#probe_count: 15, 15
probe_count: 7, 7
Attached is a klippy.log that should show the startup, homing, z tilt, and attempted bed mess (default-testing). The system appears hung once the following appears in the klippy.log:
Sampled 27705 total points over 2 runs
Samples binned in 49 clusters
Sampled 27705 total points over 2 runs
Samples binned in 49 clusters
With the lower number of samples it does eventually continue, memory usage approaches 1G. Then Mainsail goes into a retry loop, and Mobileraker goes into an endless notification loop about the printer now being in Standby. The host system is an RPi4 2G.
6 Replies
TheTik11mo ago
your mesh_pps is insanely high I'd remove it entirely, the beacon will get you enough points Out of curiosity, what did you think mesh_pps was for?
JaminCollinsOP11mo ago
that's a typo... I'd intended to set mesh_max.... 🤦‍♂️ And couldn't see my own mistake, thank you! that totally fixed it, I'm now able to do a 50x50 and see just how skew'd my bed corner is. Thank you again!
TheTik11mo ago
Synapsis11mo ago
What control board are you using? I hread that the beacon with some boards can be damaged.
JaminCollinsOP11mo ago
Beacon runs back to my RPi
Writing this for posterity: Had the same error, just had to do a bed tilt adjustment before probing

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