RatOs 2.0 installed - lost PI touchscreen

Just updated to the latest release. Everything seems to be perfect except for my PI 7" touchscreen is no longer accepting touches.... It is displaying correctly, and everything else seems to be working perfect. Love the klicky probe! (which is why I was on alpha). Any help on getting the touchscreen working would be appreciated.
31 Replies
like-goldβ€’2y ago
So I found this issue reported with bullseye: https://klipperscreen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Troubleshooting/
Troubleshooting - KlipperScreen
KlipperScreen documentation.
like-goldβ€’2y ago
doing that (changing config.txt for dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d) gets me SOME random OFF inputs... I tried every matrix transformation to get it right, but I cannot get the touch inputs to line up with the screen.
like-goldβ€’2y ago
Took a FEW HOURS to figure it out. But the RatOs 2.0 release doesn't support offical PI 7" touchscreen because of bullseye issue. The following needs to be put in your config.txt file!
No description
like-goldβ€’2y ago
Notice the trial lines hashed out. You only need the one added, and since I have a PI 3b+ I put it there.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
ugh, i wish this wasn't so horrible. There's just no way to make this userfriendly. Touch screen support sucks big time in bullseye. Feels half baked.
like-goldβ€’2y ago
@miklschmidt maybe have this reported as an issue on github with a work around then. I would think a lot of people use a touchscreen with their ratrig. Is the problem isolated to 7" PI screen? If not, then each workaround needs to be documented. With that single line added, the latest RatOs 2.0 runs like a dream in every way I can measure so far.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
Literally impossible. I can't list how to configure each and every combination of pi model and whatever random screen is out there. I have made sure that RatOS works with the most used one (BTT Pi TFT), and that's the best i can do. For unsupported hardware, google. First principle of RatOS is no cli interaction, i will not tell people to ssh into their pi's if i can avoid it. The klipperscreen docs and google will have to do for this. This is a Raspberry Pi OS thing, not a RatOS thing. That said, if one has a screen that doesn't work out of the box and one knows what to do to make it work, make a post in #ratos-plugins-and-macros for it.
tmickeβ€’2y ago
I have a BTT Pi TFT and my touch didn't work, I found the troubleshooting mentioned above (https://klipperscreen.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Troubleshooting/#touch-not-working-on-debian-bullseye) and changed to G2 GL driver but then my boot-up halted and prompted me to login. I made some brave tries to make some changes in the pi so that it would automatically login but then I was left in the "text prompt", I tried to change the settings to auto-login in GUI but that setting was rejected.. This was to advanced for me, which is a shame because I was looking forward to trying RatOS 2.0 Kudos anyway cus you have obviously put a lot of work into this!
Troubleshooting - KlipperScreen
KlipperScreen documentation.
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
What pi model and what image architecture (32 or 64bit)? I (and others) have tested the btt pi tft on both pi3 and pi4's and it works out of the box, so either your setup is unique or .. i don't know πŸ™‚
tmickeβ€’2y ago
I have a Pi3B and installed the 32bit. I got unsure whether to take 32 or 64bit so I went for the 32bit.. Which one is to prefer on my Pi3B, 32 or 64bit? I will gladly reinstall and try again Actually it’s a Pi 3 B+, if it makes any difference..
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
You can use 64-bit on the B+ I've only tested on B, maybe there's a difference there. I hate how every model require different settings.
tmickeβ€’2y ago
That I can understand! So would you recommend me trying 64bit then?
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
If it's not too much of an issue, would be interesting to know if it works out of the box on 64-bit
tmickeβ€’2y ago
No problem at all! And after all, it's not working at all at the moment πŸ˜‰ I will get back when I'm done Ok..
miklschmidtβ€’2y ago
No that's not necessary πŸ™‚
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