Upgrade while keeping history link?
I am on an old version of RatOS from end of last year. I want to upgrade now. I remember seeing somewhere I will need to reflash my PI which is fine, but I also want to keep my history (print time and file history etc). I though I saw a thread somewhere about how to keep all that data (I have already backed up my entire SD card). Can someone please link me to it, as I cannot seem to find it
4 Replies
xenial-blackOP•2y ago
Thanks for that, that's exactly what I was looking for. I have done a complete image of my SD card, so I should be pretty safe now to mess around without worrying about losing anything
extended-salmon•2y ago
Search for moonraker db dump/restore.
extended-salmon•2y ago
Angel R. Rojas, Jr.
Angel's Personal Blog
Moving Moonraker to/from a Pi - Angel's Personal Blog
If you like to tinker, like I do, you may find yourself doing crazy things like loading Klipper on your Linux laptop and running out of time to move it to Raspberry Pi so you end up printing for over 150 hours on it. After getting tired of having to have the laptop hooked up… Read More »