Orbiter 2.0 extruding exactly 4x too much

I had my printer doing well. Everything was working well. Then I decided to make a change where it would've been easier to just start from a fresh copy of RatOS.
I saved all my configs for reference and started from scratch. After a successful reinstall and setup, I'm extruding 4x too much filament. I say G1 E1 and 4mm of filament get extruded. My printer.cfg is attached. I've inspected the included files and nothing seems to change anything that would explain this. I've been digging through all the config files looking for anything but at am a loss. Any thoughts?
4 Replies
ptegler2y ago
look at (search here) for calculating your 'rotation distance'
like-goldOP2y ago
As an Orbiter, the 4.63 rotation distance is what I was using before hand and is what I see in the orbiter included file.
xenogeneic-maroon2y ago
Relative extrusion turned off? 🤷‍♂️
like-goldOP2y ago
Yes. Oddly, the problem seemed to go away when I copied the extruder section to my printer.cfg. But then as I removed each setting under it, it stayed fixed. /shrug For the record, this is solved.

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