cable and motor buzz from 80-120mms from the archives (Julyy '22?) pic there
... my cable as supplied by RR (purchased early summer this year) are the dead opposite of that pic!
not that it makes a hill of beans difference as both are reversed. Just found it interesting that RR changed things up over the distro of their product line.
Yes... I have the 'bad buzz' at 80-120 mm/sec (just finished testing)
Motor coil windings (LDO doc in that thread linked above) are A-C BLK/GRN B-D RED/BLU
The Octopus sockets (same orientation) are B1 B2 A2 A1
so ... regardless of color... 6431 at the motor (socket frame divots at the top)
6=D 4=B 3=C 1=A A and B are denoted as the same polarity ref to C and D according to the LDO drawing (again in that link above)
So it looks like my cabling motor end MATCHES the LDO drawing as supplied by RR .
So ref'ing the Octopus docs, board connector socket (divots up) pinout is B1 B2 A2 A1 So that would be RED BLU GRN BLK at the board My steppers run the correct directions for the as 'out of the box RatOS configuration BUT I DO have the buzzing. So after all this ... either LDO can't draw a drawing and label it right... or BTT's board pin out info is wrong.
I'll know after I swap some pins around and repeat the tests. The questions raised in that now archived thread, boil down the to the phasing of the two coil windings in the stepper. I'l have to dig through some old docs, but I believe this is a side effect of micro stepping. Full stepping supposedly would not see the phase difference (creating the resonance of two technically AC coils fighting each other.)
So ref'ing the Octopus docs, board connector socket (divots up) pinout is B1 B2 A2 A1 So that would be RED BLU GRN BLK at the board My steppers run the correct directions for the as 'out of the box RatOS configuration BUT I DO have the buzzing. So after all this ... either LDO can't draw a drawing and label it right... or BTT's board pin out info is wrong.
I'll know after I swap some pins around and repeat the tests. The questions raised in that now archived thread, boil down the to the phasing of the two coil windings in the stepper. I'l have to dig through some old docs, but I believe this is a side effect of micro stepping. Full stepping supposedly would not see the phase difference (creating the resonance of two technically AC coils fighting each other.)
2 Replies
Update: swapped A.B, and all three Z's.... ALL quieted down noticeably as anticipated.
OK so. Q (and suggestion?) Wha isn't this configuration information front and center for building a printer?!! Shouldn't this be in a FAQ somewhere? At a minimum a procedure to eval the proper connectivity rather than just blind build by color to drawings. FYI... (ol' gezzer brain fade) I did go through this on my big ass CNC router table eon back. Thought the resonance I was hearing was the heavy aluminum gantry itself. Never run at those speeds so didn't care. Maybe I should jerk that system around and see if pinout makes a diff there as well 🧐
OK so. Q (and suggestion?) Wha isn't this configuration information front and center for building a printer?!! Shouldn't this be in a FAQ somewhere? At a minimum a procedure to eval the proper connectivity rather than just blind build by color to drawings. FYI... (ol' gezzer brain fade) I did go through this on my big ass CNC router table eon back. Thought the resonance I was hearing was the heavy aluminum gantry itself. Never run at those speeds so didn't care. Maybe I should jerk that system around and see if pinout makes a diff there as well 🧐
foreign-sapphire•3y ago
Hi, I got same issues here too. Its so freaking loud between 80-120mm and the printsurface looks like 💩. I don’t know if there is mod to avoid it?