VOAC Z-Endstop calibration crashes into cam
After doing VOAC X/Y calibration. I exited and rentered VOAC. Started the Z-calibration and the printer moves up the toolhead T0 and then its moved down into the cam.
49 Replies
please include this file in your printer.cfg and add this underneath it
then run
and try again
its a new version with multiple fixes, not published yet but confirmed already that it worksJust included it
Mhh besides the fact that it moves Z way more now
It still just moves up and down again
I stopped it before it crashes into the cam a 2nd time
please share your debug.zip
Where do I get this
in the ratos configurator in the navigation panel
before you clicked z-calibration, did you centered both nozzles over the camera?
I centered both toolheads
Exited the calibration
Started it again. Ensured both are centered and tried Z Calib
didnt yelled, caps lock accidentaly active
please recenter both nozzles
Nope still the same behavior
one sec
so when its over the camera and you start z-calib, it just moves up and down?
no sidewards moves?
do you start this with the left or with the right toolhead over the camera?
So the left one
please share the ratos-variables.cfg file
please add this macro to your printer.cfg and then run
in the console and share the console output
RatOS | TEST: idex_xcontrolpoint: 112.2784205187694, z_offset_probe_x_offset: 37.5
please home your printer and move the toolhead to X150 and then tell me if its on the z-endstop x position or not
thsi doesnt make any sense
x150 is pretty centered on x/probe endstop
wtf is going on here
give me a sec

please try this file, it moves up but not down, so it wont hit the camera. but please make a video of it
AFAIK this is also the correct odering to override the one from ratos?

it is
Just to confirm I do not need to have the E Stop close to me now as it should just move up?
well, to be sure hover our finger over it :kekw:
but i outcomment the actual probing move
Umpfs seems like its working now and I just pussied out with my E Button after it crashed on the first try
Vid is uploading
sorry, i dont understand, you said its working now and in the same sentence you said its crashing
a bit confused
It s working now. Just after my first try of running this calibration and the nozzle decided to crash into the cam (An hour ago) I was to quick on pressing the E.Stop for any of the other tries.
ok, now try this file, but hover your finger over the button
Maybe it is better to move X/Y when the printer moved the bed down and before it moves up again to engage with the endstop. Makes it less scarry
ok, just had to watch your video
seems good now
try the new file as described
Its done now
works now?
Id say so
ok, good to know, still weird why this change was needed for you and not for others
kepp the file include until we published a fix
Well maybe it was user error. As I mentioned I might have been to quick on the E-stop.
no, this is something else
thanks for your cooperation
But still, I think it would be better to move to the endstop location before moving closer to the cam again
Thanks for the help 🙂
it does that before each print this way
but when doing it manually we are jsut reusing other code that load the tool to the camera and then starting the z calib
remove include and update ratos