4028 Hookup Sanity Check
Have a SanAce 4028, although I am reasonably sure it's a re-stickered other model. This one seems to only run at 100% or 0% when playing with the speed, so I want to make sure my pins are good and it's really the fan that is the issue.
Fan +12v is hooked to Octopus fan 1 positive (FAN0+) (jumped to 12v)
Fan GND is hooked to Octopus heater 4 pin (PB11)
Fan PWM is hooked to EBB 36 fan signal (PA0)
Fan Tacho is hooked to EBB 36 unused pin (PB7)
Code in printer.cfg:
As a side note, I have hooked this fan to an old printer directly to the fan port with the +/- wires and I was able to regulate it down to about 30% easily, which seemed to be very slow.
22 Replies
use the very last fan port on the octopus
fan0 is pwm controlled
the last 2 ones are always on
connect your Fan +12V to one of the right ones
Hmmm, I'll give it a shot, thanks
That seems really strange on the diagram, though... it looks like only the negative ones are different

Or are you saying use both leads from that fan port for the +/- for the fan?
they are different
the PWM controlled ones are behind a mosfet
with t he wrong 4028 you will fry them
Ahhh, so you need to complete that mosfet circuit to get any positive from the other power?
Can you post a photo of your wires in the octo board? I am having exact same issue.
FAN + -> Always On Fan Port Octopus +
PWM -> Toolboard Fan Port GND
Tacho -> meh
pin: !fan_part_cooling_pin
cycle_time: 0.00004
enable_pin: PB11
tachometer_pin: toolboard:^PB7
tachometer_poll_interval: 0.0005
this is not needed anymore:
[output_pin 4028_POWER]
Yup, this is exactly as I'd had it hooked up & setting-wise last night where it'd still go immediately to full speed (16,200rpm) starting at 1% all the way up to 100%.

your enable pin is wrong
in the config you pasted
the mainboard heater pin is the enable pin, not the one on the toolboard
wiring correct, config wrong
Well damn, where did I cross that info up? Hmmm... thanks, I will give it another shot this evening
Still no go on varying the fan speed, it's 16200RPM from 1% to 100%
As a side note, your config above is slightly wrong, the pullup on the toolboard pin should be before the toolboard and not just before the pin (^toolboard:PB7)
At this point, if all is looking good, hooked up correctly, and doesn't vary, I can only assume that it is my fan that is the problem
Saw someone else post that they can't shut off completely unless they disconnect the tacho, so I figured it must have something to do with the circuit somehow.
So I unhooked the tacho and commented the code out... now the fan can vary speed, but it jumps up and down (fast/slow/fast/medium/slow/etc). This shit is getting weird.
At least my second bad decision fan doesn't work right, either... 100% or 0% with all the same setup
Sideways trial... hooked +/- up to the Octo 4th fan output... I can regulate down to about 8% all the way up to 100%. Not sure how much air that is at the 8%, but it seems like the winning combo for the temporary at least
Had these same issues though i do not have a tool board on my extruder like you. I am on my 5th dan now trying to find something that works.
Yeah, I gave up and am just running a 12v fan port (both pins) from the Octopus to the fan. I cut off the PWM and Tachno wires as my fan obviously doesn't like using them (100% has to be a re-stickered San Ace in my case). So no wires to the toolboard since that only has a 24v circuit
stormy-gold•3y ago
I have the same problem here
@8complex !fanpartcooling pin is set to pin:!EBBCan: PA0?
I sorted mine, the issue was that I didn't modified the pwm pin to ebb pin so it was receiving full power without adjustments.
Yeah, mine was directed towards the correct pin already (toolboard:PA0), I am running RatOS alpha 5 so the toolboard settings took care of it already.
No big deal here, it is actually working reasonably well how I have it set up now (I just need to work on my slicer settings)
stormy-gold•3y ago
!PA0 you mean
otherwise it will spin at 0 while 100 in mainsail and 100 while 0
as helge said the enable pin is wrong,
pin:!EBBCan: PA0 #!fan_part_cooling_pin
max_power: 1
cycle_time: 0.00004
enable_pin: PB11
shutdown_speed: 0
#hardware_pwm: false
#kick_start_time: 0.5
off_below: 0.0
No, it assigns fan_part_cooling_pin to toolboard:PA0, then I changed it in the 4028 section to !fan_part_cooling_pin to reverse the logic
If it was the logic that was backwards, it'd have spun slower as I reached nearer 100%... just my fan refused to change speed via PWM
stormy-gold•3y ago
it is wired like yours only I am not using rpd
have you tried kick start time ?
Not aware of a kick start in the printer configuration... I was manually controlling the fan prior to a print to see how I could run it
The kick start I know of is in the slicer settings
stormy-gold•3y ago
no, you set it up in the cfg for each fan, sometime the power sent (10%) is not enough to start the fan, so you use kickstart, power the fan to 100% for 0.5s for example and after that it will hold 10%
it is done automatically so you only need to set the kickstart time
check my cfg, I have a # in front of it because I just set it up and looks fine but might work in your case
like-gold•3y ago
@Moderator looks like someone is setting up to spam with some generic messages all over