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All posts for Distant Horizons
How would I fix this issue when in large caves?
Quality Adjustments
Nighty FPS issue? Also Q about sqlite files
how do i downgrade distant horizons?
Performance plummets (Intel TGL GT2, Mesa 24.3.4)
These ground to ceiling shadows always appear just outside of my vanilla render distance.
Compatibility with WWOO?
Log still a thing despite disabling logging
pre loaded chunks don't show up
Ignoring heightmap data for chunk [104, -65], size does not match; expected: 37, got: 52
Weird fog cutoff
Overload Message
Visual Glitching on 1.20.1 Latest Nightly Build
When I launch my game it crashes with exit code: 1
Read everywhere can’t seem to find it
/dh pregen gets stuck
Crash on Create world / java.sql.SQLException
I have no idea why this is happending
Not convert loaded chunks to LODs on client when server-side generation is available
CPU usage
There isn't a version of indium up to date
How to decrease fog distance as height increases
Nothing's happening.
Can someone help me on this?
Render distance slider remains limited
Server LOD & Chunk Delivery
Previously generated LODs dissapeared
DH not working with bliss
Why is my beacon doing this
Mod compatibility
Need help installing
1.21.4 fabric bug
Will chunks pregen while in the pause menu of a singleplayer, survival world?
All LOD Chunks are pitch black except for certain parts patterned off texture packs.
im trying to load as many chunks as i can on mc using dh with shaders, could i have some help?
Basic Help
Unable to use server commands on Nightly Build
LODs generation taking days
IndexOutOfBound error using nighly on 1.21.4 with server plugin but server disabled in client.
Hitboxes not showing
Any idea why this might be happening?
Help lol
I need some assistance with this mod
DH nightly 2.3 dont load on server
(Server-Side) Does DH preload LODS with no players online?
DH causing issues with shader lighting inside caves
reduce server lag while generating chunks
Overworld LOD Turning white/Light colored
DH Unloads
vanilla water on dh
iris doesn't exist in 1.21.4
iris causing crash on start
Do I need specific things to run DH properly?
ice bug
Any idea which mod could be causing this?
how do i play multiplayer
DistantHorizions is completely and utterly broken
enabling shaders causes lod to not be visible
"Shared/Same Context Buffer" LOD Builder Failure
I keep crashing when I try to run DH w/ sodium on 1.21.4
what is this ?
Reduce Distant Horizons load on server?
generation issues
chunks shadows look strange
Lighting for shadows messed up
Is there a way to render not loaded chunk in render distance
Server Side Memory Leak
LOD database is not being converted when upgrading DH from 2.2.1a (1.21.1) to 2.3.0b-dev (1.21.4)
How to increase distance quality?
DH + simply clouds + complementary shaders make blocks see trough
what is distant generation?
Prevent snow from taking up the whole block?
Is there a way to create a vertical render limit for tile entities?
Disable Nightly/Unstable Build Alerts in chat?
Can I use two gpus?
DH doesn't work in LAN world.
Ignored block leaving holes in the water
One of my mods is calling for the pale garden
LOD generation gets stuck around 3000 blocks away or so
Nightly build chunks wont load
How do I get shaders working on 1.20.4 with DH?
Water In Distant Horizons LOD Field Appearing Colorless?
load problem
question with computer (not minecraft) crashing
How to force update outdated LODs?
Clarification on preloading LODs and Chunks on Server?
world file to LOD
Server dont work
Turn off overloaded message in chat
shaders not working/ going black with forge DH and oculus
Needs Indium?
Latest DH 2.3 Nightly Build not working on a Fabric 1.20.1 server
DH looks blocky and shaders don't really work
Nightly build big caves becoming see through.
Bliss shader resource pack support fix
Green translucent pillars??
Generate LODs from the already generated world
DH rendering bug, the terrain repeats itself and shows weird effect.
DH loading slow
Distant Horizon + Farsighted Mod Fog Bug??
How to disable n-sized generation?
Is there a config setting to enable custom block LODs
How do I adjust the DH cloud height?
DH 2.3 Oculus Support On Forge 1.20.1
Server Side Not Sending Data to One Individual
"Enable Distant Horizons Fog" stuck at False
Valhesia 6
Server Side Commands don't work.
Updater Issues?
Need some clarification with the nightly version for servers
Lods lag nether mobs
Why does my game keep crashing on launch?. i am aware of the issue with alex caves
curse forge app doesn´t work with DH?
I have an issue where blocks arent being loaded correctly
Paper 1.21.4 and fabric 1.21.4 LOD not generating outside render distance (fixed)
got this weird issue where the sky won't load
Remove DH Gen/Import message
Low Quality Blocks very close.
Nightly Build (Serverside) Causing Server To Crash
Is there an easy way of retrieving world data from SQLITE files?
Black fog and DH not loading any chunks even after flying to other chunks (nightly build 1.12.4)
@ 1FPS when I should have hundreds
first time downloading Minecraft and mods
How to rendering LOD in vertical?
weird lines
DH + Immersive Portals + (Neo)forge 1.21.1
can i set a blacklist/whitelist for transparent blocks?
Needs Indium to work with Sodium, but no updated Indium for 1.21.4
Gray leaves
How do i fix this ?
specs question
Weird farlands visual error?
Water Angle Glitch
Forge server with DH2.3
Chunks not updated
End Fog before DH LODs
How to use distant horizons in a 1.21.4 minecraft server
Mc crashing after updating iris and sodium while loading a world.
What is the recommended settings for RTX 4070 and 14th Gen Intel, with 16GB of RAM?
Game crashes on boot, fabric loader says "Incompatible mods found!" I have no other mods
mod is dupplicating in my folder and cause eror
Weird visual glitch with LODs that gets worse as you increase quality (see screenshots)
Random White Chunks?
After initial mass LOD generation, is there a big performance difference between LZ4 and LZMA2?
DH pregen necessary on already pregenerated server world?
with immersive portals stack, the nether LOD renders over the overworld LOD
correct RC3 version combination of DHS and DH ?
LODs popping through once opening Creative menu?
Very High Cpu Usage In Linux mostly when generating chunks
getting errors while moving quickly(?) on a server
LOD Chunky Render Distance Radius
Distant Horizons has weird grass LOD when using Stracciatella Shaders
Anyone knows if complementary has overdraw prevention?
Understanding DH Overhead
increase the rate at which lods are sent to the client?
Water glitch with BSL shaders
distance glitch
Is it possible to load DH chunks from Xaero's World Map?
Error message upon startup
See through world...
DH generating a new world
Server side LOD generation
Distant horizon is not working, and minecraft is working
LODs rendering wrongly.
Game crashing when rendering world
chat obstruction
Chunks not loading if teleporting (server)
LOD Bias Issue
Hole - chunks dont generate LODs.
PC Freezing on Server Join
Unstable Server TPS with 5+ Players
DH merges with generated terrain very very early
Clarification regarding transferring region files from singleplayer world to multiplayer world
bro why do i get lag spikes even in simple mc with optimization mods
Disable mod?
Crashing on launch
/dh pregen confusion
Lods arent generating basically at all and game runs like garbage
DH plugin error "unsupported protocol version: 10"
No fog in nightly build?
dh plugin for bukkit/paper
End Cities not rendering
DHS 1.21.4
can't load into singlepalyer world
Multiplayer Manual Chunk Loading not working.
DH LOD data downloaded from fully genned server yet lots of holes still.
where is the files for the end generation on my world?
Game crashing on launch
What is DH doing?
Harsh water border
lol detail ocean looks horrible
Why is this happening?
replay mod x DH
How do I know when DH is finished pre-generating LODs?
All The Mods 10 dimensions overlapping
Transparent blocks in between distant horizons and shader(makeup)
everything is see-through with complimentary reimagined
Can someone help find the setting where i can recreate this kinda blur in the distant horizons part
alex config for DH to render
I've got some weird line were i think fog should be
adjusting end dimension fog
For some reason I can't get any further distance to generate
Any Bliss shader Pros?
Distant Horizons doesn't render anything in 1.21.4
Low Water Quality
Distant Horizons not Working
Transfer LOD data from singleplayer world to client side server data
put singleplayer data in multiplayer data
c2me with dh 2.3
LODs flicker
LODs not rendering
how do i fix this?
i dont even know how to describe this issue
maxSyncOnLoadRequestDistance what does it do? in what unit? chunks? blocks?
The game starts but it only shows the dirt loading screen
mod discovery failed
DHS Crash on join
will there be a possibility to use DH on forge 1.21.4 soon?
does this work on java realms on 1.21.4?
Building looking wrong far away
Color Rendering Issues with Bliss Shader (1.21.4)
How do I speed up LOD generation speed?
Game won't launch 1.21.4
What is OpenGL error 1282 Caused by?
im really confused, i see that bliss works with distant horizons but i cant play with it?
startup crash on update of distant horizon
Distant Horizons Compatibility With Big Globe/Flashback Mod
game looks like trash without shaders and lods are dark
Minecraft java noob
Lods popping in too soon?
have i installed incorrectly?
Is this intended behavior? DH pregen process crawls to a half within minutes of genning.
Shader help
server side pregen with structures and higher quality?
Why doesn't dh generate chunks beyond some limit?
DH just stopped working
How can i make distant horizons compatible with shaders on 1.16.5?
Bodycam Shaders issues?
DH 1.21.4 Sodium
Why is this happening with my shaders?
Actual render distance not increasing beyond 64 chunks (singleplayer)
LODs rendering defaults to off
LOD grid-lines in all desert and badlands terrain
DH Commands not existing on Paper 1.21.4-126 Server
DH Fog doesn't work?
LODs not fading all the way through
Converting Old 1.21.1 DH LODs for a server to newer version doesn't work.
Questions About Serverside DH
"a java exception has occured"
cant turn on dh fog
Version mismatch in curseforge
Initial world creation hangs using the nightly build.
generation speed comparision
Nightly build isn't working/showing up.
How does Pregen actually work?
Modded Server using DistantHorizons-forge-2.3.0-b-dev-1.20.1 - Not generating LOD Chunks.
Best looking distance generator mode
Fabric Installation not showing on launcher
Forge for 1.21.4?
How to fix weird rendering (1.21.4 2.3.0-b-dev)
How can I speed up LOD transfer from server -> clients?
main settings get reset often
LOD overdraws solid blocks
my chunks arent being saved?
Unable to set up server side correctly
DH crash on startup Forge 1.20.1
hi how do i get nightly 1.21.4 to actually work
Can I remove this warning
While running this on a server to pre-create lods, can we limit the distance?
transferring singleplayer sqlite data to a server world
Using the mining dimension in allthemods9 breaks DH - shows the wrong chunks.
Instant crash when attempting to load a world.
Weird fog removal.
Will cpu constantly be at 100% if I select I paid for the whole cpu
ReplayMod loading chunks in the video
Cave Culling issues
LOD distance
Is it possible to put the mod on a paper server?
how do i fix the end being so laggy and structures not generating until close?
Have this error after upgrading to newest version of dh's nightly build for 1.21.4(euphoria patches)
Anyone Know why this is happening in the nether??
Snow on trees turns the entirety of the tree leaves white in LODs
DH Singleplayer TPS lag
DH - Sodium - Indium conflicts
Why does increasing vanilla render distance affect DH performance?
Glitch in nether
Looking for 1.21.4 Forge Release
mod doesnt work
ServerHangWatchdog detected that a single server tick took 60000004.00 seconds (should be max 0.05)
Setting up server
Shader effect going through walls
Color Averaging Adjustments
Can i have a tuto to have distance horizon with bliss and tan huge tree
I have a ryzen 5 7600x
LOD's still clearly visible while underwater.
Multiplayer Unsupported protocol version: 9
LODs are not rendering
weird worldgen
Is there a way to get rid of these phantom blocks when getting close to slabs?
Chat messages
weird gray plane rendering issue
Transferring saved chunks.
Lods are low quality when I’m right near them
not sure if it related to DH, posting it anyways
10 questions about generating LODs
Server Side support 1.19.2 Forge?
LODs not saving after leaving and rejoining server
LODs stopped working (1.21.4)
how do i make things look better further away?
Wrong chunks being loaded
is there a forge version of distant horizons for 1.21.4?
Noob DH Server-Side support
Holes in ground for some reason
How do I disable the Action Bar Notification
LOD distance
Zip File Instead Of Java File
What does this mean?
Server-Side Not Working
Is there any way to avoid the "Too many queued chunks" warning?
LODs all pitch black with Shaders
Some type of 2D terrain is like a flat image and it moves with me when I move my camera
Fogs is too lowest
Older versions question
My minecraft is suddently crashing
Server-side generation question: LODs vs chunks
LODs sometimes generate flat plains above where the chunks are supposed to be. How do I fix this?
server side dh not working
Distant horizons and BMC2
Do you guys use anti-aliasing in minecraft with distant horizons?
[DHS] /dh command not registered and conflicts
[DHS] Mismatched server and client versions
Clouds too fast
Shadows and Caves Glitch
Not saving new chunks
Is it normal that DH pregen is taking that long ?
Error turning on shaders
DH 2.3 sets enable rendering to False every time
does anyone have a list of mods, shaders and resource packs i can get for 1.21.4? (off topic)
Very obvious border between real Chunks and LOD Chunks
[DHS] Is border radius config round or square?
audio issues
Server performance
Socket Timeout on Server join
Is this compatible with Legacy4J?
Im assuming im missing some setting or doing something wrong for this to happen
DHS Compilation fails with `Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-`
chunks fade in makes a rainbow chunk loading
Future development
Snow not rendering in the LOD's
Pre loaded world loading very slowly
White lava?
Looking for Large Modpacks with Distant Horizons and Expanded Gameplay
Some areas completely invisible until visited
What are causing these pillars to appear?
Error with DH Server newest RC
Large CPU usage and overload message even when standing still
Holes in LOD on fresh world. Default settings
Help starting DH
do i need to turn on dh or what?
[server] paper server plugin not loading?
LoD still shows after unistalling the mod
how to use DH in JAVA Realms
Shaders for 1.19.2
Can't seem to get DH to work with Shaders in 1.20.1
help me find mod
Quick question yall
Tall "skyscrapers "
How do I just set my render distance to 2000
Mc instance + server
Changing Dimensions with death breaks DH Server/Client communication and rendering?
managed to get DH + animation mods to work, but now can't get shaders to work
invisible chunks
Need to enable DH every time I boot up?
Option to toggle DH isn't showing up. (Iris and Fabric)
Blank chunks
runtime percentage
Do LODs Save Between Players
LOD's on Glass
log spam 2.0
LOD rendering turns off by itself when I restart the game
Chunk rendering issue and preloading not working
Shaders cause Lod to be solid black
Performance issues with Intel gpu
crashing while loading up
Can I disable LOD loading in the nether or another dimension?
Lava showing behind walls in the nether
Will preloading 10000 blocks in each direction be enough with tectonic?
chunks not loading
DH progress bar not showing?
Am I impatient or is DH defusing to increase its render distance?
Minecraft stuttering
Server Memory Issues on Fabric 1.20.1
question on the generation types
DH removes roofs of 1 block size from buildings
distent horizens took up 4 GB of disk space in 20 minutes with low settings, how do i clear the data
How can I run DH + Essential mod together? When I install Essential mod, it disables it
install for 1.21.4 single player - no idea what im doing
Crash upon launch
DH Not rendering beyond 32 chunks
Question about queued chunk updates
update the map
crashing on steampunk
first time using this mod and it crashes
is their a way to fix this
log spam
Distant Horizons Update
big holes between chunks
Minecraft not Authencating
DH Gen/Import chunks: What is it?
Snow covered trees
where do I paste in the compressed nightly build, mods folder?
Cloud settings?
Updating from 1.21.1 to 1.21.4 - old LODs aren't loading; a new folder was created instead
caves/tunnels not creating DH chunks below a certain height
oculus/dh weird loading
DH 2.1.0 Crash on World Generation no Crash Report (Singleplayer, Forge, 1.20.1)
Disable lod updates
Vr shader dh ?
BMC2 Missing Chunks Between Minecraft Chunks and LOD Chunks
What might cause this weird 'duplication' visual bug?
Miencraft 1.21.4
Visited chunks will not load
DH Gen/Import chunks going in the 100,000s?
DH LOD refused to render on M1 mac [Solved]
SQLite open in another program
DH dev disables rendering on each game restart
/dh commands not working?
Everything's gray...
Yet another vanilla fog post
Help my game crashes every time I load the 1.21.3 nightly build.
Weird 2D Clouds Won't Go Away
Error OpenGL : 1282 invalid operation
What causes this extreme low quality render after using /pregen?
DH Single player crash.
Kelp looks like blocks
Stck in save and quit
dh 1.21
My render distance slider doesn't go above 44 chunks. Is there a way to change that?
Problem with bliss and transparency setting
Nether roof causes massively increased GPU usage
Worse Quality when DH turned on?
distant horizons not loading
Refuses to create or load chunks
CPU usage dropping?
Weird areas of chunks not loading in.
Clarification Regarding 2.3 Client/Server communication
Super reflective water with bliss
floating pillars of terrain in the sky
DH using too much RAM
Sand lines?
LODs keep reloading in outward waves
decent system terrible FPS
Distant Generation Time
DH Showing Red blocks
Is there a way to control the distance at which grass/plants (and only grass/plants) get culled?
Won't load on paper server
Bliss is kinda broken
Error between real chunks and DH chunks
Visual artifacts while using DH with Bliss Shaders
LODs disappear in the singleplayer worlds generated by Arnis
Sky Artifacts and Shaders only applying to vanilla render distance. Over Multiple Shaders
Does DH automatically detect and convert Chunky's pre-generated chunks? Or do i need to do something
Server crashing when adding DH2.3RC2 post-chunky
Looking for version compatible with iris 1.6.10
Won't work on Vault Hunters with Shaders
pc crash after x amount of loading time
water not watering(water isn't rendered)
LOD Fade - causing lag-spikes
all my loaded chunks disappeared permanently :(
Is there any way to get it working on lunar client 1.21.4
how to fix stutter
Distant server chunks not loading
water visual bug
Earth curve ratio doesn't work
Will updating my Distant Horizons to the new "Beta 2.3.0 Release Candidate 2" remove all my LODs?
server world similarity feature
Black LOD Chunks and enable fog button not working, possibly related... Very Spooky...
Distant Horizons chunks inside render distance
annoying visual bug
Spotty faraway LoDs
Reload LODs on pregenerated world after removing SQLite file
Macos, world doesn't start with Distant Horizon
Log bloat with DH2.2.1-a
using singleplayer LODs for a server with the same seed possible?
Problems with DH 2.3 Server side
lod building very slow
Vanilla Fog :(
Does the mod support resource packs?
Getting old gen garbage collections every 3 seconds
How do I fix this in the logs? (or is it unfixable)
Server plugin issues
I get shader artifact on y=66 and up
Setting DH quality to High just instantly sets it back to Custom, why?
2.3.0-b-dev M2 Max consistent & reproducible client crash
Does anyone know if you can turn off water reflections? Because it does weird things in LODs
overdraw? dunno..
LODs sometimes load and sometimes don't (mostly don't)
Fake Fog?
Mac Os, can't start my world when i add distant horizon
TerraFirmaCraft Hard Rock Support?
Config screen crash
Shaders + DH in SteamPunk [LPS] (in CurseForge)
How to run Forge 1.20.1 in-dev?
Fog to completely cover where DH rendering stops and the the edge of the world starts
Parts of the Ocean Floor/Coral renders above the water?
DH create folder but I have the LOD file in the directory
DH Skipping Chunks while generating chunks in generated world?
best way so that i dont have to keep updating my fabrics mods
What does this error mean?
LODs updating very slow
DH blend start too close
Stuck on 16 LOD render distance on server
how to use dh with luanr client
Anyone familiar with slow generation and stitching issues / squares on water? (9900X + 4080 Super)
DH RC2 on server
How to configure the cloud height when using shaders?
Understanding DH's Range & Border Limits?
1.20.1 Forge world crashing, using Photon, DH 2.2.1a, Oculus 1.8.
Trying to install DH in Mystic Horizons modpack
Distant Horizons generating incorrect LOD with WorldPainter map
Disable Fog
Distant Horizons und Oculus?
Is there a 1.21.4 fabric build available anywhere?
DH Shaders Incompatibility
using distant generation with world maps like xaero?
DH 2.30 Beta (Dec 31 2024) - Minecraft 1.21.4 Server Spam
Rendering chunks (Chunky x Distant Horizon)
Most efficent way to load chunks with DH?
1.21.4 not working
Client side nightly crash
server console spam
1.20.4 neoforge build?
Can someone identify mod?
Been struggling getting DH for 1.21.4.
Distant Horizons unrendering and rerendering my chunks
Slight problem with font
Distant horizons don't work with my mod pack
Lag in Inventory when using DH with shaders
Weird Water Visuals
Crash when launching the game
I don't think the DH chunks are updating...
DH not working in Medieval MC Forge 1.20.1 modpack
Black LoD chunk persisting through LoDs
Game crashes during startup, heres the log
Distance Horizons causing crash
Distant Horizons doesn't generate chunks
Server crash, when crafting an axe?
Hotbar/Inventory mod problem
World stuck loading at 0%
Is there any way for DH to “know” what chunks are loaded?
Nightly Preset on server revert themselves
DH + Iris + Shaders in 1.21.4?
DH stops server from shutting down nightly build
How to disable update popup
Does the 2.3.0 beta work with the new oculus version?
Update to 34968a6
Distant Horizons on 1.20.4 no longer working suddenly
how to increase chunk queue
How to solve weird fog?/rendering glitch
DH Server-side plugin support!
lag spikes
pregenerated chunks on a server
Internal Server Lag
DH suddenly causing crashes on multiple versions
Several Crashes I can't Solve
Should i delete DH chunks from my world before uploading it to a server?
"Distant Horizons requires Indium to work with Sodium" even though I'm using Sodium 6.2 or 6.6...
Error message spam and crash in custom world merged with MCA Selector
I have a problem which is that when i use axiom to paint mountains and terrain DH will keep them the
Does C2ME still slow down chunk loading?
LODs not rendering below me
shader packs not working and a bunch of other things also.
Putting the downloaded jar file in a mod folder i created didnt seem to install it for me
mob farms or crop farms stay loaded?
weird water effect
Black Chunks
Mod to disable vanilla trees
I would like to have this specific jar
DH 2.3 full support but fails to load the majority of server requests
A weird glitch
Getting weird visual artifacts on water in 1.21.4 with Bliss Shaders
Bliss doesn't work with DH on 1.21.4
DH2.3 (World first Pregened w/o DH) Limited LoD Rendering
Updated nightly Build crashes Client.
game crashes when loading world
weird terein underground (big area)
Weird distant horizons generation
need help getting shaders to work w DH
Alex's caves warning not disabled
Are there ANY plans for newer versions of 1.20.4 iris compatibility in the future?
LOD before rendering distance
when using modrinth and forge I can't get any shaders to work
1.20.4 Building Broken
Mods Issue
[Resolved] DHS plugin protocol mismatch bug - “the Forge byte”
Weird checkerboard pattern on terrain (Big Globe)
Is there a way to make this prettier?
Help with error message
Game Crashing When Teleporting Long Distance
Server console Commands?
failed to save chunk popup
not working with iris in 1.21
i have visual bug
it appears that server doesn't sent LOD to the client. what is my problem?
i have visual bugs with shaders
New chunks won't save their LoDs.
How can i prevent/fix this?
Which one do I use
DH 2.3 and server backups
Do I have to compile the nightly 1.21.4 build?
New update message
oops, I would like to put the mod on a multiplay server but I can't find the 2.3 mod, could anyone
Oops Chunky
Modifying oculus
Error in generating a world
black chunks and holes in terrain
chat saying ''heights has to be the length of 16'' when playing with friends
my game crashes with DH while loading minecraft with oculusd
Chunks not loading fully
Serverside functionality?
oculus not work with distant horizon 2.3
are any other mods needed to get DH to work
Change LOD saving folder
Chunks flickering
Minecraft config files to delete items
Strange bug connected with DH
how to fix [13:22:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Closing all [0] database connections...
DH 2.1.2 causing crash on ATM9
Two-Layer Leaf Block Displaying Incorrectly
weird look on view distance
Chunks loaded from distant horizons
Minecraft crashes when trying to use chunky
BetterMC BMC4 (FORGE) with DH 1.20.1
World Gen stops
Batching error? Updates
Spawn Area LODs are sky limit tall black chunks w/ Dimension mod
the low res rendering starts to close
These chunks wont save, they'll only render when close i assume by normal render distance
Strange Distant Horizons behaviour over multiple versions.
No new folder generated when joining subserver (Nightly 2.3.0-RC1)
Randomly decided to break shader water?
Visual Errors
1.21.4 mod building
Is this normal behavior for Distant Horizons when underground?
Unable to change a lot of settings on DH 2.3.0 b dev 1.21.4
Whats the best DH settings to balance visuals and performance?
Render issue or just incorrect config?
How do i transfer my world's LOD to the Distant Horizon Server Plugin?
Yo how do i fix this cuz the holes been there for a while
LODs rendering pretty weird
See through render bug
Distant horizons filling up Memory too quickly which makes it unable to purge it.
lag spike when i install the DH version 1.21.4
Updating old lods
Not working
Trying to build mod localy results in "Failed to read accessWidener file"
Game crashes when starting a world or joining server
Enabling Shaders With DH+Iris: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only indirect supported with Iris"
Block read grass texture color anomaly
Distant horizons on a server
How do i fix this water shader bug
Wierd water reflection glitch
Weird crash while left overnight to load LODs for the first time.
DH + Better Clouds Mod disabling cloud rendering?
I can't get DH to work on my server.
game crash + several questions regarding DH
Tan's Tree mod
Generating Server LOD Required Settings
When i use chunky to load chunks why cant i like see all the chunks like u do in the video do i have
Trouble generating LODs beyond server view distance
DH server not shutting down.
Is Extra Port Needed For Server?
dh not showing in world
WWOO incompatibility?
Shaders for forge 1.20.1?
DH Settings
World render ending abruptly
my game crashes when i enter in a world or if i go to graphics
When does DH start doing LOD instead of world gen?
disable LOD storage/remembering
Playing on a multiplayer server on 1.20.1 but having weird render glitches
weird LOD rendering
speed up DH chunk generation on server side
neoforge nightlybuild
Server Spec and DH settings recommendations
Shader enabling noise, dont know what setting it is.
Distant horizons activating WAY too early
Noobs make a MC server with DH
Patchy water LOD / bug?
Issue while using terralith and tectonic
Issue with Distant Horizons Rendering
Nightly build vs Release candidate?
Server does not support DH
i can's stop seeing those things in the trees and in the distant water
question, lod quick-reset
Having trouble installing DH on 1.21.4 (Lunar Client)
is it possible to play without preloading chunks using a ryzen 7 3700x
Stramge things
Shaders problem
Chunk generation error:
install DH
Random large bright patches in the distance
Essential Mod lan hosting
Why is my DH like this?
Non-existing blocks showing up outside render distance.
Want to learn how to find incompatibilities in modpack
Chunky With Server Side DH
Help (Eww)
Data directory on Bukkit-based servers
Crash while using compatible shaders
1.21.2. - 1.21.4. versions missing on curseforge
Water glitch
more memory being used than normal causing game to freeze
Is the nightly builds compatible with arclight (fabric)?
Which shaders and shader mods should i use for distant horizons
Unable to join a server with DH installed on client: IndexOutOfBoundsException (DH 2.2.1-a-1.20.1)
Server crashes with the 1.21.4 nightly build, unsure what's causing it
Server data got split into new files, not sure what the new ones mean
Is it normal for the server side mod to spam the console with dh-file handler thread sending - retry
At default settings, how big will DH files be?
Does Quality Preset determine the quality at which the LOD is generated or merely shown?
Chunk generation
Random crash when joining server, 1.21.1 M1 Mac
Distant Horrizons, Crashing when booting server
Render issue with shaders and DH 2.2.1-a-1.19.2
DH instantly crashing with Fabric/Oculus+Embeddium
Incompatibility with aurora's shader
Question on multiplayer
1.21.4 DH
Seeing through the world
DH isnt loading anything for me, i cant tell if i've done something wrong or if its just not working
DH and Essential Mods
Pilars generated on LODs
Server Settings / Client Menu Settings Relationship?
Exit Code: -1
How to Transfer Chunk / LOD Date for a Server to Another MC Instance?
Any way to delete specific chunks from SQLite file?
Ive put the following "ask questions in the help me channel" but never got a messege from the bot
🌊 Water Reflections Loaded at Inaccurate Distances.
Transparent Blocks with Shader 1.21.4
Create Dreams & Desires, do we know why it doesn't work?
How to stop DH from updating chunks?
Game crashing
Oculus/Nightly Builds/Forge
DawnCraft 1.18.2 DH not working
Moving server data to DH
Game crashes before it even starts, BCG+ modpack.
showing bits and pieces of deleted island
Starlight for DH2.2
Micro stutters
LOD render distance prematurely capped
The game crashed from java error
first time using mod and im having trouble getting it to work
DH doesn't load LODs in a multiplayer game
Oculus Issue 1.20.1 Forge
Only water and glass in LODs
See through render ?
Crashing when on "Extreme" quality preset and "I Paid for my Whole CPU"
Server side 2.3 Distant horizons tutorial?
Any Solution for Serene Seasons to change the Disant Horizons LODs.
Chunk gap
Being shown blocks that I destroyed
dh rendering over vanilla newest nightly 1.20.1
Can I download DH with Feather Client?
Bliss whites spots
Crashed after disabling shaders while traveling at a little bit high speed?
possible memory leak DH 2.3
Photonics Compatibility
DH 2.2 not compatible with Oculus 1.7 (Iris is removed) 1.20.1 forge
compatibility question
DH doesn't load any LODs in multiplayer
How to compile for 1.21.3
I want to add DH to my path traced shader
chunks dont generate while using replay mod
Starting Server with Distant Horzions
Settings Suggestions?
can someone explain the diffrent worldgen options?
Is there a list of forward rendered shaders that work with Optifine for DH?
Issue with a shader
share generated chunks
Phantom Structures
Foliage problem
ignore some blocks but tint others
Bliss Shaders
Very obvious where render regular render distance ends
Chunks invisible outside Vanilla RenderDistance
what on earth is this
Weird behaviour with chests, bells & create stuff
Game crashing before database can ever finish converting
"DistantHorizons is installed, but API version is too low"
is this a DH or shader bug ?
Is this a DH bug?
Biome colored blocks show up as gray, not affected by changing texture packs
DH not working on 1.20.1 Forge w/ Optifine?
Distant Horizons incompatibility with Iris
Client-Server connection not working on 1.21.1 Nightly Build
Random lag spikes when doing nothing
Random non-existing walls generating and holes.
Where to find 1.21.2
any help with rendering this as LOD?
Border fog problem with shaders
200 render distance soft-limit?
LODs not loading in friend's server
Is it normal that you can clearly see when the DH chunks begin (water)
why is that not generating
Distant horizons need indium to work with sodium
Visual glitch with sky islands (Singleplayer)
Weird unloaded lines and missing chunks of world?
Game freeze with DH
Game freeze with DH
game loads but crashes when joining a world / server
Exit Code: -1073741819
lods no colour/black
Adding Oculus Crashes Game
The terrain makes a strange reflection in the sky
File Size and Network Bandwidth
Can't get shaders + DH on forge 1.20.1 to work
DH crashing Integrated MC Mod Pack
Server Plugin
i cant use distant horizons it says i have to remove iris shaders but i dont have it added
I tried the binary method and found the reason
Why does it just stop loading the lod chunks
Distant chunks won't load unless traveled there
DH chunks stop generating early
1~2 TPS on DHS server plugin
Replay mod with DH not exporting right (resolved)
Is the a Chunky/DH issue?
Game Crashes While Loading World
Game crashes after a while when flying around
DH+Lost cities
How to calculate the distance to the horizon?
"Too Many Chunks Queued For Updating" + Input Lag wile standing still
DH rendering on top
Black columns
Is there a way to decrease the resource use of the server-side DH?
Complementary Reimagined 5.1.1 Not Recognized
Seam between LOD dropoff chunks
Is it possible to get an overview of the Que
DH crashes on startup
ignore specific blocks
Crash, not even opening mc
Incompatible mods between Distant Horizons and Iris on 1.19.4
Chunks not loading in
Blocks rendering weirdly.
Cave support?
Fogging up DH chunks
Server-side DH only adding 1 chunk of render distance
Minor LOD issues.
see through when flying
Distant Horizon potentially causing world to forever save when quitting
Fps drops at certain direction but only with biome mods and shaders
Dark chunks
Latest nightly generate chunks super slow and with holes
Is the 2.3 candidate functional if the clients have a nightly version from a week ago
Tried fixing swiss cheese problem, got worse
Errors trying to load DH on 1.21.1 fabric server
help with shaders
help with shaders
iris 1.7.4 ??????? DH 2.2?????????
lod bug
black chunks
Dimension separation Help
Immense fps drops with shaders when looking at a certain direction with biome mods
Modded MC kicking me off of a single player server for "losing connection"
ConcurrentHashMap NPE and "Unexpected error when updating chunk at pos" in Chunk to Lod Builder
Random Holes in LoD rendering
Minecraft Server crashing on startup
giant monoliths that i cant get to stop
Question regarding server-side support
Differences in DH generated chunks and Vanilla generated chunks
Help, I don't know why but I'm getting so low fps, what are some settings I might tweak?
Minecraft crashing when in nether
White DOT in water
1.21.1 DH doesn't want to load cause of iris 1.21.1
LF Distant horrizon 2.0.4a Forge
crashes when added
Distant Horizons is the one mod in a modpack not functioning right, diagnosis needed pls
Immersive Portals + DH 1.21.1
how to get the neoforge distant horizons to work with 1.21.3
Is it working?
i cant open minecraft
night color is off
LOD chunks not showing up with shaders
Xaero's world map black screen on 1.16.5
Another quick question:
Quick question: If I generated a 650GB Minecraft world with Chunky...
Issue when opening menu
Reloading the toml.
How can I fix this it keeps appearing.
DH not working with oculus/embeddium
Not working with shaders - FAQ doesnt help
too little memory crash
Lod terrain generation issue
Crash Report: "Provider not found"
crashes on startup, forge mc 1.20.1
The **verification process** on your server is **BROKEN**.
Dynamic Trees TFC trees dont generate in LOD's
When I fly away from a building it loses half its detail with DH
Is this a known visual bug?
half the world isnt loading
My skybase got connected to the ground with lod blocks
I have no idea what is wrong with my game.
Black Radius and chunk reloading
Graphical glitches with Big Globe
I found a youtube video and i want to know what mod it is
Dh worldgen is ever so slightly off
frozen nether horizon image
Is there a way to disable ecertain blocks from appearing on the LOD?
Server crash with Fabric and just the mod
Minecraft crashes after this part in forge loading.
Leaves become intolerably bright, especially during sunrise/sunset.
Seus HRR 2.1 DH patch, plus other Shaders don't work with DH
How do I fix this weird underwater LOD stuff, on latest nightly and this doesn't occur with shaders.
Loading wrong terrain
why do shaders not work with dh?
How long will it take to afk to generate around 640 chunk radius lods with base dh?
The game crashed whilst initializing gameError: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.
Chunky pre-generation
Faulty shadows and bright foliage when using compatible shader (multiplayer & singleplayer)
💢 startup error DHsupport (plugin)
Very bright lods
had someone
So, what render distance should I set DH to when pregenerating chunks for a multiplayer world?
Physics mod pro visual bug
crashingg 1.21.1 caused by a mod and i want to find which mod
GL State Corruption on MacOS?
I am trying to start a modded server for me and my friend. What game ver and mod loader?
Any Mods For Planes In Minecraft 1.20.6 Fabric For Distant Horizons?
Multiplayer/Nightly build for Oculus?
Unable to modify height fog settings
game seemingly crashes on the mojang studios loading screen, this mod is the cause
Fog Settings In Nether
Trying to use DH with iris shaders for fabric mc v 1.20.4, but it gives incompatible mods.
World and lods not fully generating ? (Picture)
help with chucks not loading
using big globe what is the recommended render distance
Game crashes after a minute or two in the game.
What sort of performance toll does 1440p have over 1080p?
LOD problem
DH crashing,
Set transparency to complete in DH settings
display bug with Immersive Portals mod NeoForge 1.21.1
remove error message
indium is present but distant horizons doesnt detect it.
Very slow generation
LOD Chunks dissapearing (DH 2.3 Server + Shaders, pretty sure this happens on Singleplayer aswell.)
my lava is dark
clouds are a bit weird
LOD distantHorizons.sqlite file not generating in the corresponding dimension folder in singleplayer
Distant horizon not working with shader in minecraft 1.20.1
Latest Dev version does not work on server
Game is crashing on joining server with DH on client and server
DH files into recreated world.
shaders for 1.19.2 forge?
LODs dont reflect the true form of the chunk
A few random black chunks
Flashback Mod and Distant Horizons
Oculus embeddium issue since update: Distant horizons not showing through shaders now
LODs below Y level 55(56) are stretched.
DH stops my modpack from booting
how do i increase my cpu load config?
Chunk build failed causes CTD
LOD fading awkward with spyglass
I have a major issue with shaders
How can i move singleplayer world LOD's to the multiplayer folder?
Cannot enable DH fog in latest nightly build
help setup
Things within render distance getting LOD'd
LODs kind off draw over the rest of the world
Odd Nether LODs, High Vertical Quality
Question about entities
[DHS] Paper Server does not load LODs with services like TCPShield
Help with settings
Lag spikes when turning
DH and Iris not compatible with its so called "compatible version"
Weird tall towers of blocks all around.
Just a normal question
Server showing is the server overloaded even with 5 GB of ram allocated to it
Glowing LOD's in Singleplayer with BSL Shaders
Enigmatica 6 Expert Distant Generation Crash To Desktop
DH will not load certain chunks no matter what
20.1 FORGE crashing, no crashlog
best way to optimize fps
crash on start
chunks not loading properly past vanilla rd
(2.3.0 + Paper Plugin) Multiplayer: Chunks loading slowly but LODs loading fine?
Problems with shadows on floating islands
It keeps telling me to optimise my world
shaders broken. bliss and complementory either do this or flashbang me (using forge)
How can I use DH 2.2.1 / 2.3 in Forge 1.20.1, with shaders?
DH 2.3 Nightly Build config different ver
General help with the mod
Can I disable the squares behind fences, iron bars and dripstone?
does it matter whats my render quality?
doesnt wort
lod generation issues in DH 2.1.2a
Getting overloaded in the server console (not chat. Am on nightly)
is it possible to play with big globe in real time with distant horizons
LODS not rendering and alexs caves issue
LODs not covering "better clouds" clouds
Seeing water through blocks/weird render ring using shaders
No texture
Sometimes, my distant horizons only generates a few chunks before it stops generating.
how much time would a AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO 7995WX take to load at max with big globe mod
I play on a realm that autoupdates.....when will we see an update for 1.21.3
The chunk is blurry and automatically disappears.
Lod’s aren’t loading and idk why
How do I know if there are new mods that are affecting the rendering?
Water and shadows are being funky
New to this whole minecraft mod shenanigan thing
Does anyone know why this happens with Bliss shaders?
Scuffed clouds
Increasing world threads
game crashes
Chunks unloading beneath me as I fly with elytra
Thread settings for low thread count server-side config? [fabric-2.3.0-a-dev-1.20.1]
any one else notice when rendering tall things like slabs or water inside your render distance but w
large holes that appear on and off
Memory Leak 2.2.1-a 1.20.1
All the mods 9 (The game crashed whilst initializing gameError)
flying islands create black lines
Terrain rendering behind Simple Clouds
Any idea on how to improve nighttime shading on builds?
server side config
Disable DH overloaded warning
Can't disable rendering
crash on startup
Crash when starting Dedicated Server
Mouse clicks cause lag spikes
Oculus Compat error on startup - CTD every time
Crash upon loading in to a new world or chucks of a existing word that hasn't been generated
I need help with getting anti x-ray
Crash on launch Create: Chronicles with DH 2.2.(X)
Fixing white dots in the distance
Under water form transparent blocks??
Distant Horizon Bukkit Plugin Not loading up at all
circle of space with no real or lod rendering
Having trouble on launch
i cant play as oculus 1.8.0 doesnt exist
doesnt work on my own dedicated server
Weird glitch whenever I enable distant horizons (using tectonic only).
Hey guys does anyone know a setting change to fix this?
DH does not generate with shaders
Why is it so blurry?
lods not loading
Going to the nether causes Lag Spikes
Distant Horizons in Hypixel
NVIDIUM versions?
Game Rendering Two Worlds? Iris/Fabric + DH
Issues with Better Clouds
need help getting dh and fabric
Optimal settings for maximizing GPU usage and minimizing other hardware usage
why does it look that bad?
[DHS] Unsupported protocol version: 6
Incompatiable with Multiverse Plugins in Multiplayers
Current DH Experimental Server Support
Distant Horizons keeps running out of memory
LoDs don't show on server despite being loaded.
what am I doing wrong?
Black Chunks only in certain areas and less so at night. (sp, large mod pack)
I recently upgraded ram and now distant horizons does this with Bliss Shaders
multiplayer compatability
Not sure if this is a DH issue or not
DH Overloaded chat message
slow real chunks rendering
Failed to load shaderpack
Not sure if this is a known glitch for DH or not?
Chunks Ive loaded in my world arnt showing as LOD's and leaving huge gaps between flight paths
Weird chunk loading/lighting
Stuttering to Crashing
Weird chunk LOD that is loaded with Chunky
Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading.
DH 2.2.1 causes crash when I boot up Minecraft
Weird water boders (Without shaders)
Missing random lines of chunks
Anyone know how to fix this?
Can you disable the 'too many chunks queued' message? The FAQ instructions are outdated/dont work.
Weird Red Hand
can i turn all errors off completely?
DH saying i dont have enough space
Weird shader thing
Attempting to use DH on Server, no loading of chunks already pre-rendered
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'server' due to errors
DH water is not transparent
the beacon beam
Shader isn't being applied to LOD blocks
lods are lit up at night
Spent the better part of a day on DH + Shaders on Mac with no success.
how to install dh with optifine
repetitive issue
Can't turn off DH when shaders are enabled
DH crash on start with Direwolf 1.21 on Curseforge
so, i dont know why this happens
Fake Chunks above DH Chunks?
Optimize FPS on a High End system
Weird bug
replay mod rendering
Lunarclient support
Vram leak prolly
Not working with Macbook Air M3
Break Fresh Move resource pack and miobs, item became red color
Version compat issues
Conflict with Iris 1.7.3
Weird visual glitch
LOD render distance maxes out at like 256 no matter what I set it at…
NBT Error upon server join for some players
White Outline Bug
Map that disappears when using elytras
Any way to do anything about this odd underwater effect?
is there any way I can run my shaders and these mods consistently above 60fps
Not sure what i'm doing, New to minecraft modding. Need help
Strange afterimage and white sky(night and day)
LODs load slowly (server-side)
Does the auto updater work on servers with the latest nightly build?
LODs rendering on top of normal render distance [LATEST NIGHTLY 1.21]
Distant Horizons renderer has encountered an exception!
Game Crashes When Loading Distant Horizons with Shaders
How many blocks wide would a continent be if its size were "4882" with normal worldgen params?
is it possible to add fancy grass to dh?
Is there any way to remove an area previously rendered?
DH crash server-side - After not moving for a while
Does DH generate LODs for pre-existing chunks while the server is running?
Pregenerate a Paper server without Chunky?
Server-side mod crash
how do I allocate more memory
Weird visual glitch
Giant hole in the world (DH 2.3.0, Fabric 1.20.1)
This error is repeating itself and the world isn't loading
Photon, bliss, bsl and aurora shaders aren't loading lod's or aren't shading lod's
Flying Islands
Weird leaves bug
Distant Generation Question
Chunks Overloaded
Is this error in chat impactful, and if so, are there any specific solutions?
so how do I load ~2000 radius with chunky and dh without it taking more than an hour and crashing my
Crashing on loading (new) map or joining server on M1 Mac
[DH 2.1.2-a] Weird blur on LODs
Extreme chunk loading when DH is enabled
other mod causing LOD slightly offset from world
LODs updating when left/right clicking blocks (Multiplayer)
stuck loading
DH 2.3/2.2.1/!2.1.2 crashes minecraft 1.20.1 because of unknown mod.
Replay Mod assistance
i cant get to generate lods by itself
Implement DH support on a shader that doesn't support it
distant horizons isnt working on 1.21.1
Rethinking Voxels lighting not being voxelized Minecraft 1.20.1
Photon shaders not loading the terrain (vanilla Render Distance)
how do i fix shaders causing the DH chunks to not load? im using oculus 1.7 and DH 1.2.1a on forge
Can't lauch the modpack whith distant horizon...
why does my terrain look like that or render in?
Not saving any data on a multiworld SMP
DH chunks dont work when using shaders
weird pattern for snow and ice
DH Chunks Are Barely Loading (I Swear It's Not Cause Of My RAM This Time) (Single Player)
clouds rendering double
Water Problems?
Biome Blending
Screen goes white while in the nether.
Distant Generation doesn't seem to be working
disable fog
why does my game not render past a certain point
Can the LODs from two maps be combined?
Weird gap between me and LODs only when on server
Creative Dimensions Datapack + Server Side Support
I am currently looking for optimal settings that fit the shaders Complimentary Reimagined.
game keeps crashing
Issue with custom grass_block model provided by rp
Problem with create, VS and distant horizons at 1.20.1
How do i stop this from popping up
DH github says 2.2.0 is compatible with iris 1.7.0 and above. I am using 1.7.3 of iris and broken.
How do i enable Anti-Aliasing?
Beacon does not render in MP
Photon Shader Issue
Getting error message
having a hard time optimizing mod for my hardware
this happened after letting it run for a while
is there a way to set custom LOD drop off distances?
Can I run It With my Specs?
Help better clouds
Bug that I'm not sure how to fix
Help, Please
I can't see the extra chunks that dh add in settings
Help with shaders and distant horizons
DH cannot get block state
1 out of 4 dimensions conflicts with Overworld
what distant horizons version to use with shaders?
Fake lods?
How to properly regenerate LOD data
Blacks lines and random black chunks
Weird artifacts in DH render zone
does anyone know why i only get 40 fps while playing better mc on curse forge with DH on?
how do i make them not look so large and ugly next to other chunks
DH chunks are innacurate
error 1.21.1
Error Message: 'No Key Max_section'
Updated to 2.2, now getting error
Clouds above LODs
Is there any existing method to make DH working on IOS ?
DH not loading LOD chunks?
See Through Caves
Extreme CPU heat being generated
added the mod to my server but all the unrendered chunks are all pixelated
Holes in Generation
why is this happening to me in big globe ?
If iris is suppored why do i get this crash?
I have to re-render the chunks on my server after every restart
Overworld LODs rendering in the End dimension
Modpack Crashing
Can I turn off the beacons rendering in DH?
settings suggestions
cpu load
Wrongly render ice
Is this normal / can this be avoided?
Serverside Fork?
Sharing LOD's for server
DH is bugging so much since I entered the better end dimension
What version of Distant Horizons do I use?
Leaves with snow appear fully white instead of green. Any way to change this?
help wanted
help pls
Looking for the correct setting to alter to fix...
need help with setting multiverse
Incompatibility with Moonrise on Fabric
Need some help with settings/quality
Question about max render distance
World full of holes
need help with adding mods
DH doesn't seem to work.
DH crashing with no errors on Forge.
Distant generation suddenly stopped working after one hour using the big globe mod.
floating islands melting?
Photon and Bliss shaders not loading lods other shaders work?
LOD water not loaded properly
Visual and Performance Issues
Crashing At Random Times After World Load (Singleplayer - 4G Ram Allocated)
incompatible mods
Distant horizons not rendering?
Underground / No-Clipping render issue
1.20.1 beta not compiled correctly
Idk what happens here
something wrong with dh
DH Chunks not rendering with shaders (forge)
[Worker-Main-16/INFO]: Distant horizons compatibility disabled.
LOD color bug
Oculus and Sodium forks keep just instantly crashing my game when I try to launch
Prebuilt world for a modpack
Holes within rendered chunks
Issue with newest version of Oculus and embeddium when using it with DH
Help my game won't start now!
wrongly render grass block
missing of certain chunks
Any performance mods I can run along side DH that will help with FPS well running the bliss shader
Chunks of the mod won't load when using Bliss Shaders.
FPS decrease after 1-2min
LOD appears about 3/4 of a block too low?
what is this
Black Chunks
X-ray terrain?
Not working on a server.
Minecraft not opening
The game crashes as soon as forge gets done loading the mods
[HELP] Tips & Tricks and best step-by-step method to (pre)generate DH chunks and LODs?
Best modpack for DH?
Can someone help? Playing on Fabric with 1.20.1, as far as im aware i have all the right versions...
Memory Leak on 2.2.1-a-1.21.1
Any way to disable a dimension from rendering? :)
DH stops working after a while.
what do i do with this error
distant horizons encountered an error during the sided_setup event phase
Blank gap between LODs and Vanilla Render
Memory Leaks when generating worlds
Lots of holes in world generation using chunky
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError whenever rejoining a server
Shadow LOD Chunks
World isn't loading, distant horizons seems to be the cause
How many cores can this mod support at the same time?
I cant get DH to work
Being stuck on loading screen
2.3.0-a-dev on Forge Server
Create contraptions rendering in front of LODS
Pregen world on a paper server
Crash on game launch
DH is generating the world to Low
sky or water bug (water shown over world)
Unsure if DH is working
LOD Block Lighting and Sky Issue
1.20.1 incompatible Iris
Doesnt charge more chunks
Use DH chunks when bobby chunks don't exist
Adjust visuals between chunks in the ocean
Debug wireframe is diagonal
tops of blocks are black in dh generated chunks
does anyone know how to fix this? Minecraft is running fine and all with the chunks, but this error
cloud height
What is it?
Fog at horizon
DistantHorizons on paper server
ATM9 Mining Dimension Compatibility
Chunk borders and other issues
glowstone = lag?
server side branch performance
Error with DH and Shaders in 1.21.1
The game keeps crashing on startup. Im using oculus cuz i want shaders, embeddium and DH ofcourse
error where it says shaders while having no shaders
v1/Legacy how to use?
Chunks dissapearing then slowly reappearing if flying beyond a certain height
Constant Crashing
The problem with the sky and the drawing of the mod
Weird Rendering
Java lang runtime exception.
registering to vote
Some blocks not being rendered at border of my render distance
Doesn't load the video card
BMC4 Compatability
DH 2.2 on Neoforge, minecraft 1.20.1 and Oculus/Iris?
LODS fade away when approached
Mod List Review
Is this a memory thing, or is something else happening?
Help please? whats wrong?
Help lol
Random chunks of water don't exist.
not rendering
Change color of leaves?
Not working even with Chunky
ghost trees and abrupt end of rendering
Rethinking voxels doesnt work anymore.
weird artifacting
"Database Disk Image is Malformed"
Missing Chunks/Black Holes using DH with ATM 9 and Extra Performance Mods
LOD dont appear in giant mod pack
Need Help with settings.
1.20.1 server weirdness rendering shaders/DH?
embeddium and oculus is a problem?
LODs looking very scuffed
Iris and Distant Horizon not compatible??
(SOLVED) Odd LOD generation in Aether dimension (not multiplayer!)
Server doesn't start up with DH v.2.2.1 for 1.21.1
how can I fix these holes in my LOD generation?
Weird Interaction with Render Distance (?)
weird artifacting on LOD geometry
Is this green fog DH related?
Distant Horizons x Bobby
Not Working With Forge 1.20.6
Strange error after DH updates itseld
Crash when loading a map
Distant horizons 2.2.1-1.20.1 crashing on launch. I use forge 47.3.7
question about importing LOD files
DH 1.21 LODS are above real terrain,
is this overdraw? Complementary doesn't seem to have an option to change it
Distant Horizons 2.1.2 isn't rendering for me
2.3.0 not compatible?
Distant Horizons 2.2.1-a-1.20.1 requires a nonexistent version of Iris
Why doesn't the metadata state that it's client-sided?
Fabric MP - Chunks not loading correctly
DH Server Beta
doesnt work with iris
DH 2.2 Crash
Reducing pop-in while using Complementary Shaders
Problems in rendering
Artefact bug ?
Weird black lods
Slow chunk loading
'Only indirect is supported with Iris'
distant Horizon
Was wondering what options I had to make the image here look better, if any.
Is it possible to load DH files from a mc server outside from the server it was generated on?
Server-side support
DH server
Is there any way to make Create:Steam&Rails phantom rails not render in DH?
World Tick Freeze save and quit stuck on the saving screen, forced to Task Manager quit + roll back
DH not working with Optifine/Iris on 1.18.2
Bad Border
hotkey to toggle DH
"The shaderpack failed to load!"
Lods not generating
Will i be able to play comfortably on my laptop?
Help lod not loading correctly
DH is trying to prevent GL state corruption
Is there any way i can fix this?
caves visable at render distance
Distant generation not including all trees
Dark Chunks after using Chunky
Disable Too Many Chunks Queued Message
LODs not loading when placing sqlite file from singleplayer world to multiplayer world
Chunks not saving
Overloaded message
Spots slightly covered from sunlight render as black
Crash on Startup
DH used to work so well for me. Now it doesn't.
Lost Cities + DH
Game crashes on start up
dh compression
Game crashing on startup with ver 2.2.1 installed, but not any earlier versions.
Foggy LODs and Chunks
Column-like artifacts
Mod Not Showing Up
Putting LODs in Replay folder
shader not working
Distant Horizon 2.2.1 error on loading.
This error message appears in chat even when chat messages should be disabled
Can't seem to find a compatible fix.
Unable to set DH's render distance under 32
Main chunks are foggy while Lods are just fine
Vivecraft Compatibility issues
Dark LODs even without starlight or related mods.
is there a way to decrease lod distance in the nether
dh on servers
Frame drops when interacting.
Cannot get game to launch
Crash On Startup
Using DH and small handful of mods, need performance help
Mod do not work!
File Handler tasks seem like a bottleneck
Lag and DH issues
What versiom do i download?
glitch within sky
Weird LOD Glitch
Super low quality and blurry LODs even at extreme quality?
Hey I would like some help if possible
DH don`t load chunk or don`t render chunk with shaders on. Forge 1.20.1
when loading DH in 1.18.2 my game just crashes
DH instant crash
Caves and Physic Mod's water show through LOD chunks
How to solve the proxy server?
DH not working with shaders on
I don't understand, what does this mean?
Horrible Lag spikes with DH 2.1.2
DH not launching
How to regenerate Chunks
chunks disappear when moving camera
Anyone knows this problem? I play on 1.21.1
Fabulously Optimized + DH doesnt work
Trying to open ATM9 0.3.0 client with DH installed causes crash upon loading into client
Lods water?
Error messages in chat
Prominence II + DH
-1073740791 MC 1.21
Shader Development Documentation, depth handling
Hi i'm just trying to launch a modpack with DH and it crashes during loading giving me this error :
Weird ghosting/trails for LOD
Server setup DH
crashing, but crush-reports are not made
DH + Shaders crashed game, M3 Pro Mac
Some chunks are black
A minute later, it breaks again
Texture blinking
help me
Out of Memory Error Even When Having a Ton of Memory Allocated.
LOD Distance Help
error with shaders
Where can I find the Distant Horizons for Fabric?
Texture Quality
DH not working with TerraFirmaGreg on 1.20.1 with Embeddium and Iris
Can't get Distant Horizons to work on NeoForge server
How can i get iris shaders to work with distant horizons in 1.21 fabric?
Game crashes on lunar client (every other mod i use works)
How can I separate servers that are separated by port
Chunks for some reason are not preloaded in Replaymod when using DH.
Weird ring at the end of non-LOD chunks
Bobby or DH for game experience? (And more questions)
Enable block sides for LODs to improve AA flickers?
custom quality
DH Overloaded
Is there a list of Forge mods that aren't compatible with DH somewhere?
Iris 1.7.1 compatible DH?
My game is Freezing after I re-enter a generated world
Minimum Recommend Specs
help me :,c
What is this message and where do I go to fix it?
multiplayer DH not working properly
Crashing after updating to 2.2.1
Error, can't pick up items and breaking blocks doesn't drop anything
Water Elevator not rendering
Game crashes when I installed DH 2.2.1 1.20.1
Help Plez
when click on distant horizons in modmenu it crashes
its not working
Black LOD's on 1.20.6
DH crashing with oculus
Updating 2.1.0 to 2.1.2 causes Ticking World crash
I can't use shaders
Not allocating RAM efficiently/correctly?
the code version of bliss that should be compatible has never worked before
i havent played for 2 weeks and came back to my world looking like this with shaders
Bad Performance on Linux
holes in LODS
Ditanz Horizons Isnt working
DH is completely and utterly broken here- just read discript.
Game CrashingSaying I should update graphics card drivers
Very poor performance and trees in a grid
[forge1.19.2] Config Menu Crash
LODs glitch out after moving further away from them
Ghost objects
Cant get distant generation to work anymore in singleplayer.
Unable to get repo with connection string
There are holes in the ocean how can i fix it?
uhh... what is happening here?
Buggy ocean rendering
dh 2.1.2 have bug
Shadows flickering with DH and Bliss on
Log spam from DH
Compatibility with Iris, 1.21.1
Graphic bug when flying with elytra
the message on the chat
Shadows not being rendered in LOD beyond vanilla render distance
error message 1.21.1
I can't use the download github links
Warns Spamming in chat/slow LOD conversion
help me
2.2.1 can't use oculus
sodium not working
Help me please!
Distant horizons deleting itself
DH 2.1.3 Server Crash - Exception ticking world
Superflat world with very tall layers cause OutOfMemoryError on world rendering
LODs on a server
Help plez
The LOD's have FOG, how can I disable them?
World Clipping?
Holes between vanilla render distance and DH LOD:s
DH not working properly with TACZ
Help plez
Crashing while initializing game
Trees not generating on surface until the chunk is loaded directly
shader menu invisible
Lines in water LOD chunks with Photon shaderpack
"Unable to deserialize blocks for chunk section" Game crashes reliably 5 minutes after loading in
Wynncraft/Zoom Rendering Issues
Incompatible mods found!net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException: Some of your mods are incompat
Using iris shaders disables ambient occlusion option in DH settings
Weird water issue
Crash right after loading / creating a world
New update crashes my game
Mac M1 crahs with shaders
how i can fix this?
increase minecraft
Dh not loading chunks in different worlds but with the same mods and the same shaders
water lod chunks
When i enable shaders, the chunks don't load but they fully do when the shader is disabled
Stuttering on a powerful PC.
extra lod
2.2.1 crash when swapping from 2.1.3
How config Photon Shaders with Distant Horizons ?
Fog between rendered chunks and LODs
My game crash when i click on the distant horizons option
RAM allocation not being accurate?
how do i fix this?
LODs in downloadable maps question
a lot of server lag in singleplayer
elongated LODs in the distance
distant Horizons
Distant Horizons encountered an error during the sided_setup event phase
how much time will an i5-12450h take to load chunks on 200?
Game crashes when using iris
how to get my server to make distant horizons load every generated chunks? [solved]
blocks with snow are weird
Game crashes as soon as I'm about to load in (with shaders)
VER 1.20.1 forge incompatibilities and visual bugs
When turning on shaders, lines appear that stay perpindicular to where the player is facing:
do the shaders i get from curseforge not work ?
Minecraft 1.21.1 + 2.20-a + Sodium Crash on world load
Terrible performance with DH server fork on Forge 1.20.1
1.20.1 Forge Server Crashing with DH server fork
Some water LOD chunks dont load
weird bugs with Optifine 1.20.1/forge and shaders
Smoothing in DH chunks
Mod loaded, but there is no difference in rendering
compatiblity distant horizons n oculus
Beacons turn invisible when too far.
Doesn't seem to save anything beyond spawn.
[1.20.1] Structure Essentials incompatibility
when i turn on distant horizons the sky just turns empty white, no sun / moon just empty or deleted.
ugh,when will it truly support only neoforge and fabric only
DH loading terrain instead of buildings
Distant Horizons Multiplayer Mod
Need help in reading log crash file
alex's cave problem
2.1.2distant horzion+oculus1.7.0(single)
xray effect
Blurry Stuff in Disatance
Lots of blur
I am back again trying to fix my distant horizons not loading... Also is there a vc to get help in?
Grey patches on DH chunks
Not Loading
DH not loading in Replay mod
Chunks modified days ago still showing old LODs
LOD chunks vertically offset from real chunks, creating duplicate mirage effect
Chunks not loading for friend on server.
MP: some chunks not loading
DH chunks not loading while spamming millions of file handler tasks
Issue with Oculus & Distant Horizons
Latest Distant Horizons for 1.20.4 is incompatible with latest iris shaders for 1.20.4
Question on config options
Super duper vanilla shaders error.
DH throwing constant exceptions when generating LOD chunks, creating weird grid patterns
incompatible iris shader
lines between blocks/visible block borders/block border bug error
Chunks blinking in and out of existence quickly as I move
game crashes when going into video settings
game crashes when loading world
ReplayMod working well EXCEPT for ODS rendering output
Wrong version on modrinth?
Lods are stopping to generate
DH not working
requires iris 1.74?
Crash when upgraded to DH 2.2.0 Sodium 0.6 and Iris 1.8.0
Iris incompatible
Support for V2.2.0 for Fabric 1.20.4
Crash on launch
Drownd farm no longer rendered correctly with DH 2.2.0-a
There are rips in some places
[Resolved: Cave Culling] What settings do I change to fix these "overhang" issues
I can see the past and I don't know if it's normal
Bro this worked until like 2 hours ago and suddenly this error appeared
Is this what the LOD chunks are supposed to look like?
gaps between beacon beam rendering in LODs?
DH 2.2 + Oculus
(Solved) Shader Compatibility
Clouds Above Clouds
fog issues
I cant start up mc
Game crashes whilst initialiazing game. ( with mods )
DH 2.2 Crashes Forge 1.20.1, 47.2.21
how do i fix this? this error only appears on a specific world
Specific case performance degradation on a server over time
Render player entity inside LODs
Game crashes/freezes upon loading into a world
Lag Spikes every 3-4 seconds (CPU usage is fine)
Distant Horizons x Iris issue
Question with distant horizons
White Water
Iris 1.7.5 or 1.8 is not available for 1.20.4 or 1.20.6 on modrinth.
Chunks just completely transparent
lods generate inside loaded chunks that can be seen in transparent blocks
DH not generating LoDs, extreme lag when enabled in Single Player.
Distant horizon working but only rendering small world
crash after update
Game crashing on save and quit
incorrectly culled blocks
DH message spam in the chat?
Using 2.2, distant generation gives me unfinished terrain.
Shader water texture not used nearby, only in LOD
which shader can i use in this? i was using bliss shader but it showed up to me
2.2 crashes immediately
There is some fog and i dont know how to disable it
Trees are not rendering
multiple issues with generated lod
DH mixing worlds in servers
Error: Mod 'Distant Horizons' (distanthorizons) 2.2.0-a is incompatible with version 1.7.4
ERROR : chunk generation timed out and terminated,please lower CPU load.
DH 1.2.0 requires iris 1.7.4 which is not available for 1.20.1
Help with double clouds
DH Error
Distant Horizons Crashing with Code 6
is this normal
Lod chunks not loading
New DH update makes mushroom blocks green on lodI k
Skin corruption on DH 2.2
How do I read the F3/debug info?
water border with lod
DH 2.2 for Fabric 1.20.1 is listed as compatible - required 1.7.5 or above...but it's nonexistant
Consistent overdraw prevention leakage.
Is there a way to turn off clouds?
Gap between chunks when on flat plain DH 2.2
Java Crash with Shaders
Chunks unloading within my render distance.
Distant Horizons Immersive Portals Lag
Significant surface features artifacts on DH 2.2 with modded world gen
M1 crash using only dh 2.2.1 and latest versions of sodium and iris on 1.21.1 when joining a world
Hard crash on M1 Mac when loading up a world with DH 2.2.0-a and Sodium 0.6.0-beta-1 on MC 1.21.1
Crash on start boot on 2.2
distanthorizons.sqlite error
Water Surface Bug
water chunks bug in multiplayer
Distant horizons not loading chunks
fake block(LOD) overlap with real block
Game crash DH 2.2.0 + Iris
Server side DH fork
error after disabling DH
Problem with superDuperVanilla shaders.
Where can I find the 2.2.0a build?
Best way to turn Bobby files into DH .sqlite file?
The Fog
"This pack doesnt have DH support"
is like it's not working
Is this normal? If not, how can I make the light sources look normal?
crash at starting world as casually joining moment like without getting crash joining
sun shining through distant horizon LODs
Turning off shaders leaves an afterimage (multiplayer)
What is causing black chunks? (Conquest Reforged Modpack)
System Requirements
Crashes attempting to use DH with Iris&Sodium for Fabric
game crash
Wall on water around render distance
Persistent Holes, and Walls Between LOD and Normal Chunks
water textures cutting off
Sharing SQLite for server issue.
Rethinking Voxels doesn't seem to work
Distant Chunks are shown cut off or not fully loaded.
DH 1.21 Won't load LODS
Scratching my head
Why are LOD chunks darker/ less saturated?? And some of the LOD chunks are completely black too.
how to fix this light glitch?
There's a gap in the rendering of LODs when I get too close, overdraw prevention is at 0
Guys ive tried multiple mod loaders, multiple mods, and i just cant get it to work
Batching World Generator (Features) timed out and terminated
My world immediately crashes when loading up with new DH, Iris and Sodium
BSL shader world curve only applies to DH chunks and unloads all real chunks
How do I turn this "Spectator Mode" thing off?
Game crashes after being in the nether for about a minute
Chunks Disappearing
Compatibility with upcoming optimization mod 'Moonrise'
Connection Lost in Single player with newest DH, Iris and Sodium?
Distant Horizons chunks not loading
Incompatible Iris with DistantHorizons , MC 1.21.1
DH 2.2 not generating lods on massive pregenned map?
need rl craft
Game is crashing every hour with Distant Horizons installed
How do i fix this goofy ah issue
Loading chunks takes forever and sometimes does not even work.
Snow seems to render as gray
I updated Distant Horizons and my chunks got reset
Allocating more RAM not working
LODs do not appear at all (1.20.1)
bliss shader not working for me
Small group of chunks with weird loading, no listed incompatible mods/shaders
MC server crashing resulting in several different Errors
Loaded chunks not creating LODs
cant increase render distance
game crashes after I tp to someone
pojavlauncher help to get dh and other mods to run
Fog impossible to remove after i got bunch of new mods (I dont know which one is causing that)
Black chunks along with holes between the loading of the chunks
Is there a fix for this?
Overdraw issue? Terrain gap...
ask questions in the help me channel
Neoforge server won't start with DH
fpspie shows updateDisplay taking up more than half of the graph, causing massive performance issues
World doesn't load
DH Overloaded
Using older mod version on servers
Why is my proformance on vivecraft so bad
Looking for a way to turn rendering LODS off for certain dimensons
Distant Horizon Not generating chunks properly after using MCA Selector
DH doesn't seem to be doing anything, using an override to run DH on 1.21.1.
has anyone got this error?
Not all LODs are loading
DH only loads already visited chunks even though I play singleplayer
clear LOD's
GPU is crashing entirely
Crashes every time i attempt configuration
distant chunks are weird
Clear Mountain Sides?
crashing on startup as soon as i added dh to my modpack with no clear solution
Dont know what mods are causing black LOD's
Pre-existing chunks feature generation.
need help with how to work this
Immersive portals + DH = No DH Fog 1.19.2
does anyone know how to fix this?
immersive portals + DH 1.19.2 and modpack
DH incompatible with Iris
how to reload chunk
I'm new to modding and confused on this.
How do I reset the chunk generation queue? It seems to be stuck but not actually be doing anything.
Distant holes
gap between actual render and distant horizons render
afterimages or something?
minecraft not showing chunks outside my reder distance with any shader i put on
Iris Compatabiltiy 1.21
The newest version of Distant Horizons appears to be incompatible with Iris.
DH won't expend the rendering boarder
DH doesn’t work say my pc is low memory + how to use shaders with Modrinth?
Vivecraft and distant horizons not working fine
water bug
i dont underestand nothing and i get frustated
White cubes with default textures
iris and fabric versions for minecraft 1.21.1
i used better trees mod with DH and my game looks like this
Is there a way to load the chunks on a server without having to fly around
Stuttering on latest nightly + Iris&Sodium forge alpha 3
Trying to get DH to work with a Valhelsia 6 Server
Any way to merge .sqlite files?
it seems that job "#7591553431: build: [1.21]" has version "1.20.1"
1.21 instantly crashing if no shaders are on
How can I start with distant horizons on forge?
Random Crashes w/o A Crash Log/Report
Distant Chunks not fully loading
Mod Support - distant chunks not loading
Low GPU/CPU usage with low fps
VRAM Issues 1.21
DH crashing on 1.21
Does DH still build LODs when both rendering and distant generation is disabled?
Outdated LOD chunks not matching new terrain generation.
DH Crashing with Sodium and Indium 1.21.1 Mac M1
Server-side version installed, but wont render LODs
Question about shader compatibility, specifically in servers with the mod clientside only
Iris with server-side fork
Iris + Sodium + Distant Horizons only 2-4 fps
File size limit?
faster chunk generation with aggresive than paid for whole cpu?
Clarity on multiplayer servers, Chunky, DH server fork
Distant Horizons takes forever
This keeps spamming my chat and logs on a world I downloaded from PlanetMinecraft
border of unrendered chunks underground
in what way can i check the amount of chunks im generating every second
Distant horizons chunks wont load
Today my DH updated and its asking for a non existing Iris Mod version.
Can we reset the LOD queue in the server?
Weird glitch when using a shader pack (bliss)
Crash NullPointerException
Dying in Nether/End disables LOD in overworld
Skybox bug
dawn craft with DH
Gap between LODs and regular chunks
LOD building question
LoD speed
incompatible with iris?
Made a fresh instance cause the server support fork was crashing my modpack and its still crashing
Non-existent builds persisting
incompatible with latest update
Weird looking view
Old Generated Chunks Won't Update even when I tried to go in and out from the chunks bunch of times
Mod 'Distant Horizons' (distanthorizons) 2.1.3-a-dev requires version 1.21.0 of 'Minecraft'
DH not rendering LOD's
Game not loading
need help with writing a DH shader
some stuff like trees sometimes dont match?
Game crashed out of nowhere
Been waiting like 30min and loads not loading, only loading on already loaded chunks by my RD
When resetting modded world, old chunks still show when loading new ones. New world name, new world
Black stripes
How i get rid of that?
Black patches with DH and Photon shaders 1.20.1
What did i do to deserve this
Supplementeries is a known incompatible mod, any known fix? and what about embeddium should i swap?
How would I go about fixing this yellow snow?
online bug
Having an issue with installing the mod
How do I generate 1000+ render distance on a pre-generated world?
Minecraft crashes every 30-40 minutes or so
LODs stop generating after a while even though render distance is set to 4048
FPS boosting
Best way to generate LODs?
I have randomly crash problem when use distant horizon with shaders
LODs won’t render
Water under blocks is unrendered, hard lines in water at render distance
Server Side Chunk Loading?
Updated DH, Lighting problems started
DH LOD file locations
Not working
Game Crash on world generation (singleplayer)
patheticly low fps and gargantuous performance drops with DH compatible shaders (and without too??)
trying to use server fork getting melty lods and weird pop ins
changing cpu load crashes my game
Distant Horizon whit Re terra forged = makes me crash
Server crash when loading DH
Making supplementaries work
LOD staying after breaking tree
StarrySkies Chunk generator issues
LOD chunks refuse to render
Missing chunks
Dark areas on distant LODs (no Starlight)
Are shader compatible for version 1.20.1 forge using curseforge?
GregTechCeu Modern Conflicting with Distant Hroizons?
Do shaders work with version 2.1.3? (experimental version)
DH not loading on this world?
it doesn't render lods on my client, and idk what mod might be causing this
Disable passive LOD generation
Nothing Is Rendering Correctly.
DH refuses to render LODs underwater
Clouds way too bright in the distance
DH Forge 1.20.1 Modded - No Chunk Exists at [x, y]
Game crashes ~5 seconds into joining the world or after "Loading Terrain"
bliss Shaders not working with DH on 1.21
DH Data Migration causing crash?
"incompatible mods found"
DH chunk lod loading
Increase range of detail?
Failed to delete world error message
game crashes after loading terrain
New lods stop being created?
Incompatible Iris after auto-update
DH not loading at all
Disable DH multiplayer warn?
How do I fix this in hypixel?
Need Help Getting DH to work with the Iris & Sodium 1.21 launcher
Distant Horizen crashes my modpack on load-up
performance question
what is happening
Extremely slow world generation using datapacks (Terralith+Terratonic) or JJ Thunder.
Crashing upon startup. (crash report included)
need help for best settings for fps
dh crashes my game after 2 or more hours without telling me why
Long loading times on servers
Visual glitch
Insane stuttering on high end pc
Doesn't seem to support Twilightforest's chunk generator?
DH questions
Error messages in chat
how do i fix this?
Mountain range glitching out
Forge 1.21?
Game wont start (m1 mac)
Lod‘s are black
Distant Horizons chunk rendering problem
Any way to reload LODs? (F3+a style)
black LODs showing up
Distant Horizons creates huge log files again and again neoforge
Distant horizons isn't saving chunks at all and don't stay put even while in the same session.
LOD unloading before chunk loads in
Dh won't load new LOD chunks
Im hosting pregenereted LAN world, how do you give somebody your LODs?
Crash report consistently every 30 mins in game (BufferBuilder was empty)
line between LODs
how do i use bliss distant horizons and ocean physics mod
DH Mod Question:Am I allowed to port to forge 1.21?
How can I use DH in 1.20.1, with Complementary - Reimagined, on CurseForge?
distant horizons
my render distance is weird
Wrong Dimensions chunks loaded
Best Biome Generation Mod For 1.20.1?
false-positive incompatible mods? or wrong version?
LODS seem to be disappearing
Circle of non-rendering LODs when freecamming with Complementary
Mod Menu states "Failed to load config screen for 'distant horizons'"
Looking for R-pack/Shader/Mod Suggestions for DH+Iris
Trim chunks off file
How to refresh Chunk Lods
Chunk LOD errors at night and day
Minecraft crashes every 20-30 minutes or so and idk why
Help with hum, DH
Hey what is the best world gen combination ever
Error HELP
DH creating phantom End platforms in LOD chunks.
Generate distant horizons lods from bobby data for server
Black LOD ring (Solved)
Distant Horizons + Lunar Client
DH not showing up
Chunk not charging
how fast will a 4090 with ryzen 7 7800x3d load the world on i paid for the whole cpu preset?
Big hole in the LOD for some reason.
Ambient occlusion ran amok
some parts of the world rendering in pitch black
Shader and generation in this image
Bug Generation
weird visual glitch with chunks in DH
Getting frequent crashes
LOD Cloud Clipping?
Holes, holes, holes! (LOD Issue)
DH and Bliss Shaders don't want to work together
LODs super bright/no biome colors
1.20.1 and 1.20.2 crash after approximately 2,5 hours
1.20.4 troubleshooting
Rendering help
compatible with luna client?
Distant horizon's / Bloop shader's issue
distant horizons doesn't work properly :C
black blocks when setting transparency to complete
Holes in the distance. Some chunks not showing up.
A Few shaded chunks
performance expectations
1.16.5 - Disabling distant generation, no LODs
Multiplayer exploring chunks
1.20.1 crash / Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList.getLong(int)" because "this.
Does distant generate save the terrain or just the lod files?
Modded dimensions share LOD with overworld on multiplayer servers
Crash if i create my World
Having issues after world gen
singleplayer world i was afk genning in wont let me in :(
Lods dont generate no matter what i do.
Aternos 1.21 Forge
DH for a minecraft server?
Overlap from one world to new one on server
Should i move in my world to load chunks ?
how do I add the server side plugin and where can I find it
Tick Freezing will be the death of me
distant horizons shaders 1.20.1
The mod is not loading?
What does enable distant generation do
LOD chunks not showing up in the nether
Black/ Shadowed Chunks
How to make leaves look better?
certain chunks wont load/save
Question On Server LOD swap
batching world error
LOD generation isn't working properly
Platforms from outside render distance
DH Unloading LODs within Render Distance
looking for mod recommendations for 1.20.1 for vanilla-like minecraft experience
DH not working anymore with fabric better mc 1.20.1 pack
distant horizon doesn't work
Looking for Specific 1.21 Shader Pack
DH + OrthoCamera 1.20.1
Is that possible to disable DH for the_nether and the_end dimensions?
Not all 128 chunks loading in singleplayer
1.21 DH Deletes Multiplayer LODs
1.20.1 Crashing with DH Installed.
Dimension Filter/Mining Dimension Issue
Server LOD generation without players
floating islands
DH issues on launch / joining worlds
using vanilla chunks for some reason
DH not working
Distant Horizon LOD to Vanilla terrain transition glitch
Trying to start server from my pc with distant horizons and cant get it to work
Logs are not displayed
DH says its not compatible with iris even though it absolutely is
Crashing randomly
How to transfer LoD files between server save and singleplayer save?
LOD chunks messed up, couldn't find answer in FAQ
Top of chest floating in the air
Minecraft GUI won't work...
Way to make Player made structures not look this low quality?
a few black chunks following me
Dedicated server error code (resolved)
LOD chunks not being shaded
sqlite corrupt after transfering it to a server
Pre loading chunks
doesnt work in general but i can see some signs of it
Not looking like images
Game Crashing Almost Instantly After Entering World
Random tree placement issues with LODS. Not sure why.
Shade in glass building
distant horizons changes quality preset automaticaly
Gap between DH LODs and Loaded Chunks when using shaders
Problems with DH
DH render distance doesn't work
After running /chunky on server, best way to generate LoDs?
black screen
fog still not being removed, even with external mods
Sort of mushroom shadow
Weird Colouring at the end of Vanilla chunks
minecraft stick at loading screen
Updated my distant horizen mod and my game keeps crashing
Bliss shaders bugging out despite installing the appropriate version
Unable to launch the game after updating
making menu gui / backround bluring transparent to better visualize changes in setting
These few chunks seem to just always appear there. They go away when close
Wierd game hang
how to prevent mod from updating
Random Chunks Missing
Weird ghost blocks under floating islands (terralith)
Game crash
is this the maximum the mod can render?
Biome Features Hallucination
Grey Terracotta with Snow on top is rendered as Snow Block for LOD data
Server not starting
distant horizons doesn't work for me
How to prevent hollow chunks from appearing
Distant Horizons Doesn't Work With Shaders
DH + Terralith border fog not appearing
Daytime flickers on MacOS on 1.20.1
DH + Bliss Causes strange light rays in caves.
just not working
stopping server when out of memory
Distant horizons not showing up although downloaded
Strange Color Bug With The Cherry Blossom Trees
what version do you guys recommend to run right now? what's most stable atm?
Game crashes after loading into world
Multiplayer world support
Missing chunks in terrain
rendering problem
what is this
Server Logs Error
Someone already solve this ?
Weird fog/cloud movement
use distanthorizons.sqlite file on server
Unstable FPS with DH
Minecraft crashing after ~1h10m
Help me pls (fabric 1.21)
Installing the mod, " A Java Exception has occured"
I've run into issue where I see in some chunks black areas and somewhere even only black squares
New to DH: Setting to increase normal Blocks around player
Fake Trees generating in Distant Chunks
How do i solve this?
Turning off shaders in nether result in wierd no-fog LODs.
Water Problem
Does anyone know why this happens when i use the bliss shader?
Whats the max amount of chunks i can load with DH
Bliss compatible with 1.19.2 DH?
Not Saving
Can I activate shaders while Distant Horizons is rendering chunks?
Crash when clicking config in mod list.
Bliss shaders
day chunks at night
When I transfer LOD files from personal world to identical server world, LODs do not load.
c2me or no c2me
Mod dev question - How to check if a chunk has been cached to sqlite?
DH forge 1.20.1 Are there any compatible mods with it?
I've went through most FAQ regarding the issue I'm receiving: rendering.. shared context buffer.
JVM Args?
My Distant Horizons button is no showing
I am not able to see very far
What is causing this? Forge 1.21.1
lod chunks arent rendering, and most of them are in weird bars
Near-100% GPU Strain even at lowest graphic settings.
Distant Chunks only showing previously loaded chunks in render distance
reset fog
tps drop
black chunks?
Is there a way to force a shader to load with DH?
Game crashes when loading into a world
DH Stops Rendering LODs and Giant Chunks of LOD Missing
Fog settings not working, slow terrain and lod loading, more
Strange black leaves and missing chunks
how are multiplayer folders named (fancymenu conncet to server button)
Why does this happen?
Works perfectly for single player but not on my server?
Game crashes as soon as I enter a world in singleplayer.
is the LOD render distance radius setting measured in blocks?
DH not loading anything on personal server
LODs don't render
Another Nether Problem
Nether Not loading
Well it just stopped working after i turned generation on/off
is there a way to make beacons visible at long distances?
Spawn Chunks Issue?
Boxes over blocks
ConcurrentModificationException during chunk feature placement
Random Missing LOD Chunks
DH makes my fps very unstable
modrinth app
Ring of unloading
how do i fix the water? to make it look like it does on the left
lod not rendering
i installed the mod and dragged it into feather client, but it wont work in singleplayer
Lod's generating with the correct blocks and terrain but with some dark lighting on it
Guys, how can I speed up loading LOD's?
Suggested settings for complementary and dokucraft
LODs not loading with & without (singleplayer)
Sever LOD File
Mod Versions
chunks that are rendered by the mod get 'eaten' when rendered properly
Vanilla fog won't disable
Weird Square LODS
Is it normal for the database to be 200GB big + that it breaks the Base game backup system?
Light appear to be not affecting LOD's Block
(unsolved) shadow issue when blocks are above void
Lod quality looks like roblox
Missing 2x2 Chunks in minecraft
Deleting DH.sqlite files
Chunk loading problems
Valkyrien Skies 2 crashes with Distant Horizons
How do I make my game look better?
Instant Loader
Bigger best quality blocks radius? - 1.21 [Fabric]
Not sure how to describe this. Fog stopping at regular render distance, not the LOD one?
Game won't load past launcher with DH
water shadow bug
light shaders or performance boost
LODs gone
other mods
DH permanently broke after switching to Bliss
chunks dissapearing and i'm not sure ? how to fix it
I DH 2.1.3 not compatible with iris..?
Lower Render Distance Causes Valkyrien Skies/Eureka Ships To Disappear
The world gen mod Tectonic keeps crashing when using distant horizons and teralith
DH not wanting to load chunks
Mountains and Water Z-Fighting
Chunky, Water chunks
tips on improving fps?
Howdy, I jsut want to know the most functional build that will let me have visible beacons
game crashes
Not rendering from afar?
White fake chunks?
Help me - Weird shadow flick in the distant
A suggestion of shaders that solely adds antialiasing, i tested many but some it lacks sharpening..
Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
wierd lines
It seems to not work!
Any way to fix water ?
DH settings
Chunks are not loading
sodium and indium incompatible 1.20.1
Installation help
Help setup ( All the MODS 7 ) i believe it is possible
Blocky renders with Distant Horizon
How to make a pre-loaded world work DH
Mod Issue? gaps keep manifesting despite free memory.
Error when turning off the rendering
DH not rendering underneath water?
try beat this..
Does DH work in Nether or End. If yes - how to turn it ON
anyway to disable overdraw prevention?
How do I disable this anoying message?
I need help...
Visual bug
Invisible holes when flying
High Input Delay
Instant Crash When Loading Specific Save File
DH keeps making brand new LOD files on server (DH 2.1.2) (1.21)
DH Render Distance Not Working Unless Shaders Disabled
water (transparency?) flickering and pixelated
local files are not working on server
shaders crash the game
Shaders don't work
(DH No Shaders) LF Stable Resource Packs
Render distance wont exceed 32 chunks.
Tried to play but got this instead
Complementary Shaders turning off DH
Does anyone know how to deal with this kind of distant terrain rendering issue?
Why is Minecraft so noisy (even at close distances)?
Does anyone have the best settings for BSL? I'm always having some issues with my settings.
LODs disable
how come this youtubers game looks like this but mine doesnt
Clipping when zoomed in
Downloading the mods?
Make Up Ultra Fast Shaders Support When
Moving LOD data from SP world to MP client data not fully working.
DH not loading distant chunks
DH doesn't work if I turn off rendering and rendering on after.
Can somebody help me. In my render distance the trees load but in dh chunks not
Distant Horizons just doesn't work
Why does DH not load my chunks as far as it should?
Nether LoD are bugged like there is no Complete transparency
Oh crap what is that
DH not loading on server
chunks wont fully load in
1.21 DH creating new server data for each dimension after leaving and rejoining the server
1.20.1 Distant horizon installation incompatible
Distant Horizon loads, but does not work
Trying to play Prominence II RPG
is this mod client side?
Fog won't enable
Lod chunks disappearing before vanilla chunks come in
Tutorial of how to use SQL program and which SQL program to use
How to get rid of random black squares in LOD's?
how do I prevent things in the distance looking like this
Temp Storage Issues - Need further clarification
This line appears in the chat whenever i play distant horizons.
Distant Generation Limit
ram usage weird behaviour
Server side fork seemingly not requesting lods from server
Weird circular render thing in superflat-world
distant horizons is not working
Pre-load Server world Data
shadows/artifacts and failure for lods to load properly
How to give more memory to minecraft (macos)
distant horizons not functioning
Can't find Option to disable transperancy on Non-Full Blocks
Glitchy Ice LODs while using shaders
Phantom Blocks
Slow LOD
Stutter on block break
Error during loading
Server crashes upon startup after adding server side DH
Server Side Fork Unable to Create Folders
loading DH 1.20.4 with a world generated with RTF 1.20.2 and Chunky doesn't load far chunks
seem to have an issue where DH chunks wont load on one specific pc suddenly. it worked for me before
Help 😂
Sql problem?
Issues with chunk loading
DH doesn't change anything
How do I get DH working with ATM9 modpack on a server?
DH Stops working when shader enabled
Import DH data into Xaero's?
[Non-DH Related] How do 300+ modpack servers handle terrain gen?
help my game is crashing randomly after about an hour of gameplay with no crash report
game keeps crashing when i try to launch it.
LODs from other servers showing in my main server
inverted lods
If my server render distance max is set to 10 does DH still work?
DH "No such field error" causes crash when shader is applied
LODs transferred but not loading?
Rendering issue
Is DH compatible with those performance mods?
Chunks not loading
rainbow trees with custom berry trees
Can't get DH to work at all
Can you use DH with any server that has its chunks already loaded?
Distant horizons Memory issue on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon
Vanilla render distance (?) issue
invisible chunks bug?
The game crashed whilst unexpected errorError: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: modelPos
Is this a bug or is my computer just having a hard time?
This pack doesn't have DH support with no reason.
Guys it doesnt do anything
DH doesn't work on server, despite server-side fork installed
Installing on old world
Does anyone know why my game won't load? Are there any conflicting mods?
How to make LOD's look good on low render distance
Warning error when generating chunks 2.1.3a server
Please help! - 1.21 Crashing when using 2.1.3-a with shaders
Issue with 100% cpu usage and error message
Game is crashing only when I enable DH
Pre generated LODs from server not working
Is there any way for it to support multiple overworlds?
Black spots
Small issue loading chunks
Idk how to explain ..
DH chunks black, need help figuring out which mod is affecting it
game crash the 2nd
Game doesn't load on M1 Macbook Air
Red and yellow boxes appear
LODs appearing inside render distance and not being updated
LOD not working with shaders even though I'm on DHv2
Embeddium and Oculus not working with supported Shaderpack
could anyone help me with this?
Chunk LODS only save when leaving the game
chunks generation bug?
Has anyone got a definitive list of performance boosting mods?
Just spent 10 minutes trying to verify to ask this question lol.
where can i located server name?
game crash
why do i keep seeing buildings
Certain Chunks not loading.
ETA to load chunks
DH ERROR: Couldn't Load or Make Chunk
LOD not rendering
Multiverse Support
Cannot get DH to load chunks no matter what I do.
erm its crashing (trying to afk worldgen) (apple silicon)
Sudden issue of bare trees and cave-shaped holes in LODs
Can't see all chunks i set it too
DH spamming code in log causing lag over time
crashing error with shaders and DH
Can I physically offset my DH data (up)? (voiced vid attached)
Even after uninstalling Cubes without Borders, I can't stop crashing.
Normal render distance when using newest complementary shader
DH with shaders
Few questions for the new version.
Mod isn't downloading or showing an icon
Game crashing.
The lod shows black chunks
Ocean floor is a flat plane
Can I have LOD chunks automatically generate terrain
hi so whenever i go into dh rendered chunks this happens ------------------------------------------>
DH Shows trees that arent there
game crash after some time playing error code 1
Weird water reflections with LOD chunks and shaders
DH no longer working, specific line keeps showing up in logs
LOD being weird still
Black chunks
game crash on world load [error code -1073740791]
DH can work without shaders but DH is not work with shaders
Distant Lod's not loading correctly
Can't upload a pre generated DH file
Why does this happen in all shaders?
Server Crashed on startup
change lod texture?
don’t know what to call this
DH crashes
Crashing as soon as I turn on shaders
Game Crashes when going in and out of dimensions with distant horizons
Got this crash rep
DH 2.1.2 crashes my game without giving any crash report
Just loaded an old existing world, anyone know how to fix this?
my game suddenly crashed and the log displays this, anyone know why?
can someone help me find the DH config file on my lunar client installation.
Chunks wont load/ Loading incorrectly
DH just not working, it worked till i putted something idk what but then stop working
Dark Chunk LODs
Persistent VRAM usage on loading Distant Horizons LODs.
chunks going missing
World rendering slowly outside vanilla render distance
Missing Chunk holes
crashes when I put on bliss shader,
Some multiplayer chunks refusing to cache
Low visual quality
None existing trees rendering
DH 2.1.2-a-1.2.1 holes issue
Weird Shadow Chunks
My DH don't rend
Game Crashes When I Enter/Load a World.
noisy clouds when using DH with iris shaders
DH LODS Not rendering
Foliage that literally is not in my map loading outside of fake chunks
Sodium and iris and indium not working
Error Message keeps getting Spammed
Imported Lods from a SP to MP server not appearing
Weird lighting blocks
Crashing for some reason when joining Westeroscraft now with DH (was working fine for 3 hours).
Disable LOD vanishing
Not related to distant horizons, but could someone teach me how to update server?
I begin to see caves below me.
ERROR: Distant horizons has encountered an exeption! Renderer is now disabled to prevent further iss
LOD chunks unload from far away, but from closer, they load. (also over water)
what's causing this?
how to force spesific lods to generate
Hello! DH Chunks will not load, despite having it installed, any way to fix this?
distant horizons on Mac
Distant Horizons Not Running Very Well
Crash without crash log Fabric 1.20.1
World Painter world loading seeded chunks and never updates them.
game not loading in distant horizons chunks with shaders
Performance oriented shader
Movement causes problem in the LODS + Bliss Shaders
how do i make distant horizons faster?
Whenever i start minecraft and load into my server i get like 50 fps and then it drops down to 0 fps
missing config file
LOD Chunks load at -1024
Does DH "make up" chunks with Distant Generation?
DH freezes game upon opening Minecraft
Memory leak? Memory issues?
incompatible with any mod packs
How do i download mods on github
PreGen for my own server
Cannot invoke because "value" is null
The black sides of block LOD
Sky not rendering correctly [FORGE 1.20.1]
Wierd Lighting?
Gaps between LODs
Get another shader while not using shaders
how do i fix this
Render radius? And low red LOD close to me?
game crashed
very blurry blocks in LOD
Unsolid Blocks Turn Into LOD While Other Blocks Are Not
DH crashes when using shader pack
DH not working for me
I've read about it but Forge+Distant horizons, is this not a working thing now?
Apple Silicon - Using DH causes the java process to be SIGKILLd
Game crashes when shaders and DH are running
Sudden game crash
Gamew crashed while testing rendering.
How do I fix this?
Minecolonies Roof Support (mod Domum Ornamentum)
Rendering Problems, Not sure what I'm doing wrong
pre-generation took 5+ hours to gen Lods with 13600k
Incredible mod, also how to change distance
Is there a way to enable vanilla fog in dimensions other than the overworld?
When playing with my friend using DH he keeps getting this visual bug. using e4mc.
Generating new LOD chunks on a Realms server
Chunks being sus
Rendering problems
Black Chunks In Modpack
DistantHorizon.sql does not work
Game crash when pressed "E" to open INV
cherry trees are blue
how do i add bliss and photon for dh to modrinch launcher ?
problem with launching
Chunks disappear after leaving them.
Game crashes after a few frames of a world loads.
Why can I see through the world?
Crashing on launch
I remember having DH on 1.18.2 with BSL shaders
Shader flickering
Game crashes when trying to use DH + Shaders
(NOT CRITICAL) How do i launch a specific verison?
How do I setup Server-side fork?
game crashes when using shaders
Is there a way to increase DH chunks quality?
small annoying details
Trees that i have cut off still appear
Suddenly broken across all Prism instances (M1)
DH something is crashing it
Shaders on 1.19.2
game crashes every time i open the options menu
The Sky is bugging out and what does it
Transparent LOD's
Realms and Distant horizons
My friend Solo sees the chunks he walks on.
Fog Not Appearing With Complementary Shaders
Just simply not working at all?
Black LOD chunks
soo DH is not working at all. I've tried running it with mods, without any other mods/shaders
why wont DH work with shaders?
Warning saying "Framebuffer[1] isn't complete" followed by invalid framebuffer operations
Annoying message in chat
Any way I can rollback my nightly build to previous versions? Getting insta crashes.
What would I need for distant horizons to work on a server?
DH stopped working, crash when enabling LOD rendering
I will legit pay someone to explain the ins and outs of the serverside DH mod.
DH does not render LODs on ATM9
List of compatible shaders
DH 2.0 fabric crash with complementary shaders
Too Much RAM & CPU usage :(
Some LOD Chunks are black
I want to get it right the first time…
Dh not working in multiplayer
Crashing upon some feature placement?
DH with complementary
MC 1.20.1 Missing chunks in certain places?
Crash on Server - Could not execute entrypoint stage 'server' due to errors
Multiverse (idea to get it working correctly)
LODs beyond certain radius dissapeared, chat error messages...
Save game problem, not distant horizons related but theres nowhere else to ask
Game Keeps Crashing
World Will Not Load
glass rendering weirdly when DH is enabled
old chunks
Trouble with DH + Oculus + Shaders
DH Not Loading Any Chunks
game crashing randomly using dh and other mods
Black Spots
Beacon Rendering
how to make shadows extend further?
Render Distance
Game crashing as soon as I join a server/load a certain chunk
What are those things?
Black Chunks.. Again. SOLUTION: Downgrade DH to 2.10 and regenerate LODs / Start new world
MC crash after launch Shaders when I using DH only
Game keeps crashing with shaders on
Can't Fix this LOD's Bug
using BSL - says DH doesnt support it
tf is this lightning error
doesn't make lods for unexplored chunks
MC 1.20.1 I can't have Distant Horizons and shaders on together.
My game crashes when I activate a shader
DH Exit code 1 on Better MC4 v14
Flashing skybox with distant horizons
Distant Horizons doesn’t work, even after Chunky pre-gen
Random Holes
Chunky Generating the Wrong Chunks
Crashing with exit code: -1 after loading chunks for a while
DH error
The shift from dh lod to mc chunk is quite violent, any way improve it ?
cant find anything on this, small smp
Armor is invisible when using Photon v1.0a.
game does not launch
the ground is trailing into the sky with distant horizons, known issues with shaders but I disabled
Transferring LODs to server
Chunk doesnt load fast enough so LOD despawn before my chunk loading
DH not load when shader ON
I cant get distant horizons to load any more chuncks than the default amount on my server
game being slow at loading LOD Chunks
CPU usage at 100%
Weird shadows generating with floating islands
What does this warn mean?
Crash when entering world
chunks deleting theirselves
game crashes after some game run-stops
Changes to my world not showing on LOD when i go further than 32 chunks
LOD Chunks dont load
error in chat
LOD file format
This error message keeps popping up anytime I load into a game
Custom server any idea what is happening weird chunks
How does the render distance number work?
Game wont open with dh
server side DH protocol
Black chunk
World appearing in skybox with bliss shaders
ring of chunks missing around real chunks
LOD not loading with my shader (bliss on forge) shouldn't it be working?
my game crashes whenever i click on the distant horizons settings
copied a world from windows to linux but it looks like dh is re-generating the LOD
Server-side fork cause lags and crashes
Black LOD lines on mountain ranges
water looks weird
LOD issues.
Unexpected DhApiRenderParam#dhProjectionMatrix content with Iris enabled
After I compressed my DH sqlite, some chunks got deleted & doesn't load LODs with the texture pack
Distant trees look like twigs
Game always crashed when try to enable shader
Why does it happen?
Merging LODs
LOD chunks are showing in small patches far from vanilla chunks
1.20 latest complimentary shaders dont work w latest dh
Can't get minecraft version 1.21 to boot up using DH and sodium with fabric
Render distance on the mod doesn't seem to increase + weird line of black chunks
Certain block faces do not render
Crashing when enabling shaders
why my fog look like this?
rendering problem while using elytra
weird boxes
I am getting "Could not get SNOWINESS block state" spam in logs
trees not showing in Lod chunks
Is there any Fast/Cool ways of genning DH Lods for a pregenned world?
Game crashed even though I have the latest version of both Indium and Sodium, how can I fix this?
[LOD LIGHT LEVEL ISSUE] ugly looking cave shadows. how to fix?
Some blocks look weird
Crashing when using shaders with DH
I can't see beyond the fog
CERTAIN lods are shadowed, not all.
Huge FPS Drop on minimal settings on high end pc
Sudden Crashing
It gives me an error while loading it.
Transparent blocks become full even in normal render distance
Distant Generating not loading
How do videos with the same hardware look like this and my game looks like this and runs really bad
This pack doesnt have DH Support, yet shaders are disabled.
What to use instead of gl_TextureMatrix
"Incompatible mods found!"
Distance rendering problem
i don't understand why this is crashing
I see the sky all glitched up with the shaders bliss
Strange visual bug
Distant Horizons Crashes my Game
I've just installed DH and is this supposed to be look like?
How do i prevent distant horizons from creating lods based on terrain instead of a map i imported?
Anyone know what im doing wrong, followed tutorials???
Combining Shaders and VR causes perspective warping
Having crashes on servers 'Cannot read field'
How to disable the fade between real and fake chunks?
How to delete specific chunks of LOD to regenerate them
Supplementaries compat
prism launcher
Is there a way to get distant horizons to render darker?
Bobby and DH compatibility
DH is filling RAM buffer in seconds even after render and load
how to unblock multiplayer button?
DH & iris 1.19.2 + 1.20.2
Blocky Distant Horizons Rendering
Black corner chunks
LODs are not generating
Too many black chunks
Get rid of abrupt Transitions to LOD
Cant generate a world
Game keeps randomly crashing with no crash report
sharing lods in a server
Transparent Blocks dominating chunks outside of normal render distance
Alex cave and DH still not working
Shader Compatibility
error lower cpu load
forge 1.19.2 Dh+shaders support?
Error code?
Load chunks on realms?
Stop Lod Building
Improve the quality of the LoDs?
LOD loading from the wrong server
DH2.1.2 chunks not loading fully
I keep getting this pop up every time i try to play.
DH 2.1.2 - Fabric 1.21 Modded : Crash after several minutes of stable play
crash 1.21 BufferBuilder was empty
Massive black chunks despite having no other mods installed
Issues with DH Fabric 1.20.1 Apple Silicon M3 Max
Chunk pre generating on a server using Chunky
On MacOS and when I turn on DH the game stops loading
Crash post world load 1.16.5
Strange Shadowy Chunks: Solved By Reverting DH Version to 2.1.0a
How to speed up chunk quality update?
DH / immersive portals / indium rendering bug on fabric/quilt 1.19.2
LabyMod and DH not working?
why my water look like dat
ATM9 Multiplayer Renderer error
massive problems with LOD chunks loading
Added Dungeons Arise and DH getting crash on start up.
Flickering and other distracting visual bugs
Incompatible with Iris version
Is Dh just laggy if i dont have good cpu ?
Low Cpu Usage but good Performance
Can I ask for help from something that has nothing to do with Distant Horizons?
Distant Horizons Stops Working Once Oculus and Embeddium are put into the game directory
Shaders dont work 1.18.2
Anyone know what causes black line in chunks loading?
What Shaders Work With DH?
Clicking the config button crashes my game
DH not working.
Slow Gen / Whats the best settings?
glitched water
I use the DH 2.1.2, but still find lag and stutter even at about 100 fps?
Water breaks, big black things stared to render.
Barely any generation is happening.
stuttering every few ticks
problem with trees
new lod not generating
To what should i change the value of overdraw?
How to download for 1.21?
[SQLITE_READONLY] Attempt to write a readonly database
Is DH lod still loaded in the background when its disabled?
Trees stop generating ~500 blocks away
404 error despite nothing on gitlab status
Server LODS not loading after updating DH.
IM A NOOB how do i get dh to render ahead of me and not just where ive been
Distant Horizons needs Indium to work with Sodium
LOD Chunks only load in once I've been in them.
DH Rendering Problems!
Crash on startup with latest DH, fabric 1.20.1
DH not working with shaders advertised as compatible :(
how do i download the DH mod 1.21?
World generator telling me to lower cpu load, even though with very little is being used
Ghost bamboo blocks
Disable/Reduce Non-full block simplification
LOD gap with terrain when using shaders (1.21 no tag yet)
Root Cause of LOD Chunk off-coloring?
DH 2.0 Weird Bug with Island
distant horizons not working?
DH + Bliss optimization
weird disorienting effect
Game is crashing during gameplay randomly
"List of recommended fabric mods" ?
Chunks not loading properly
random black lod chunks
DH in multiplayer
DH rendering things that don't exist
Bugged Block Loading
DH freezed.
LODS are gone/ wont load
How do I make a shader compatible?
I dont have a config button beside the fov slider
Weird black line
One color chunks
how can i fix this?
Snow appears gray in some lod chunks with shaders, black without.
Do chunk LODs generated by distant generations count as generated chunks?
chunks are missing when viewing from the top of the world?
Bliss + DH support questions
rendering problems i guess
When I load DH with Complementary, it says it's not compatible. Wasn't it compatible?
PaperMC Server side fork plugin crash on joining
Clouds are doing this weird thing
DH isn't working right
DH not working
Chunks do not generate at all or at extreme snail pace, mod is otherwise completely broken for me.
Who set us up the TNT?
Is there a Compatible version of Iris for 1.19.2 that works with the most recent version? (fabric)
DH stopped working after switching through different shaders.
Holes appear between real and LOD chunks
Trying to run Distant Horizons on Android
game doesnt launch
DH + Oculus
DH Chunks wont load now
textures look weird
just isnt working
LOD rendering flat texture
Distant Horizons making Server crash on startups
1.20.1 Forge Server won't load LODS
Swiss cheese?
Creative Mode
Incompatibility with The Man From The Fog mod
Chunks are loading chaotically
1.20.1 iris DH sodium on fabric
Sky flickering colors in LOD chunks
Game Crashing After Making a New World Gets to 100%
Using 1.20 LOD data on 1.17 world
Minecraft DH settings section is not popping up.
No weather above a certain height?
1.20.1 Forge BLISS Shader Error
Fog settings help
Is there a way to pre-render LODs for a multiplayer server using a singleplayer world (same seed)?
Game Crashing
Crash before start:
Database folder being in Read Only mode breaking DH
DH 1.21 | Crash when opening config
merging LOD caches
BLISS Shader Skybox glitch
CPU/GPU Load Balancing
Anyone got balanced preset of graphics?
How to share multiplayer DH gen
How to generate LOD on a server/check progress
super odd resource utilization with horrible framerates on pretty high end pc
Bliss not working with DH?
Query for merging LOD but do not override existing areas
MC Crashes on world load whenever i have sodium 1.7 and the latest alpha for 1.20.1 Quilt
Far LODs load in "vignette" around screen, but not in front of camera
1.21 Neo Forge help
single player LOD to multiplayer possible?
is there a way to use the sqlite file created from a multiplayer server in a singleplayer world?
Trying to start a server through fabric and i get this message. 1.21
Downloaded the 1.21 version but says it needs mc version 1.20.4
DH chunk
falling blocks
what is this
chunks dissapearing behind you, also I need to manually fly to load chunks despite world generated
What does this error mean?
Some of the LODs won't load.
How do I get the 1.21 build?
No distant generation while enabled.
Sugar canes render as single one block towers!
Chunks from one server showing in another server (both ways)
using NVIDIUM causes ths, any fixes?
moved my instance to another partition and now distant horizons crashes my game
Bliss Shader and Distant Horizon
Unable to open the database file
LOD Chunks Not Loading After Trying Everything
DH threads causing out of memory error
Game Crashed (1.21)
Bliss shaders not working
"Distant Horizons Updated. Will be applied on game restart."
Client View Distance Lower than Server's
Chunks being deleted?
updated from rubidium 0.6.5 to rubidium 0.7.1a and now textures dont load
does anyone know what could be causing this?
Able to see caves when looking at water?
(1.20.1) Map color fix mod compatible with dh?
LOD chunks outside of generated chunks dont generate terrain features
LOD chunks wont load
LODs are rendering closer than seems normal
1.21 download page wont work
DH 2.1 Incompatible with Oculus (fork of iris on forge) 1.7?
Minecraft 1.20.1 Forge Distant Horizons Issue
1.21 nightly build for Neoforge "[File] is not a valid mod file"
Ignore non-colliding blocks setting not working
Crashes on mac
Performance issues
Help with Shaders on Drehmal
idk how to install mods and distant horizons
Strange light blue blocks / slab ish blocks in LOD
minecraft crashing when i open a world
DH for mc 1.21?
i get this error when playing DH (i use no shaders)
Clipping when zoomed in on render distances above 14
All these error messages
Mod Incompatibility with XaeroPlus
old lod ghosting in rendered chunk
batching world generator error
What is the optimal amount of RAM I should have allocated to MC?
Visual errors
how to change the DH render distance
noise/buzzing in LODs with shaders
Dynamic Trees LODs are not detailed
How to change the 25049 Port ?
LOD's only rendering 1 chunk ahead
Fake overview water LODs rendering in current chunks
Very very low fps on a medium-high end pc
Lag spikes when breaking blocks
Shaderpack loading error
Differentiating between multiple overworld worlds
Server version?
Chunk loading issues tectonic DH
How can i increase lightning render distance?
I started a new party and the generation of another world appears with a distant horizon
is there any way to know if mod is working?
Forge DH 1.20.1 crashing on linux
any idea how to make the fog dissapear?
best settings
For some reason distant horizons stopped running well
Ambient Occlusion Not Supported in DH 2.1?
New LOD's wont load/ Visual glitches
is there a way to pre load chunks before i join my single player world?
Rendering LOD's from wrong world
Anyone knows why my buildings keep despawning?
sodium 1.21 keeps on crashing
LODs just take forever to update...
just not working?
oculus gives error
Auto Update not working?
DH Support
Custom world gen optimization not working
What kind of mods a lot slow down LoD chunks generating?
Lods stop generating after i trun off shaders
World generation is disabled in F3 menu and enabled in settings.
weird black spots
Crashing with distant horizons, instant and no signs before, supplementaries related
LOD not showing up?
about 1.21 DH and "GitLab" Links
Weird annoying overlay in which DH chunks aren't loading
crash when starting the game 1.20.2
1.19.4 latest iris not compat with dh 2.0 alpha
Error Code
Problems with bliss + DH
Modrinth release
Nightly Build Issue?
Minecraft stuck at ~5% loading after installing Distant Horizons for 1.20.6
Distant generation error spam, some LODs disappearing at certain distances
How to have fog at border?
Chunks not renering
Is Prominence II [Classic] incompatible with DH?
Need help with server side port
Fabric Server Crashing
How can I find out, what mod is causing big tick lags
LODs refusing to render
LODs rendering in the wrong color
if I press on the options button, my entire game crashes
Any mods to add clouds compatible with DH?
DH not running correctly on Oculus
LOD chunks toggle?
LOD are not generating anymore
DH 1.21 help
Error: Batching World Generator: timed out and terminated
GL Context errors?
Question about LODs when changing DH settings
404 error for 1.21
chunks won't load/can see thru floor 1.20.4
Error loading a World
Any way to get more fps when using Distant Horizons?
Low memory
How can I disable the error messages?
weird LOD shading
Iris Shaders' own fog not working with DH
LODs don't show up
DH Compatibility Error
LOD's wont load/ other things idk
is there a way to enable distant horizons chunks on height
all links in "links and downloads" give a 404
Where do I get DH 2.1 and Iris 1.7 for 1.19 Fabric?
My CPU is dying. Is there any way i can use my GPU to help him somehow?
Random Chunks not loading in
Distant Horizon chunks not loading for me
DH and Bliss not working; glitched skybox
What would happen if i use distant horizons together with essentials?
LOD not working with Bliss shader
New LOD chunks not generated on server
Weird spikes instead of trees at horizont
crash when joining server
i get a java run time error, no matter what java version i try useing
Crash on Launch for 1.21
how to fix this
DH settings next to FOV doesn't appear for 1.21
what is the LOD measured in?
Holes in DH on some height
Download Link for Nightly 1.20.1
Ive got no idea what to do about this glitch, cant find anything here
Download link not found
some chunks turning black, some rendering strange
Chunks Disappear when I get close to them
Safe mode
large log file
says wrong sodium version although i downloaded the correct one
can't access settings
Is my expectation too high or is this bugged?
Weird lod chunk rendering in mc1.21 dev build
Sodium and Iris not compatible
is there a way of sharing LODs for a LAN world ?
A new method for Seamless LOD Blending?
Help playing DH on Prominence Modpack 1.20.1 Curse forge.
Bliss shaders download
Invisible/Fading Chunks After a Few Chunks Out
Minecraft doesn't launch at all
LODs not rendering
Is it just me? Or bad settings?
Best DH settings and JVM arguments for my system?
Pre-render LOD headlessly?
DH needs indium but there is no indium for 1.21, can someone help me find it?
GPU not being utilised at all
leaves not rendering in LOD chunks
DH2.1 icon not appearing in Options
Error: "Incompatible mods found!"
DH not working with Sodium, Iris, and Indium (1.20.1)
Is there a Indium version that is compatible with Sodium 0.5.9? I havent been able to find any.
Where do I download the version of DH that works with shaders other than Bliss?
Game crashed cause DH needs indium in order to run with sodium
shader mods 1.21
Fog on distant horizons
Tree LODs generating without side leaves
Not able to launch the mod
I can't get it to load chunks on my 1.20.1 forge server.
Super slow loading
Tiling LOD textures
transferred LOD's from singleplayer to Multiplayer server not showing up?
DH is not working on my 1.20.1 Forge Server
How long will DH chunk migration to the new version take?
Brighter Fake Chunks
Fabric 1.20.4 will not launch
Sodium versions can't be matched
Wont load all the chunks
is there a way to force shader support?
Does Sinytra Connector work ok with DH?
weird texture issue?
Distant Horizion Chunks not rendering when shaders are off
I'm getting weird flickering effect on my LOD's
Anyone got DH working on Prism Launcher?
minecraft crashing when sleeping
lod chunks not loading correctly
How do I get indium to use DH
LODs Not Appearing Modded Game
No LODs at all in modpack (multiplayer + singleplayer)
Crashing after attempting to join world
Mod just not working/ Java Error
Minecraft crashing on window unfocus or when fullscreen gets disabled.
Distant chunks aren't generating or showing up
Black border bug
How do I compile the github for Indium 1.21?
DH + bliss shaders not working on Mac M2 pro
Does anybody happen to have distanthorizons dev 2.0.2 version?
DH + Bliss Shaders Frequent Crashing in Modpack
Selecting a region of lods and copying them to a different database.
macOS help me please
Is Indium out for 1.21 yet?
DH settings button is shifted to the right
Distant horizon nightly unstable build, version: [2.1.1-a-dev].
Need help setting up server side fork
If i enable the shaders DH chunks won't load
game crashing on startup
shaders are not working
Terribile smearing effect after setting distance to 512, even after restarting the game
No distant generation
Stratifications in chunk rendering
DH 2.1 crashes on launch (1.20.1)
Minecraft won't open after installing, same error over and over
Indium necessary?
The game doesn't even open
NVIDIA_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS gets disabled upon launch
bliss shaders unloading LODs in a circle
LOD's won't render in Single Player
i don't even know what i happening here, but how do i fix it?
indium for 1.21? Or how to install Distant Horizons on 1.21?
Some dimensions showing LODs of other dimensions on Multiplayer server
got shaders working but dh wont work
crash with distant horizons forge
help me
Server fork
shaders working, but not on LOD chunks.
Changing the CPU load just makes my game run on 2fps even with a good cpu
problem when disabling and re-enabling render
DH Silent Crashing
Extremely slow LOD rendering
Perfomance with this Mod
load world save into distant_horizons_server_data
Distant horizon not doing anything
Trees leaves not rendering
Optifine version not working
Error message help.
This pack doesn't have DH support
Ocean LODs saved in a weird way that messes with Shaders
Not Rendering Properly -- Weird Lines/Columns
Exit code -1073740791, unable to isolate mod causing issue
"Minimal Impact" = Playable. "Low Impact" = Stuttering
Artifacts Appearing On Screen, Apparently Behind All Rendered Terrain
Error Generating Chunks
Distant horizon short range problem
DH isnt rendering my world properly
What setting to fix water colour blending
The game crashed whilst rendering entity in world
"Error a Java exception has occurred", even after uninstalling and reinstalling Java and JDK.
DS glitches
does this ig
Game crashes after loading (Singleplayer)
1.21 release
How can I fix that wierd Chunk loading errors?
launcher not launching
DH works via Fabric Loader but not via Iris Fabric Loader
Workaround for Supplementaries mod?
LOD distance uses normal Render Distance instead of the distant horizons settings
Is near fog possible with DH?
Error at Render Level Stage Event
How should I go about generating a server world?
Boot Crash with DH
DH doesnt render my server world
Is it possible to get bliss shader + DH to work on forge?
How do I disable Distant Generation on my server?
Cant add DH on my fabric server
How to get DH to work in my server?
force update a LoD chunk?
data pack vs mod compatibility for worldgen?
can DH be causing this crash?
What does the Distant Generation option do?
Compatible mod for going higher than the build limit
DH here but not working with the Bliss shader
Don't know why my minecraft is crashing
why are the blocks not loading?
Chunks arent loading like they should with distant horizons installed
DH update crashes modpack
Can anyone help me download the shaders for DH?
LOD doesnt generate
glitched out dh chunks
Game refuses to launch
Distant horizons (1.20.4) doesn't show any effect.
Loaded once, never as good again.
when is DH 1.21 coming out
bliss shader
DH seemingly not active?
Crashing on launch
Better nether fog being weird with dh
DH Server Side not working
Are LOD chunks supposed to be showing up this slowly?
Oculus doesn't work with the new version of DH
Can't enable fog with complementary shaders.
Can i somehow remoove this transition? or how can i fix it?
distant horizons + bliss not working
Game keeps crashing!
world generator not working even with cpu usage turned to max, but only for lower quality lods
I Keep Crashing when trying to load In
How do I access DH save file for my single player world ?
Having trouble installing Distant Horizon + Iris
holes in the world
Isnt loading big cave
cutomize doesn't work
my DH stops working when I add mods other then oculus and embedium
Circle around actually rendered area
World curvature not syncing with lods and vanilla chunks
Distant Horizons not showing distant places? Help.
How to get LOD's in cave?
Blocks loading weird
Game crashing when opening DH config
Flying up in the air causes normal chunks to deload
distant horizons + iris <3
MacOS issues
Quick questions
i'm getting this error message
Possible DH related crash upon entering a world or making one
Changing any setting breaks rendering, chunks not loading
Decent fames but frequent stuttering
why cant i reactivate fog?
Setting up a DH Server?
More load in GPU insted of cpu
Frame Loss - Was asked to make a thread
Visual Ocean bugg
game keeps crashing when trying to load chunks overnight ):
Sometimes, the closest LODs disappear and vanish before they come into vanilla RD. Any fix?
Getting DH Recoverable errors spamming chatbox
Icon but not actually working
100% cpu usage
low fps
LoDs not always loading
Fix water LOD which are out of render distance
not rendering correctly
there's no mods folder to add DH to
LOD not being generated far enough
LOD not being distant terrain
DH Render the same distance
wont work
Is this a physics mod crash or dh?
how do i allow player on a server to generate chunks out of the render distance for this mod?
What is causing this translucent ring
Weird circle in ocean
Should i update distant horizons?
Early Baking 1 Models taking a very very long time
Lods are weird
This is most likely related to Bliss shader, but anybody know what is causing the block outlines?
Lag spikes when walking around
LODs not loading
Noise texture is enabled regardless of setting when shaders are enabled
Will this mod support earlier versions in the future?
best settings for low usage but somewhat decent lod quality
LOD chunk won't generate
Chunks keep unloading when I get too far away, but when I'm ever so slightly closer, they reload
is it possible to generate a multiplayer LOD in a single player world?
whenever i turn on shaders distant horizons seem to stop
a few questions about using DH on a server.
LOD not showing up even after waiting for very long
Weird Color streaking/Rendering problem
is distant horizons compatible with vivecraft or vr in general
Iris not auto-installing DH
water not connecting correctly
LOD quality
Crashing with modpack
Distance looks unusually blurry
Default vanilla fog shows with bliss and complementary shaders
the sky is black
Crash upon launch
water is wrong color with shaders on?
Increase DH Distance
Downloaded known compatible shaders (Photon and Bliss in-dev versions) and both have a fog border.
Distant Horizons Not Installing
DH 2.1 and streaming LODs from a Server.
my game doesnt renderthe world its only rendering the vanilla render distant
Is this normal?
Tectonic causing a crash (I think)
How can i fix these weird holes in distant chunks
Question Regarding Supplementaries
Slow generation of LOD chunks
How to blend DH LODs with shaders better & how do I get rid of the weird renderings (top right)?
Error message spamming
DH generates too much lods (but it is set to 512)
DH mod doesnt work for me
Mod not working/No settings button
Installed Oculus with Complimentary and now DH doesn't work
LODs overlapping with real blocks
It worked yesterday now its not
DH Not showing up?
Takes ages to go through nether portals
Looking for optimal settings for 4090/12900k/4k
DH refused to load or create more LODs, loaded LODs disappear
I keep getting this error?
DH not working
Will pre generated worlds (worlds that ive downloaded off the internet) work with DH
Distant Horizons does not seem to be working
Distant not rendering with shaders on
my distant horizons is a tiny bit laggy, can i make it so it runs a bit smoother
Any advices on making DH run on a bit of an heavier pack? (310)
when I use telescope, it appears weird hole
Symlink LODs to another drive
DH uses 100% of RAM?
LOD messages aren't stopping
EXTREME lag spikes
Chest LOD's and other entity are rendering through LOD's
Past LOD not loading on server despite working before
Dh just crashing
DH mod not running
Chunks not loading
idk if i should post this in suggestions or here so i just post it here
I installed the mod and its api but I don't see any changes in my world
DH not working with shaders
Very small question
i have no idea of the reason of this crash
BSL Shaders not working with DH
Builds (not terrain) loading exceptionally poorly
crash with extreme quality since the new dh version
Certain Emissive Blocks rendering improperly in LOD Chunks
DH2.1 Not working properly with iris 1.7 and my modpack (fabric) I have an rtx 4080 super)...
BSL shader pack is not working on LOD chunks?
Using Forge 1.20.2 with Distant Horizons and Pixelmon mod, LODs are not generating
Game Crashing when loading minecraft chunks
chunks wont load
Added DH to Modpack, Crash on Launch
Water Bug (1.20.1)
Poor before with beefy pc
Can't find DH 2.0.3 for 1.20.1
Crashes On Launch (1.20.1)
chunks will not load properly
Shader issue
Error message spam
Fog won’t enable?
DH Not rendering LOD
Visual flickering artifacts with no shaders (macos)
iris installer checkbox greyed out
Microstutters on memory clearing
Complex Compatibility Project - Shaders, Immersive Portals, Distant Horizons, Sinytra Connector +
cannot check off DH during iris installation
does the 2.1 release convert old sqlite lod files into the newer more compressed/smaller versions?
Singleplayer world crashes with DH installed (MC 1.20.1 / Forge / Oculus)
Is the LoD data convertible into map data?
DH supports 1.20.2 but Iris Doesn't
missing button without shaders
Starting afresh with DH2
Bliss error message
How can I speed up LODS generathion?
Transparency near vanilla chunk border with shaders on (Using BSL)
Updating versions/converting LOD
Merging two LoD areas
Crash by entering world
how to run the "world generator"
The instructions on the Github no longer work for the issue rendering the sky/clouds glitch
Missing button?
DH auto updating
Random holes
Distant Horizons Crashing
Complementary fork for 5.2?
DH Server compatibility with
Fake chunks not rendering
Generate LODs for a multiplayer server with Chunky
how to move stuff from an old version to a new version
Lods stop rendering when pondering with create
LOD chunks showing up but only add like 10 more chunks in each direction
Fabric DH 2.1 Crashes upon LOD rendering [MacOS]
It does not work on 1.20.1 fabric
dedotated wam
Render issue involving render distance and shaders
Can you make LOD's more blended with normal chunks ?
DH is see-through which shouldn't happen?
I added DB to my modlist, and it crashes on launch
what is a foward rendering shader
Weird Rendering Glitch
Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: DH 2.0 not found
Crashes / stopped responding on world load
Would it be possible for other DH users on a multiplayer server be able to see chunks using Chunky?
Mod does not even work, with or without shaders. Doens't work on my server either.
DH 2.1 Doesn't work with Alex's Caves.
Really poor performance on 5600xt/3800x setup.
Weird graphical issue on DH 2.1
Far away chunk renders as one massive block
Render afterimage phenomenon on DH 2.1
Distant horizons + bliss
does oculus and dh 2.1 work?
new update
Friends cannot join LAN world trough e4mc
cant edit in textbox or whatever
does complimentary reimagined work with dh 2.1?
distant horizons and oculus?
how do i install dh 2.1?
DH for serverside rendering
Distant Generation not working on Realms
Minecraft Middleearth total render
How am I meant to understand World Gen Tasks statistic on the debug screen?
Extremely distant chunk data?
Height/Vertical Fog
Crash on launch - Steam Deck
Chunk edge cutoff into void
The line where the real chunks turn into LOD chunks is extremely obvious
Friends cannot join LAN world trough e4mc
FOG auto-disables itself upon entering any world
Is there some setting to make lods brighter?
DH not showing up with forge in 1.20.1
Moving fast remove lods behind, regenerate after a while
problem to install I’m new to play with mod I don’t understand 😕
How do I get distant horizons to work for large render distances on minecraft server?
Distance rendering makes my game crash
help!! crashing client / forge 47.3.0 / mc 1.20.1 / + DH (distant horizons) + shaders!!
DH crashing on Forge 1.20.1 Ryzen 5 5600 | RTX4060
Help finding correct setting to change
DH Log Spam
Weird world hole when switching from ingame render to LOD render when flying up and down.
Can I trim/remove chunks I have already generated?
Lost Cities Chunk Loading Error
Problem on Mac
The mod is on but i feel that its not looking like it is supposed to
does 1.20.1 fabric only work with indium?
Why does my loadout keep crashing?
no text no item shown in hotbar and creative menu
Anyone know what error is this?
ExceptionInInitializerError: null
its not loading and im getting a wierd colorfull square.
Is there any way to revise which mods are the ones that dont allow DH work?
Chunks generating but not rendering
Approximately how long may it take for 1.21 support to be added?
I need help (Not dh related)
Renderer Failure on 2.0.4dev
does amd work
shaders compatibility
chunks not solid and disappearing and falling into void
This keeps happening after I start traveling into new chunks??
1.16.5 DH + Oculus + Shaders(?)
iris with 1.20.2?
question about Distant Horizons on servers.
crash logs
chunks not loading
Is there any way of making Dh compatible with Alex Caves?
Why is there a circle in water?
big square shadow
DH server side fork very slow (1.20.4)
Multiple issues with loading in new chunks and keeping them loaded in.
open gl error
what does the "a" mean in "1.20.0-a"?
Consistent Stuttering - Unable to resolve
cave culling questions
How do shaders work with DH?
Safe To Exit During Generation?
Dwnloading for 1.20.4
Not working with shaders (Forge 1.20.1)
reterraforged x DH
LOD data deleted/lost?
Stuck in this screen
Cannot join MC Server unless Deopped
Lods for nether wont load with Immersive portals when shaders are enabled but works when shaders off
LOD chuncks not loading on multiplayer worlds
Leaves on trees not loading
Already generated LOD suddenly disappears.
Trying to set up DT 2.0.1 with ATM9 and getting Error
what is this?
how do I use fabric mods and complementary shaders together
i get kicked out after joining my server
game keeps freezing, crashing and i'm stuck at 30 fps
Everything is so blurry
game wont launch... AGAIN
LODs not showing up in singleplayer (haven't tested on multiplayr)
distant lod chunks are darker than close ones
DH and BSL Shaders not blending well
Low-detail LODs of non-full blocks rendering behind them while they are still visible
Lighting with shaders not working properly
why does this happen?
Crashing on launch
the sky is bugged and looks like a weird png
Tested Compatible mod list doesn't work
Game taking years to boot up
Help me, my distant horizons mod wont charge the far chunks
LOD chuncks are not loading
LOD Chunk Behavior on Servers
LOD Chunks aren't loading?
My RAM is full all the time and I dont know how to fix it
" Ignoring heightmap data for chunk " before crashing
Distance horizon and Chunky
Replay Mod compatibility
Which purpose of classes in package ""?
distant horizons wont let me change my render distance
Distant Horizons is not Distant Horizoning
tall lods
fixed - Weird bars showing up on LODs
Getting some weird shadows
Holes in the world with Bliss shaders
Lods are not blending in with normal chunks
DH 2.0 + modpack + server its possible?
turn off auto update
"Remove mod Distant Horisons"
Is There a way to increase generation distance?
lod terrain visible under water
Memory Leak with my Modded Setup? OutOfMemoryError by leaving idle with chunk gen enabled
Shaders not working for me (singleplayer)
How to use DH on servers?
server wont start
how to fix werd visual issue
90% CPU usage but nothing actually happening
Shaders Break LOD Texture?
Distant Horizons Bugs
LOD rendering issue with shaders (BSL)
World Holes/Rendering Errors
Weird thing where most chunks do not load leaving this.
Weird glitch
Map Refresh Issue
seus hrr 2.1 giving me strobing issue with DH
LODs render super up close?
Quick Question About DH World Generation
LOD chunks stop loading
I don't know how to use DH and shaders for Forge 1.20.1
update loop
Recoverable errors when loading section
DH crash on steam deck
What can i do
grass rendering
currupted file
Can someone help me with this chunk height issue
Noticing Black Blocks and Streaks
LOD chunks in servers not loading, but working in single player
DH 1.20.1 2.0.1a is not launching.
DH not working on 1.20.6
DhApiScreenResizeEvent Crashes my game
Rendering Wierdness
LOD's loading weirdly in caves
Server crashes
Incompatibility with Geocluster
Fix water blending with shaders
1024 not showing further?
crash for 1.20.1
why are the textures like that
Supported shaders not working
Playing a modpack, and this was my first crash after adding DH
how do i improve fps when my chunks r loading? its rlly laggy, no shaders, a couple of mods (about 1
how can i fix this?
Iris incompatibility
Help with very bright LOD chunks
Rendering issue?
DH seems not to work when using Shaders
Crashing when Windows does anything
Transparent Gregtech blocks?
Iris and DH incompat
rendering issue
Distant horizons / Oculus on Forge
Game crashing when i enter DH settings, Lunar client
why might this be going on?
I have very dark lod textures-- even without texture packs or shaders
How to get rid of red stripes on the ground?
My chunks are loading very slowly
do shaders work on version 75a51be?
Game crash Forge 1.20.1 47.2.32
my forge game crashes with a bunch of mods when i add distant horizons and i cant figure out why
Shadows flickering when using shaders
Error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Estimated release 1.20.6?
cannot run minecraft
LODS not rendering even for previously visited chunks
Crashing when trying to launch
Error messages/LODs not loading despite what faq says to do
is there currently a version for 1.20.6 with shader support?
LOD chunks not rendering with shader (photon-main)
Rendering past multiplayer render distance
Confused by versions of DH and Oculus
game crashes when i try to use DH with shaders
Chunk Loading
Why does it not work even when I re-install the mod? (1.20.4)
new LODs wont load sporadically
Advice on using DH for the first time 1.20.6 w/datapacks
stuttering too much on low impact cpu mode
Ghost LODs post Worldedit usage
LOD Migration Issue
Hello, Where can i find the download for DH 2.0.4?
Simple Questions
DH 2.04 Not working at all
Simply Tools mod making me crash
CPU Stutter clarification
distant horizons muliplayer chunks not showing
why are new versions only available to download on discord?
Visual Issues with floating island worldgen
incompatible mods found
Game freezes while initializing Minecraft with DH
distant horizons chunks unloading at the same rate as render distance.
error codes? unsure tbh
Memory leak on latest version
minecraft cant load because of "distant horizons api"
invisible LODs
world not generating on sp
Multiverse Issue With Datapack Dimension
Poor performance with latest experimental dh version and latest faboulosly optimized modpack
Has anyone got the `Chunks fade in` mod to work with Distant Horizons?
I an a fool and I need a rundown from the beginning with shaders
Getting a ridiculously long error message on joining a world
how do i get the backround/mapvison to load?
trying to use chunky to preload chunkls on my server but it doesnt seem to make a difference
vivecraft and DH
DH not working on steamdeck
Distant Horizons 1.20.4 & Shaders + Immersive Portals
Trying to get DH on a MC Server running.
Lods are white
1.20.x Oculus + DH 2.0 Supported Shaders List?
Dh with shader not working
how to install DH :/
Memory climbs to max and crashes minecraft
Issues with loading other mods
can't load distant horizons on server, server crashes on start
weird looking lods
Lags the Game Really Bad
Shaders not working
Crashes (without anything in log) on Forge with Nvidia GPU on Windows
i'm a bit new to this and would like some help
loads of chunks are not rendering
got a strange notification?
Visual bug
I'm using Distant Horizons and Bliss shaders on forge 1.19.2, but the whole world is like this
Why isn't bliss shader working?
LOD chunks not loading
no button
what mods to use with dh?
DH not working with Citadel
Excess RAM usage, stuttering and big lag spikes
Not rendering LODs further than a set distance
DH is showing red/Orange/Blue Chunks
how do I hide lily pads
is there any way to disable LODs in certain dimensions?
Is this what DH should look like at 256 render distance?
Specific chunks wont save as LODs on a server
DH on server?
No LODs on Forge ( Works in Fabric)
My LODs won't show up
instant crash
direwolf 1.19 + DH
How can I fix this, the map vision suddenly disappears
Ocean Rendering Errors
Best practice for preloading chunks on servers
Lunar Client W/ Distant Horizons
loading chunks have holes in them as it switches from LOD to chunk render
Really weird LODs
How can I use distant horizons more effectively in a LAN game?
it gave up
Visual error? Dunno
Snow Layers
DH Auto Updated and game started crashing
lods on near objects
What setting causes this?
Visual error from using Farsight Mod with DH + Shaders
DH failed to load?
LOD skips a few chunks
weird visual bug with shaders
LOD Migration Issue
Distant Horizons Not working
Are my GPU and CPU equipped to handle distant horizons at medium settings?
how to use mods with iris distant horizons
Need help with DH and Oculus
Distant Horizons and Complementary Reimagined circular fog
Rendering looks weird / not finished?
DH + Shaders/modpacks + Curseforge
DH not loading more than a few chunks
How can I improve trapdoors?
distant horizons unloading LODs 1.20.4
My CPU begs for mercy. It shall receive none.
LODs not rendering upon re-joining a server
Any way to sync client and server?
Minecraft not loading on M3 Macbook Pro
Crash shortly after starting game
stuck on loading screen
Game gives me a RuntimeException: Failed to read accessWidener file from mod distanthorizons error
Server boot in local but not on my VG server, caused by DH
Is this mod pack possible?
Crash after mod loading: "Exit code: -1073740940"
instant crash when try to boot up
DH+Oculus+Embeddium Not workin on custom pack
Help interpreting red text, missing database?
Memory Usage increase intentional or leaking?
Visual bug when normal chunks are rendering slowly
options menu crashing the game with indium installed.
Minor setup help after reading FAQ 20 times
lod chunks unloading?
Game stuck on loading screen
Visual artifacts for one frame then crashing when using Sodium
Fog issues + random screen imprint whenever changing render distance
Any way to have DH only de-spawn LODs when the chunks are successfully loaded?
DH 2.0.1-a suddenly causing crashes in multiple 1.20.1 modpacks.
I cant find the in the Debug Switch
extremely high CPU and GPU usage + fps trouble (Wombat God's modpack AKA Wombat's Amalgamation)
No matter what i install, i can't get shaders with distant horizons to work
idk how to explain... the past is reflected in the sky in layers?
Numbers Help
mixed matched LODs generation
Distant Horizons not working even when its turned on.
Artifacts on LoD transitioning
Trying to set up my first modded server but this error shows up
Terraforged causes random crashes with DH
The mod is not loading but there is no error message. I am very lost
Chunks generating wrong with chunky pregen.
Download Package not downloading?
See-Through Floor
Crashing w/ Iris, right versions installed
floating structures turn into pillars?
ive benn waiting for 20 minutes and still on the same screen
chunks unloading after I move away
is this a bug?
my game is not launching with distant horizons, please help
Chunks seemingly not migrating from ~2.0.2-a to last nightly 2.0.4-a (git:8a2182e2) and 2.1.0 rc1
Instant crash cannot boot up
DH Shader Compatibilities Help
Is there any guide to getting DH with shaders to work on forge? Is this even possible?
having some issues with DH + optifine and the bliss shaders
DH crashing on startup
Nightly Vs. 2.1.0 Release Candidate 1
Crash with Distant Horizon in a modpack
Chunks glitching
Weird chunk glitch.
DH crashing in-game once you 'Disable LOD Rendering'
Dh not working on forge
Error messages and messed up chunks when exploring terrain
Singleplayer LOD refuse to load beyond about 64 chunks, render limit is 128
LODS Not Loading suddenly.
Strange columns?
what mods does distant horizon need to run with others
Pre-generated LOD's?
dh + iris
DH-LOD Builder Light Populator Thread[0]/ERROR
does DH work on hypixel
GPU and CPU acting real wonky
Mod isnt working
oculus 1.7.0 crashing on startup
DH chunks not loading at all + visual errors
What is this pls help
tried using iris + distant horizons but the performance is very poor
now my game frozed when trying to load chunks
visual bug help
Please help me with this, water "reflection" clipping in the player model + weapons
GameCrash Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Black sections of ice even after loading terrain
Game crashes on load. Crash report follows.
Crash error about ShadowCullingFrustum
Chunks not being fully loaded
Initial spawn chunks are still visible from far away, but surrounded by air until my location
DH is slow on server
help!!! | dh 2.0.4 a-dev not working
Chunks not fully loading/reloading and weird error
Multiplayer Server Not Rendering Pre-generated Chunks
Chest LOD Rendering
Rendering LODs for existing chunks
Shader not working
Force LODs to update faster
Helppp!! DH isnt Compat with Iris 1.7.0
error code -1
DH chunks don't load with Oculus shaders on
Compiling for 1.20.6
Crash while Initializing game
Memory leak on latest version?
Biome colors displaying inconsistently in LODS (2.0.1a / 1.20.1)
Just wont work
What shaders are compatible with HD atm?
Versions 1.20.1 requiring Fabric loader 1.20.2?
Problems with Oculus
Implementation limit of 16 active fragment shader samplers - fragment shader uses 19 samplers
Error message "Batch World Generator: 0:5@c[-260,-424](FEATURES) timed out and terminated!"
Ugly section where water meets LODs
After Installing DH together with Iris+Fabric and not having any launch errors DH options wont show
Distant Generation Help
Latest DH in a custom modpack
change DH to RC from DEV in laptop but got worse performance
Trying to get Bliss to work with DH
(I'm new) Uncompatibility with mods, I can't find the correct version of each mod. (watch yt link)
Anyone know any already made modpacks for adventure that have DH already added?
Chunks dont load
Chunks deload
Help with the installation please
Loading issues with DH
Generation on existing worlds
Shader Issues & Limit DH to Surface Rendering
Crash on save & and Exit
I want to install DH on a server
DH failed to load or make chunks
DH generating some type of blocks in distance
Rendering error occurs and cannot be refreshed
Getting better results with previous DH builds
1.20.4- Lods break and make monolithic boxes
My textures break when I enable DH
LZ4 Compression doesn't work, sqlite file stays at 40kb
Enable DH with incompatible shaders.
How do I disable this fog circle?
When moving fast void circle appears!
if i share a file with LODs to my friend(we on server),he will be able to use them?
Crash with dh and oculus on 1.20.1
"Fol" and "Ambient Occlusion" are not displayed. (Distant Horizons + OptiFine)
Distant Horizon's giving out hundreds of chunk errors in chat and not loading in LOD's and chunks.
Trying to add distant horizons to a modpack.
Cant load server
new LODs are not loading despite chunks being generated.
Using chunky but just getting generations that look like this
dh icon not showing up, not sure whats going on?
Distant Horizons Renderer has encountered an exception! FloatBuffer
Multiplayer: LODs carry across server maps
shaders / rendering on LOD chunks is weird and fuzzy
would u be willing to make a 1.12 version?
How do I properly install nightly builds?
is it possible to run it on a server with any specific version?
Is there a way to use Distant Horizons for 1.20.5/1.20.6 (fabric)?
Doesn't load saved chunks (Fabric 1.20.1, server, multiplayer)
where i can download 2.0.4 for Forge 1.20.1?
How to use DH on lunar client
ERROR DistantHorizons: Couldn't load or make chunk
ERROR DistantHorizons: Couldn't load or make chunk
Some chunks not generating probably, and the world generation being slow
Crash Using new DH2 on Server Host Platform with Shared CPU.
LODs not loading (DH 2.1.0 fabric 1.20.4)
"Input is not in the XZ format" logspam + Missing LODs [ Again ]
Crash upon mod loading
Getting Bliss Shader and DH to work together on forge with Oculus
It's possible to change the LODs save location?
Recommended Sodium version
How to stop stuttering
DH 2.0 not found, yet fabric says its there
Keeps crashing ShadowCullingFrustrum
As of 5/9/24 What shaders work with the mod?
Areas being rendered by Distant Horizons aren't affected by my shader.
LODs not loading
LODs won't load
Minecraft gets stuck on loading window before you reach the main menu with DH installed.
issues with distant horizons
How to fix Rain Particles on Bliss shaders
What is going on with the lighting here?
Why is Complementary shaders not
does distant horizons work with the simply optimized modpack
Game crash with DH 2.1
Create mod compatibility
LOD chunks missing
Problem loading DH 1.20.4 Dev
barely working at all
Buildings destroyed
Very high CPU Temp/Usage
I have only Embbedium, Oculus and Distant Horizons, but it's crashing somehow
LOD chunks appear while way too close
i downloaded the latest one posted here, 2.1.0 for 20.1. the mod is active, but the chunks wont load
Some LOD blocks are bright red with BetterEnd mod
Distant Horizons crashes the game?
colums appear out of nowhere
what is the port forwarding for in the dhconfig cmd for dh server
some chunks do not load
Floating Island with broken LOD's
Game freezing around 5 second after loading into a server/world
Ring of failed Overdraw (Shader or DH Issue?)
so i have a 450 mod large modpack and i am looking for DH settings recomendations to make it run
how to fix bliss limiting fps to 30
DH breaks with nether fog
I dont think this is normal
The game crashed whilst initializing
dont think this is normal
DH is not rendering LODs past a certain distance
[Shader issue] DH + Rubidium + Oculus
DH has conflict with ambient light with incindium
DH generating "pseudo rivers"?
Distant Horizons is not compatible with Iris?
Glitched/Corrupted LODs
Blocks behind with no texture
This works on my laptop as a localhost via a fabric server, and as an internal server
how do I clear my LODs?
how can i make grass blocks render as green instead of dirt brown?
Distant Horizons are unable to allocate bytes.
Incredibly High CPU Usage even with low settings
No Distant Horizons Version for 1.20.5
Starting up 1.20.2 distant horizons on fabric with NO OTHER MODS insta crashes
Minecraft crashes with Iris + DH
LODs not updating - [DH-LOD Builder - Chunk to Lod Builder Thread[2]/ERROR]: Error while processing
My distant horizons mod freezes every 3 seconds - FRENCH/ENG
Im not sure what is happening
Trying to transform my DH LAN world in an actual server
Minecraft launcher says "DH 2.0 not found but fabric says its there"
Limited Render Distance 🤔
dh chunks not even loading...
DH unable to migrate old data and use new one
Getting some weird tearing effect
Fabric Server 1.20.1 DH issue
Performance expectations
DH not supported without shadders to
How would I manually "vacuum" my database file size?
not rendering at all
Error :/
FPS Cut down
Can someone help me find the right version of iris for 1.20.2 nightly DH?
LOD's not working on version 2.0.4 FORGE 1.20.1
Is multiverse broken in 2.0.4?
Extremely large performance hit when looking in certain direction
I can't start up mc with DH installed [singleplayer]
Lag spikes with distant generation enabled
Guys why is this happening
Transfer LODs from singleplayer to multiplayer in 2.0.4
DH not using the colors of blocks from a texturepack?
Lods no longer appearing
Has the bug with passable leaves been fixed or planned to be fixed?
1.20.1 with shaders
Phantom Surfaces with Lower Render Distances
could anyone please help me? Chunks become see through with Distant Horizons
How does distance Horizon work?
funky stuff with bliss shaders
Crashing during game initialization
DH World Gen Disabled in Nether
fabric thinks dh 2.0 is there
Leaves color
Distant Horizon 2.0.4 not working
Low FPS using shaders: RTX 3080 + Ryzen 5600x
my game looks like this with DH enabled
How can i get it to render further.
DH does not show/load chunks
LODs not updating after massive explosions from Alex's Caves or CWSM
client crash
LODs falsely loading when underground?
world edit brush size limit change for 1.20.1
Error, not updated dh/iris
loading screen
Server Crash upon DH client connecting to it.
Water rendering white on latest update
Whats the current Oculus situation?
Distant horizon doesnt work with shaders
chunks after 64 are not loading
Crashes immediately on startup.
Lod conflict between forge fabric?
exit code: -1
LAN Multiplayer support?
Water color not reflecting biome?
Overdraw option?
how to delete dh config in prism?
I can no longer enter my worlds and I don't know how to solve it.
Distant chunks rendering weird
DH unsupported Version
Grass block LOD and Water blending
Render error with non-solid blocks
Game Crash (1.20.1, with "IDhApiShadowCullingFrustum")
DH not properly assigning LODs to dimensions?
Created a modpack, and everything is perfect except...
Chunks not loading with shaders
how do i get this area to update properly
idk what these are
Which download for the most actual version?
Weird Tree Culling and Other issues
Distant Horizons crashes on Fedora 40 (Cinnamon) with Sodium and its add-ons (Indium and Nvidium.)
Is there some wierd memory leak with direct buffers?
Issue With Server starting
noise not working and green trees
Brightly colored render
Crashing on load with latest Nightly java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Game crashing on startup after I selected silent update on DH
Debug screen setting
How do i load chunks
anyone know how to fix this?
Is there any way to for pre-load LOD chunks to send it on client later?
extremely tall chunks and random black chunks
core subject was not included (installed JDK 22 and downloaded ZIP from Code)
Getting this sky glitch after updating DH
i cant get it to load but its not going far (currently set to 4000)
get massive error in chat
Questions about shader compatibility
Batching world generator event
How to use shaders without Optifine? (1.20.2)
why are some chunks leaving holes?
Aternos Support with DH
DH 2.0 not found (using 1.20.1)
Skybox Smearing
The mod doesn't generate new chunks
issues while starting the server with distant horizons
DH loads glitched textures for the Templates 2 mod
issue installing distant horizon + sodium
Holes in world
Where to find 2.0.3 version of DH ?
DH 2.0.3 not generating LODs at spawn in multiplayer
DH and Non-standart textures
where can I get the 2.0.2 file?
LODs are "melting" when moving too fast — Multiplayer
Does it work for 1.20.4?
Distant Horizons Won’t Load LODs
Chunks dont load fully
Iris 1.7 Crashes DH 2.0.2
Distant horizons wont update chunks (still shows trees that i cut down etc)
How can i get bliss shaders working with forge?
Need help with these world gen errors
DH having problems with my main minecraft world
No Fog and problem with textures?
LOD frontier being transparent and very present
game just keeps instantly crashing on 1.20.1
Blue gradient on chunks near me, any fixes?
Need help configuring this mod
Bliss shader DH not showing Distant Horizons Chunks (visible without shaders)
The game crashed whilst initializing gameError: java.lang.RuntimeException: DH 2.0 not found, yet F
Huge performance issues on high-end PC
Potential DH 2.02a conflicts, game instant crash.
HELP Incompatibilities T-T
LODs generate on 2.0.3 build, but not everthing
Vertical quality of LODs seems worsened after changing preset
Why does DH use 100% CPU and no GPU?
Can I only generate LODs and stop DH from generating any new chunks
The sky is wierd
consistently bad results in the latest update
what did i do wrong
Unknown problem
Fabric can't find DH 2.0?
How do I find the 1.20.4 Dev build?
Distant Horizions Dev 2.0.3 fails to update to version ffda83c
Java Error being spammed in game (1.20.4, fabric, DH 2.0.3)
Wierd chunks, want to confirm it is the problem I think it is
hey ... its me again...
What mod is this
Minecraft crashing when upon loading a world
Can't fins version 2.0.2a
LODs do not work no matter what
Very SLOW loading LODs
could i download 2.0.2 without iris launcher?
GPU low utilization?
Fabric 1.20.2 server do not load LODs
Crashes. Unsure what the error message means.
Oceans have a grid and gaps with terrain gen mods
Crash probably due to Indium
any idea on how to fix ghost blocks?
Tried using the new iris and DH release for 1.20.1, now my game wont load.
Crashing before launch with DH 2.0.2
Chunks not completely generating
Server Lag
2.0.3 not work on server
Water LODs render with peppered holes in them
C2me compat
how can i determine how many threads my world uses?
Can you convert region files of a world to LOD files?
Why is there a random piece of chunks loaded far away?
How to stop massive gaps in LODs
what happens when a world times out
how can I increase mod render distance
Weird graphical bug of giant building of messed up texture
Physics mod compatibility?
What DH version is compatible with iris-1.7.0-snapshotmc1.20.4-bb398b3-dirty
Bug/Feature? Really slow loading until I install Mineguns
Distant Gen skipping chunks
Parts of old buildings still show up in LOD chunks
errors generating chunks
Mod not working on MODDED server.
Odd visual artifacts and chunks disappearing (2.0.3a + Oculus 1.6.15aDH)
DH rendering Create's Copycat blocks as bright magenta
how to get dh mod support with iris ?
Unclear on correct shader compat versions for DH 2.0+
why doesnt the mod work on servers?
Requesting Info/version for James Seibels Dev-media post of vertical Quality settings
World size ~40GB. How to delete DH data?
1.20.4 think i messed up
BSL shaders not working with DH mod
Leaves disappearing
What mod is used for this world generation?
DH on server modpack
some errors in chat and some lods not loading
BetterMC 1.20.1 - BMC4 incompatibility
Black Trees, 1.20.1 mod pack, Forge Modpack, Optifine + AMD GPU
my and my friends DH wont work
Dh not working
How to get DH 2.0+Bliss working on a 1.20.1 modpack?
DH not compatible with iris 1.7.0-snapshot+mc1.20.4-7fcec4d. What version is compatible?
DH mod not loading
DH Gives error in chat
[Chat Errors] Errors after updating world from 2.0.2a to 2.0.3
Lighting bug
DH World Generator errors
Getting these errors in chat!
Im having this crash with the beta 2.0.1 for Fabric 1.20.1 :c
Pre-gen chunks in a server
World stuck loading at 100%, wont load no matter what
clouds render through blocks
fan curve
100% CPU Usage and High Temp
Forge 1.20.2 render doesn't works
what is going on 😭😭
Same chunks generating for every server
confusion when trying to install tectonic
multiplayer LODs
dh 2.0.3a
Distance horizon not working? It doesn't load as much distance as it was shown on YouTube videos
are the error messages causing parts of the LOD do appear invisible?
What's a good chunk loader mod for DH on forge?
Sky Cuts Off
Load all chunks at once
What does the rest of the message say?
weird thing
Distant Horizons Server
Why is my game doing this?
Is 'Enable Distant Generation' required to generate LODs for unloaded chunks?
Repurposed Structures log spam
SQL error causing game to crash upon joining world - DH 2.0.2
why does fog look like this ?
my lods just wont load
LOD Chunks don't show up with Optifine
Why isn't DH actually generating any LOD chunks in singleplayer?
Missing/forgotten release for 1.20.3/4
Shaders not working in Multiplayer
forges takes too long to load if i use distant horzion
I've been staring at my screen for about 3 hours and can't figure out for the life of me this fix
2.02a, some LOD strips not loading
Is it normal for this mod to take 30 seconds to load each chunk?
nothing is happening
multplayer problems
holes in my structures
Can supported shaders do dark nights, dark interiors, and dynamic hand lighting?
what should i do to fix DH
how do i change worlds to .sqlite files
Stuck on startup screen?
Constant Microstutters
Multiplayer Dimension Support
Error logs in the chat and having really slow LOD generation speed
DH LOD Generation stopped
Terralith islands look buggy at a distance
What is this exactly? I cant even read it all.
Are there any shaders with multi-colored lighting compatible with the most recent DH?
how do i get the DH version of oculus 1.20.1
why would my lods be turning white
RAM size for "pre-loading"
Nether world reset
LOD's not generating, instead replaced with fog?
Someone to explain why i cant make LODs work with shaders ?
chunks differ from actual ones
Ocean depth
How does Minecraft/Distant horizons store the relevant world data
game crashing on boot
LOD water turns white a little bit after the world loads
Red & Yellow rendering in the distance
why did i sudently start getting these artifacts
[Edited title] Bliss doesn't seem to work when changing MC version
Shaders Not compatible when it should be?
Nether Fog
What can I do to get DH to NOT take twenty minutes to load chunks?
Bugged blocks
Game crashes upon entering DH Menu
Adding custom Translucent blocks to render with Distant Horizons
Rendering Glitch
Optifine making rendering not work for Distant Horizons (1.18.2)
see through ground while flying with an elytra
How to get rid of these lines?
Glow at the borders of chunks under water.
Visual Bug, where non existent pillars show up at the end, only below structures
not sure if this is DH related
Water, grass and leaves colors not saved in the LOD, all appears gray.
Game suddenly loses TONS of FPS when breaking blocks
Using 1.20.1 Rubidium + Oculus + BSL shaders but distant chunks wont show up.
Lod's only works with chunks i renderer with vanilla render distance
Chunks not fully loading
Weird rendering issue
DH not working/chunks not saving
I actually don´t understand at all how to setup the server side fork
LODs rendering doesn't work after restarting the game
error in generating
whats the best ram size for DH ?
Is it supposed to look like this or am i doing something wrong?
nightly build 1.20.4. Chunks don't load.
Stops loading at 100% when booting modpack
Mac has a hard crash on world load
Weird Chunks in distance
Crash for 1.20.1 fabric singleplayer
Is DH Available On 1.20.2
low rendering distance
mod does not load
How Do I Make Chunks Load In Faster?
Distant horizon mod doesnt work on server
I installed DH2 for my 1.20.4 world, but it says incompatible (I put the API and didnt work)
DH settings change without my input
Sky buggin
Is Bobby compatible with Distant Horizons?
Low CPU usage, but high CPU temps
DH on Modpack Fabric Fantasy MC
Chunks doesn't load with shaders
Everything green far away
no option to open the editing menu in single player world
This is a out of memory error response, correct?
Blocks tinting incorrectly in LOD chunks
DH working but the Minecraft Render Texture is very low quality + DH renders slow + Game stuttering
How do i share DH saves of world seeds with other ppl?
DH not working in Multiplayer
Does DH cause other dimensions to generate as well?
DH, entire 'strips' of LODs not loading in
DH chunks not loading
How to replicate DH + Iris shaders in forge environment
Is it possible to load chunks on a server without the need to fly around?
1.20.4 nightly horizons not horizonting help
How do i make dh auto load chunks since i have to fly around and load the chunks myself
LoD dynamic quality adaption to zoom (mod)
Game crashing after 20-ish mins of playing with DH
DH 2.0.1 on pojav: Linux-android aarch64 SQL in the mod is not being loaded, which results in crash
Is there a way to run this on Lunar?
Chat error related to rendering
Incompatible Version
Lods load with shaders in the overworld, but not in the nether
DH 1.20.2
Trying to use Distant Horizons with the Greenfield map leads to standard vanilla chunks being loaded
can i run DH with shaders besides bliss?
DH had an error?
Non-smooth loading of LOD
LOD not loading at all
Shaders only within real render distance
incompatible mods found
Is there a max LOD distance for me?
Multiplayer Server Creating Error
DH Server help
hello why doesnt this load?
Why are my clouds like this?
Idk what's causing this, I'm sure there's a simple solution, but I can't figure it out.
what mods does lunar client have
LODs broke after removing mod, any way to recover them?
Trees not generating in distant LODs
is distant generation capped lower than the LOD render distance radius?
Where is the bottleneck?
DH stopped working all of a sudden
Sever DH
i need help with the menu
Better vertical quality for pixel art rendering
Wierd lines moving with view
Game freezes when starting new world
DH stops loading LOD chunks after changing LOD render distance.
long lines because of flowers and other blocks too
Crash error code : -1073740791
distant horizons chunks not loading and when i enable shaders every chunk goes black
DH + Bliss not working
vanilla clouds doesn't load in LOD chunks
Some error, and all LODs just disappeared
Spotted LODs
Game crashes when opening config menu and no config file
DH generates vanilla chunks LODs in a Premade world
Can't get 1.20.2 Fabric DH to work w/ Iris. Doesn't boot.
DH Stops Working On Death
What's happening here?
My minecraft is weird when loading bliss shaders
Can't generate a world - only using mods from iris x DH beta
My game crashes when trying to load up this
The game crashes just before opening the start menu
My chunks arent loading
Minecraft Forge gets stuck loading into main menu with DH installed.
This strange circle
how do i fix this
The mod was successfully loaded and is working, but the chunks are not loading. What can it be?VIDEO
DH Render Distance does not override Minecraft Render Distance
DH not working with bliss shaders
DH & Farsight Server Mod
How to get DH with Better Minecraft Modpack?
Worldgen disabled on f3 but enabled in worldgen settings?
Way to mimic the default vanilla water texture in the DH mod?
Game crash
So I tried playing essentials with all these mods, but it doesnt work..
DH2.0 printing details into sky
What do i do when i accidentally selected "show options button" to false.
dh dosent work
Fog and White mountains in the distance
weird compatibility error [RESOLVED]
how to i open shader with dh
no key max_section/min_section (duplicate)
only DH instailled
first time using fabric, shaders option does not appear in minecraft
Distant Horizons + Chunky on Server
Weird rendering issue ring
Game Crashing with very odd error code
The game crashed whilst rendering block entityError: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: '
Computer bluescreens after 5-15 minutes of playing
mod settings not showing up / dont know if working
LODs only loading when loading world
my game doesn't render anything
How much Lods Render Distance can be that?
How do I Install the 1.20.4 version?
mod support on feather servers
possible LOD chunk load bottleneck
LOD chunks unloading
Strange chunks
distant horizons dont generate while use shader
Forge+Oculus+DH 2: Using DH adapted shaders stops LOD from rendering and renders a weird fog
Performance drops after spending time in game
Everything messed up.
Mod is also rendering the trees that were broken
Pregenerated LODs not showing any more
Game failing to launch
Can CPU temps cause PID errors with this mod?
Visual Glitch is this normal or is it just me that has this problem?
Distant Horizons Settings button not showing?
Opening config file in-game crashes the client
chunk loading
Long Distance chunks not rendering with compatible shader (BLISS, DH 2.0)
Chunk Loading
1.20.4 DH not rendering LOD chunks anymore
Weird gaps in terrain (Pregenerated chunks with Chunky)
weird flickering over water (no shaders)
why is everything pink.
Modpack will crash with distant horizon but works fine wihtout it.
Water looks weird (cuts) and not rendering properly (Transparancy is complete in settings)
Need help! happens everytime i turn on bliss, no other isssues with any other shader
Immersive Portals support priority?
LOD snow color is grey
Things disappear and reappear on a server
Fuzzy LODs with AO
is there planed support for iris 1.20.2 ?
DrDestens v2.0.3 + DH = badly rendered DH
Weird screen tearing thing
Is there any option to fix just these lods?
DH not changeing qulity when moveing
How can i make flowers look NOT blocky?
LOD does not generate in non-generated chunks
dh stops working after going to nether. issue persists even when returning to overworld.
How to play with a friend with a custom map
How much GB can have 256 Render Distance DH file?
DH has no effect at all on my game
Oculus Installation Help
DH client connected, but not processing?
My game is crashing everytime with -1 error code, Can anyone tell me what's causing the issue?
What is happening here?
Can't get the render distance beyond 32 chunks
How do I download the Beta
Isn't DH not meant to affect fps unless loading new LODs?
LOD rendering a ground layer.
LODs not changing resolution when moving closer.
Why there's strange shining block at the top of the hill which nowhere to be found else where
chunks not loading in between'
How to reload all chunks that DH already rendered?
Question about earth curvature setting
BLISS shader pack not working
Can't enable ambient occlusion in DH settings
Minecraft takes a super long time to load when having DH in the mod folder
Generate farther LOD ONLY
Stutters and cpu usage
reduce memory usage/lower past 32 chunks
LOD chunks not rendering with Simply Optimized and pre-set gamerules
How can i solve this?
Question regarding rendering
jar to zip and back to jar
Problem with nvidium compatibility i think
server wold download and using vanilla shading with shaders
I got problems with DH/shader
Not loading anything
I can't generate enough chunks
world generation failing with chunky due to distant horizons error
CPU low ghz rate with DH
Space between LODs and Generated chunks
Floating Island LOD
Super noob question(s)
Distant Horizons is struggling but not giving me any errors
Visual bug of pillars that dont exist
LOD's won't recognize TP
Visual bugs occur when playing with shaders
Shader-Compatible Oculus or Optifine 1.18.2
stays on this screen
Glitchy graphical bug Lines in between blocks
Error upon launching a game
how to reduce lag spikes
FPS Issues.
How do I fix (seemingly) random lod-chunks not loading
Giant towers showing up
forge taking long to load
have 0 fps when im press rigth click in one block
Game crashes when clicking into video settings (1.20.4)
did i forgot some step when using fabric with dh
when enable DH, this grey thing show up
1.20.4 DH not working
Crash while loading world.
LODS Generating, looking funny ?
gaps in terrain generation
Feature placement crash
not working
do i need to visit every chunk in the world to get these high render distances?
LODs not generating in singleplayer.
Modding adding mods to DH Iris Shaders issue. HELP!
Fog not working at all.
Not working on Optifine 1.16.5 / BSL 8.2
OPENGL error
DH Wornt gives erros on server
1.20.1, MC won't load with DH installed, version is correct for forge and DH
how do I make near chunks to be LOD rendered
LOD's not rendering the Shaders
slow loading lod chunks
Question about replay mod incompatibility
My horizon isn't distant
Shaders not working
Running distant horizons on fabulously optimised
Only part of the LOD's are stored/shown
Can LOD for a server be shared to other members?
GPU/Processor recommendation
How to use nightly builds
Optifine Compatability?
Install DH on my Fabric 1.20.1 Server
DH on my server
Shader question/possible broken generation
distant generation not working
Overloading machine?
LOD's loading in the skybox?
Shader pack going insaine and werd errer on screen.
Game crashing in 1.20.4
some old thing thats fixed now
Bliss shader - breaking a block is bright white
DH beta not rendering shaders
Terrain not generating consistently
DH does not load lods on server
Minecraft's just crashing (log + extra info attached)
nice caves in ocean
Any recommendations on a server host for a DH server?
Distant horizons render has encountered an exception
Strange Underwater Chunk Error
Diagnosing fps stutters
Hang and get kicked once change dimension/die
Weird streaking in LOD chunks
Minecraft crashing when rendering villager??
Artifacts from builds that wont go away
DH only works when I visit a chunk
mod is running but does nothing
Cannot get DH to work on a private server
DH not auto loading/generating?
Suggested Computer Specs?
Which shaders do work, or at least work best with the current version of DH?
How to make a shader compatible
Do I need a NASA PC to run this or what am I doing wrong?
how can i optimize my server
Immersive Portals Dimension Stack Issue
Can anyone tell me why i don't see rain?
Super low fps with extremely high cpu temps 80-90 and slightly grainy textures.
Distant Horizons 1.20.2 not working on fabric (w/sodium/performance mods) or forge(optifine)
some chunks do not load
weird lighting on water
ATM9 world installing it. icon in options wont pop up
not loaded
LoDs showing when underwater
first time loading DH (error message)
how to fix
1.20.4 Most stable nightly build?
Anyone know any solution for these glitched chunks?
How i can fix this
I have run through every FAQ and tried everything i can but no matter what i do i cant see LOD's
Simply optimized not working with the new Iris+DH beta build.
Input lag on DH
Crash, don't know how to fix it.
Is there something in the settings to get rid of these underground holes I see in spectator?
trying to make it work with a private server
adding another mod
When switching BC servers, the dhcache keeps creating new files instead of reading existing ones.
Weird terrain smearing visual glitch
Distant Horizons causes a crash 75% of the time I try launching the game
Most blocks are blurry and green even at fairly close distances
literally what am i doing wrong
Where can I find the multiplayer branch?
HOW do i fix this?
How to fix that?
is it possible for entities to remain rendered within LOD chunks
Remove Unsupported Version of DH message
Micro stuttering
Render distance doesn't work
DH in prominence 2
Error that I cannot read.
Error + holes and slow rendering
Spam error
DH crash that also happens with the DH/iris beta but doesn't require it
chunks loading REALLY SLOWLY
Is this normal?
DH erros of shader packs not supported
Turning on vsync makes the whole screen (except mouse cursor) flicker in black
how to speed up block loading in chunky?
Can't start server with distant horizons
LOD water chunks are white
Mod works fine without shaders, breaks with
Black thing
mod wont work
We need help...(Multiplayer)
improve performance?
Turning Camera With Shaders Causes DH to Glitch
Lots of non-generated or non-rendered LOD's
Fog problem
Best Terrain generation mod?
performance is SO bad
LOD Chunks are generating VERY slowly
DH wont work in an online server
Hi! i have a problem with my bliss shaders
Crashes on start up
DH renders the horizon as black with Bliss Shaders
Weird X-Ray like effect when mod is active
Weird LOD texture in far away chunks
My game crash on startup
Chunks not loading at all, or at very random places
I Can't find any combination of mods that let me run DH in 1.20.2 with sodium/indium
How can i fix this?
idk whats wrong with i downloaded the dh2 version of bsl
Crash on start up
how do i install a new garbage collector?
not a DH issue but anyone know about this?
Lost LOD's
fastest settings for generation
Distant horizon don't work at full capacity (i think)
GPU Benchmarks/recommendations?
Crash on load
Shader water cut
error messages about loading or making chunks
LOD's different for Multiplayer vs Single player, LOD showing up sooner
LODS only generate in terrain ive passed through
DH LOD's Resets everytime I leave save, How do I prevent that?
Help making oculus 1.18.2 compatible with DH
Far LOD chunks starting to load, but not fully
DH not working
Weird visual glitch
The game won't launch
DH doesn't work
running Distant Horizons + Iris on forge 1.20.1?
DH not doing anything 1.20.1
DH doesn't work with Bliss shaders
rendering issues
How i fix that?
DH Batching generation error when trying to use chunky
what do i have to do
im opening my game and it instantly crashes
issues with render distance
Can someone send me a Bliss shader config?
Works vanilla, but when I reload the game with optifine, it doesn't.
Generating LODs on Pre-made Maps goes to default terrain.
Weird red/black outlines around blocks
(1.19.2) Is there a way for Distant Horizons to work with Oculus + Complementary Reimagined shaders?
LODs not being generated even though world is generated
134 GB File on my Save?
Best configs for my setup?
LOD's keep showing black holes
Chunks aren't generating
Rethinking Voxels
DH + Shaders for Forge
weird LOD chunk generation
Distant Horizons won't let me join my own server
Lagging in Distant Horizons
Distant Horizons crash
DH not working with and without Bobby [Sodium 1.19.4]
Chunk Error
Server side fork crashed when start server
crashed when I load my server
how can I Pre-generate the sql file by a server side
ERROR Game crashed
distant horizons not working with modpack, many error messages
Why is Distant Horizons not loading anything more than a few chunks?
How to automatically generate LODs for existing world?
Fog settings seem not to work
Shadow surrounding and caves/Invisible world
falling through chunks
Distant Horizon isnt showing but its working
Distant Fog
Can someone help me understand what I am doing wrong?
DH not doing anything at all? 1.19.4
disabled button how to get it back
Distant horizons doesn't load LOD chunks
DH not working, terrible lags 2fps
trying to pre generate an LOD area of 2048. World Gen tasks at around 1 million. is this normal?
How do I fix this transition between real and fake chunks w/ BSL shaders
DH not rending all Chunky blocks
Why am I seeing this
My game go boom.
bug with bliss shader
How to fix this
LOD problem and weird stuff in the sky
Why is it that Distant Horizons renders like this?
missing chunks?
Config button gone..
new java error message
Tool for pre generating chunks
Weird fog between main blocks and distant
how to extend overdraw prevention past the "Heavy" setting?
Why I use nightly build but it said I use an unknown and want to me check it's from curseforge
Shaders dont render on distant horizon chunks
Game doesn't load new chunks and some parts are heavily bugged
LoD Colors seem to be off at a distance
Chunks glitched in distance
Ocean is tiled, what's going on?
DH Lod dosn't render after respawn
Uncertain performance issues on low-end setup
What is this error?
Distant Horizon Builds Not Loading
Do I need to get special permission to make a video with the new shader-enabled version?
How to fix DH not rendering all blocks
random chunks loading at the distance
DH is working right vanilla but not with shaders.
is there a that adds compatibility with dh and replay mod?
Black blocks in distance + weird LOD texturing
Problem with fog at chunk boundaries
DH chunks load and unload depending on where I look at
POPos all amd system
chunks not load
Distant Horizon chunks not loading
Modpack issues
Load LODs Closest First
chunks not loading properly
1.20.4 DH builds disappearing
Bobby fallback mode on a multiplayer server?
1.18.2 What should I do if I can't see the distance after turning on the light and shadow?
Dh glitching on water
GPU usage
shaders being burned into the screen?
Stuck on Forge loading screen when launching with distants horizons
Bungeecord server
DH on linux crash
Memory usage in-game seems to climb to max allocation, then reset.
how can i render all this LOD
Is there a way to render LOD on a multiplayer server ?
Distance Horizon compatibility issue
Does the mod work on the Neo Forge?
DH only rendering visited chunks
1.20.1 not working for me
game isn't even starting...
DH not rendering chunks in 1.20.2
DH 2.0.2-a-dev-1.20.4 is apparently unsupported
Chunks randomly missing on the border of an area
weird frame blending
Huge columns everywhere - no other mods installed
When will the update be released to the stable version?
No LOD showing up with 1.20.1 version, getting errors
LOD chunks won't render with the Bliss shaders (Bliss shaders support DH)
LOD not rendering with shader using optifine 1.19.2
World Generation Bug
Transparent blocks when i fly over lods
"dh chunks" dont have any levels of details on them if I dont load chunks beforehand.
This Pack Doesn't Have DH support
how to fix if the mod doesnt do anything? No LODS loading.
Error : to increase stability..
white cracks in blocks
Instant crash when opening beta DH config menu
LOD aren't loading at all with shaders
LOD's have weird white/black blocks in them.
Crashing on attempting to launch
Low fps issue 7900xtx
DH not loading chunks beyond standard MC render distance
Error while starting BetterMC
ERROR DH render encountered an error
Shaders that work with 1.20.1?
Dh doesnt render Ocean floor?
DH 1.20.1 Doesn't render past minecraft's standard render distance
1% lows aren't that great and overall the game doesn't feel smooth half the time.
FPS Issues when using shaders
Any shaders besides Bliss compatible with Iris 1.7.0 + Distant Horizons 2.0.2?
Fog Being weird when on 2 render distance
Ticking world error, game crashes immediately after start-up
where do i find alpha builds
Game immediatly crashes
Random holes while generating + really slow generation time
My DH isn't rendering
LOD Quality Not Changing With Proximity
constant fog
LODs are very low quality near me, I have the quality turned up
"error: Batching world generator : 156:5@C[8,28](FEATURES) Timed out and terminated" chunks not load
1.20.2 nightly crashing, anyone know why?
lods are loading but aren't in shader distance
It is impossible for me to run DH with Sodium
[beta2.0.2]Multiple worlds in the same server overlap
1.16.5 Singlep. Crashing when changing Distance
Is this normal on a multiplayer server?
Vertical render / quality
DH doesn't work
Strange holes
World loads old DH config into new version.
Use complementary unbound
DH doesn't load chunks on server
Mod barely changes render distance
Low GPU and CPU with low framerate.
can't use literarily any shaders
glitched textures at far distances.
Water and foliage appear as gray
Need help fixing janky terrain generation on DH 2.0.2 dev version
complimentaryreimagined shaders not working with lod
Low Fps, On Top End Hardware.
Minecraft loads, displays title screen for a second, then crashes
DH not loading
Bliss Clouds
How do i use distant horizons with BCG+?
Game crashes without shaders (1.20.4)
No LOD generation
black and white lods
LOD chunks load very slowly are don't
LOD generation is painfully slow, even with "i paid for the whole cpu" options on, ram is high
i keep stuttering
Grass LODs are much brighter than everything else
World Generator Underperforming?
mod isnt working correctly
LOD Chuncks not showing up when using shaders
It wont load new chuncks
LODS don't seem to be building reliably on multiplayer
Which Shaders Are supported for Forge?
Warning Spam, Ignoring Heightmap Data in singleplayer.
Is there a supported shader that works for 1.16.5 or 1.18.2 forge?
Strange gaps in some areas on a server
Exit Code 1
DH sqlite file is getting too big too fast, is that normal?
Shaders don't work
OpelGL crash
crash with indium and sodium 1.20.1
Game destroyed???
black blocks artifacts idk
shadow flickering on lod's with bliss shader
Fabric Performance to Forge
Dh on multiplayer server
Grey grass ect. with Terralith
it just not saving the chunks
all inputs ignored when loading into singleplayer world
red blocks in worldgen when its supposed to be end rock
i can't load into a singleplayer world
Load Chunky to DH on server
Mod won't start. (crash log)
Anyone know how to make the 1.20.4 version work on fabric?
Game stuck when launching (MacOS)
i can see water through blocks
What does this mean, crash report
DH setting not showing up
FPS is low but I have a intel 13600k
is this normal?
Does DH work with Oculus?
DH is not rendering
lods struggle so much to load, even with maxed performance settings
Problem with shaders and chunks missng
Complementary shaders fork not working with DH
Distant Horizons 2.0 + Bliss Shaders not working
Game instantly crash after launching Minecraft with exit code 6
1.20.4 nightly build shader LOD issue
Lod chunks not saving after disconnect + pregenerated chunks not rendering
game immediately crashes but all i have in the mods folder is dh
Game crashes upon entering the Dwarven Mines on HSB
How did he do the smooth camera shots?
fog draw mode stuck on disabled
Lag spikes every 5 seconds or so
Miscolored grass chunks.
Weird lookin chunks
Trouble Getting Distant Horizons to work with Bliss Shaders
Crashes without minecraft even starting
High cpu and loss of fps upon loading world with dh
Game Crashing after launcher
LOD blocks refuse to load after it loads for a bit
how to get compatible shaders for forge
Game crashes with BetterAdventures+
What is causing this? 2.0 Fabric 1.20
game had a seizure and died
Iris installed but no shaders tab / Get shaders working
Shadow visual bug in certain LODs
DH freezes singleplayer world when generating features
whats the best dh settings for these pc specs
how do i access dh options with this menu
dh-patched bliss no LOD
Is there a way to convert world files into LOD files for use on Distant Horizons?
why isnt my gpu being used its cooking my cpu
Weird black squares in distance
how to blend distant render with shader in local area
Missing chunks in distance
Distant horizon, some grass blocks become pink
2.0.2-a-dev (1.20.4): Game crashes on startup with Sodium+Indium, but *only* when with Fab. Opt.
1.20.2 not working
Crash on startup 1.20.4
Tell god to stop touching my mountain.
distant horizons encountered an exception
chunk loading
Insane stuttering
Black box in the middle of my screen ?
Shaders cut off
LoD chunks keep being reset in a server with multiple Overworlds/Nethers/Ends
DH not loading chunks
does DH create the server folder itself?
Not like the screenshots, and low FPS
DH and shattered world limits
Game Not Launching
How to optimize DH for CPU usage
Lods stops generating
Any way to extend clouds?
Problems with bliss
Weird Chunk bug
How to fix this black sides on ice?
Game doesn't load
Slow Loading of Chunks and Clay Textures
Where can I find the Distant Horizons settings file?
DH "client" not entrypoint stage crashes my game???
Help with DH 2.0 settings
Keeps crashing with error code 1
Is it possible to convert a minecraft world into a .sqlite file ?
odd visual bug in chunks
Chunks stop rendering at high y level
Game immediately crashing after loading
Grey chunks with ReTerraforged server
how many threads should be assigned to actual chunk gen vs distant horizons lod gen?
chunks not being shaded even after using the old lighting mode
Vertical facing surfaces appearing at wildly different places than they are in the world
Chunks not loading properly and Fog not showing
what causes this?
Error message "no key min/max"
Chunks arent loading till I get close
Tall? chunks
The beta stops loading new chunks after changing a single setting
Unplayable FPS
DH-LOD Builder - Chunk to Lod Builder Thread[16]/ERROR]
lang file?
DH compatibility question
Getting holes in generated LODs
forever stuck in loading screen
DH 2.0 Chat being filled with errors
How do I setup this mod to look like this guys:
Extremely slow loading
crashed after a few seconds/minutes in world
keep getting this error and game will crash before it opens
Getting this on a prebuilt map in singleplayer.
weird loading glitch
DH compatible with M1 Mac?
missing chunk line
Can't Seem to get Shaders to work.
chunks eating every single bit of ram that i have on my computer
issues between shaderpack and DH
Weird sporadic holes appearing
Unable to launch game
Oculus Fork for 1.18.2?
Mod not working with shaders
For some reason my world gen stops after generating a few chunks :c
Is DH compatible with Bobby?
World Gen Disabled
Shaders with DH
my clouds are gone?
what are the optimal setting for distant horizon render distance vs vanilla render distance?
Distant horizons LOD wont load
Distant horizons not loading
LOD's not rendering with experimental version
Holes and water color change.
Not generating full 512 chunk render distance
[FIXED] What does this mean?
When I move quicky to generate chunks, there is a see-through gap between the real chunks and LOD's
While testing my modpack, ran into strange visual bug.
Performance issues (i've read the FAQ thanks)
Any way to fix this?
odd interactions between transparency and lod chunks
sudden cannot load error
Not using any incompatible mods, but the game still crashes
accidentally updated DH, now in a mess of mod incompatibility
Pc Overheating
Shader lightning not working as intended
[Solved] Fabric 1.20.1 Instantly Crashes on Game Startup
Have to explore chunks to load LODs in singleplayer.
preload lod chunks
Sometimes doesn't load chunks
server not booting with server side fork (have not checked client sided yet)
DH not loading any LODs, chunks are rendering vanilla
Not loading structures
Not all chunks loading
DH dosnt work as soon as I add more mods for some unkown reason.
are the loading times meant to be this long?
DH doesn’t load new chunks in single player
Skill issue?
shaders for oculus 1.16.5
is it possible to downgrade from a nightly build?
ERROR: Batching World Generator
how can i stop DH from creating endless Folders for the same map?
How Big Do The SQLite Files Get?
Why does it not load correctly?
Shaders Not Applying to DH Chunks
Shader go brrt.. but why
Pregenerate chunks
Lods not loading properly in a lake
"The game crashed whilst initializing game"
The Dh forks seem to cause xray leaves
huge linear hole
How to do the Iris + DH thing
clouds are flikkering and i don't know how to fix it
Shrimple won't look good on legacy shader support
Chunks not rendering
how do i use the nightly .zip files?
Will the DH version that supports shaders be available for 1.19.2 in the future?
Will the DH version that supports shaders be available for 1.19.2 in the future?
Preload for server with singleplayer ?
why i can't access to the mod settings ? i could before i changed the settings.
DH with Shaders?
Huge Holes in the terrain
trying to use with shaders, however fake chunks disable when i toggle shaders on
Requires Indium but no Indium version works
Phantom blocks after past and delete
DH in Minecraft 1.20.4 ?
weird LODs rendering
I APOLOGISE FOR THE SPAMMED QUESTION BUT, but i am not getting any distant horizons in my game
Getting Iris + DH to Work
Terrain artifacting in the sky, follows my camera when I turn left or right
How to get shaders + DH working on forge? I've heard some have done it
Giant holes in distant generation
BigChadGuys+ Non-Cobblemon Crash
Wont load
DH leaves the terrain footprint on my skybox
FPS drops when using the distant horizons mod
Not showing menu for DH
No shading when using shaders
Server world generation not working unless I've already loaded the chunks
No LOD of rendered chunks unless Im within about 4 chunks of it
sudden lag spike and a ton of error messages
Error using Iris 1.7 and DH with Bliss
Shaders that are known to work are not
Questions on terrain generation
Water color and brightness for LODs are inconsistent. Which mod could be causing this?
Distant builds appear shattered
Some visual mess on the walls
Shader packs
Why is it white?
Mod doesn't work in singleplayer
LOD chunks after "world eater"
Nostalgia Shaders
netherrack roof is gray
Modded biome colors
Problems loading the newest DH version.
distant horizons does not let me enter the game 1.20.1
Trying to use DH + Iris in 1.20.1
Incomplete data source and how DH stores stuff
Weird artifact in the sky
Mod 'Blendium' (blendium) 1.0.0+mc1.20.x requires version 0.5.2 or later of mod 'Sodium' (sodium)
LOD not working in forge 1.16.5 with Optifine
LOD chunks not loading in Singeplayer
reuse bobby chunks
how do i get those fancy landscapes like the ones of the screenshots sections
Multiverse not working for 2 overworlds
weird thingy
LOD being a bit buggy due to flying blocks and large artificial builds perhaps?
Question about servers that directly connect to other servers
Any fix?
How can i fix this problem?
Can't install
how to install 1.19.2 oculus teqed fork???
How do I get DH to work with shaders? LODs are just not appearing when shaders are on
Purple Missing Texture in LOD
when downloading indium and sodium the game crashes
Something seems to be wrong after installing C2ME
LOD Water rendering is broken in grids
Loading the DH Api
anyone know why mobs disapeared after i updated mods?
some chunks arent showing
How to lower the y level the bottom of the ocean renders at
Reterraforged compatability
dh compatible bliss shader not working
Minecraft crashing after clicking play
URI scheme is not "file" (preventing game from opening)
distant horizon lods will seemingly disappear when I get close or look at them from a angle with
Red spots in Distant horizons?
Create Incompatibility?
No fog on any settings(dev)
Round Overdraw Protection gone
LODs rendering very very slow
Chunks loading unevenly and there are also gaps between chunks
how do i stop this from happening
Vertical Quality Issue
trerralith floating islands buggy
LODs failing to load at all even when enabled (tested nightly build and og but both didnt work)
Having a Crash when Saving a World
Weird CPU load
does the server fork work with distant generation? doesnt seem to be working for me
How do I disable the warning message in nightlies?
Disable error message in chat.
convert data
Chunks not loading at all in multiplayer?
batching world error
when changing LOD distance on a exisiting world DH breaks
DH Error In Server
Is there a configurable file to disallow certain (colliding) blocks from being considered
are dimensions supported cause when i entered one i got a message from DH
Is some mod causing this issue? LOD wont load
Is Distant Horizons supposed to take up this much space?
Crash when opening F3 menu
How can i import DH generated terrain to use on a server?
DH is not regenerating existing LODs, causing constant inaccuracies.
I disabled all texture packs, restarted my game, changed quality settings, my grass is still gray
Red streaks in very odd places.
This mod crashes minecraft on arch linux
rendering not working
ghost structures
Red Streaks across LODs
Best GPU upload method for stuttering on 3090?
Wrong LOD gen?
Bizarre Ocean LODs
Distant Horizons isn't generating tree leaves correctly in LODs
Missing Holes in distant generations
error 404 when downloading 1.20.4
nether fog not applying to LODs
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: QuadTree GetOrSet failed
is there a stable old version without these holes?
Whole building dissapearing
All blocks that are not near me are transparrent even when they are loaded
1.18.2 forge+optifine, DistantHorizons-2.0.0-a-1.18.2 or 2.0.1-a error while starting.
DH no longer works after upgrading to 1.20
I need help with adding fog
just weird things idk
incorrect shading for LODs even with no shaders enabled
sqlite files not being generated
LOD isnt updating properly (and also has weird red streaks ???)
Rendering issue with leaves using shaders
i built a huge ahh tower but dh doesnt render it
LOD chunks not even rendering, version 2.0.1-a-1.20.1
Weird holes in the rendering
Massive framedrop all of a sudden
Minecraft crashes on load with 2.0.1 after trying 2.0.2 server side fork
how to allocate more ram?
Zoomify overdraw prevention issue, DH2.0.1, 1.20.1 Fabric
Explicitly communicate world to player with server side mod?
How do I download the complementary fork?
world gen mod compatibility
Error message in chat
Glowing region between detailed surroundings and LOD's
Some LODs are missing + flashing
DH only loads parts of things and not everything
Weird border in the water between LOD chunks and normal Minecraft chunks.
someone knows whats the best performance setup for DH?
LOD Chunks are only previously rendered chunks
LOD chunks randomly stop loading
Error on world load
DH 2.0.1 not generating past like 12 chunks
What do the different Debug Rendering mods show?
idek whats happening
random holes
Pre Rendering?
install DH on optifine
Not all chunks loading
Crazy lag
Terralith, techtonic , and terrablender causes segfault on forge.
Weird ocean tiles
LODs arent rendering
Near LODs start to render, disappear after a few minutes, then the very far away LODs start to rende
water looking strange
A good GC for minecraft modded?
Compatible shaders list?
Does DH work on Hypixel yet?
Any way to make leaves under snow green?
DH most recent update wont load past made lod
Multiplayer worlds meshing together
DH gaps when on server?
DH 2.0.1 causes the DH renderer to not work?
How to enable fog with DH2.0 and optifine?
Crash when trying to join specific server
`profundis` and `yung's bridges` `NullPointerException: No chunk exists at`
My LODs are taking up to 10 minutes to load
Distant Horizons refusing to load fake chunks
Generated chunks don't get darker as night falls
Next page