Sky not rendering correctly [FORGE 1.20.1]
DH 2.1.2a, MC 1.20.1
Bliss shaders (any others) distort the sky really bad. Everything worked perfectly until I added all the mods I want for my modpack. I followed other instructions I found such as:
- Restarting game
- Turning shaders off and on
- Using other shaders (Bliss main, BSL, Complementary Reimagined, Hysteria, Noble, and Photon)
- Changing DH preset quality to "medium"
- Transparency to "complete"
The sky does not work correctly with other shaders either. It is almost as if only a small part of the sky renders in around the player. As an example, Complimentary Reimagined adds square clouds. I can only see them above me, but the more I look up, the more of them start to disappear and reappear. I think another mod is likely causing my issue as everything was fine before adding them. I was hoping not to have to test them all, as I added over 50. But maybe that is the only way if someone does not have any other tips.

2 Replies
Have you been restarting Minecraft after applying the fixes
Bc you wrote restarting Minecraft before the other stuff so idk if you did it in that order
Yeah, I was not clear about that but yes - I was restarting
I removed most mods, the issue is gone. I'm slowly adding them back. Hopefully I can identify the culprit!
Interesting, it is Alex's Caves
Well that's awesome. I was able to find the fix that was posted, and it worked. Woohoo