The game starts but it only shows the dirt loading screen
So this is a little strange to explain. I am running Forge 1.16.5 on the 2.1.0 version, and when I load into a world, it runs fine. However, the dirt loading screen never goes away. I can tell the world is running because I can still hear all the sound effects, and I can even walk around still.
7 Replies
why the 2.1.0 version
dont do that
Because I’m using starlight, and that’s the most recent version that works with it
2.2.1 is the most recent version that works with it
starlight only doesny work with DH 2.1.2
I tried the 2.2.1 version and the same thing is happening
Actually, let me try removing my shaders first, they might not be compatible
Alright, that made the world load, but it’s not generating anything past the vanilla render distance
I’m probably better off waiting for the full release
Shader support starts at 1.20.1, that's why it didn't load with them on.
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