distant horizons wont let me change my render distance

I've downloaded the mod and I can change the settings in the mod but my render distance seems to be capped at 32 chunks and I don't know how to fix this
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6 Replies
hardester10mo ago
:harold: That's the wrong menu.
AugieOP10mo ago
hardester10mo ago
Distant Horizons settings is the small button next to the FOV slider, not in the video settings.
AugieOP10mo ago
I know I'm confused as of why I can't Increase my render distance past 32 chunks My LOD render distance is set to 128
hardester10mo ago
:harold: Distant Horizons employs its own chunk rendering, separate to vanilla ones. That's why there's two different sliders, one for vanilla render distance, another one for lod distance.
AugieOP10mo ago
oh ok

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