How to increase distance quality?

Is there a way to make every block in view (or within reason) render in the same quality? for example, everything past a certain distance (unsure on what exact distance) loses all detail and becomes a single colour block and makes for texture popping Thanks!
12 Replies
Puhpine2w ago
and becomes a single colour block
thats expected DH renders at a lower quality so your PC doesnt explode at higher render distances the only way to have those blocks render further away is to increase your normal render distance
hardester2w ago
Can confirm this statement. Tried it with Bedrock Edition and it died before it could even reach 100 real chunks.
unclejiggyOP2w ago
i've pushed the normal render distance up to max in the settings, do you know if there's a way to bump it even further? i.e. 79
Puhpine2w ago
there is no way you are noticing that blocks are of a lower quality at 79 chunks away
unclejiggyOP2w ago
as an example, the three in the red circle compared to things behind it
No description
Puhpine2w ago
thats not 79 chunks away
unclejiggyOP2w ago
i see, so why does the quality reduce after that point? is there an issue in my settings
Puhpine2w ago
what version of DH are you using? do the normal chunks render further if you turn off rendering in DH's settings?
hardester2w ago
(thonkwithshades emoji) That looks like 16 to 24 chunks away.
unclejiggyOP2w ago
oh that's so weird, there isn't a difference between render distance of 12 and anything above that value so seems like it's a minecraft issue as opposed to DH i think it's due to the server settings nevermind, okay thank you for your help guys - apologies for wasting your time!
hardester2w ago
Playing on a server? Well your vanilla render distance is limited to whatever the server is set to. Also, no worries.

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