Floating Island LOD

Is there a way to change the LODs in a way that removes the water from these islands so that its just empty below it or do I just have to deal with it.
9 Replies
TheNewSky12mo ago
Unfortunately I don't think there's any way to remove the running water specifically. I noticed the same thing with terralith but I haven't been able to find a fix myself
man.OP12mo ago
Unfortunate is there a way to disable generation of those islands
TheNewSky12mo ago
there is but since terralith has no config you'll need to edit the files
man.OP12mo ago
alright ill try that
TheNewSky12mo ago
If you're using the .jar version instead of the data pack you'll need a software to open the .jar file like 7zip or winrar
man.OP12mo ago
If I have another question or issue should I create another thread or would you be ok with answering it here? I have another issue currently
TheNewSky12mo ago
if it's completely unrelated to this it's prob better to make a new thread just so if others have the same issue they can find it
man.OP12mo ago
ok checked with locate biome it worked Thank you

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