ConcurrentHashMap NPE and "Unexpected error when updating chunk at pos" in Chunk to Lod Builder
I've yet to start removing mods looking for incompatibility, but thought to ask here first if anyone had seen such an error :)
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try turning up the quality preset. and if that doesnt help try turning off cave culling (or settings the cave culling height lower)
11 Replies
(couldn't send everything in a single message, so here are the logs in detail)
I get hundred of lines like these when loading into a new world:
these NPEs seem to happen every few seconds (5 maybe?), even if I'm completely still (and don't even have the game focused)
these first ones seem to happen every time I try to load new chunks
And, naturally, LOD chunks don't seem to be rendering at all
I've tried nuking the config (TOML) file, in case it was something with that, to no avail, unfortunately
this is indeed probably a mod incompatibility. you could try a /binary search
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it.
So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
ye, gonna do that then, thx o7
Lol my first batch of removing mods made the LOD builder NPEs show more info:
ok now it's not giving any log spam, but it's not working either
I'll yeet config and SQLite files again
doesn't seem to be that either
I have my (sodium) render distance at the max of 32 and DH at 128
the culprit seems to be Polytone
anyway, LODs are not loading properly, despite no apparent log errors
seems to be better now actually, but I'm getting some hard artifacts in some areas
stuff like this
oh interesting, havent heard that one before
try turning up the quality preset. and if that doesnt help try turning off cave culling (or settings the cave culling height lower)
this is a server with multiple worlds and dimensions, and I have the thingy disabled, but I've only joined this world and dimension after nuking the database
yup, that fixed it, tyvm
makes sense, cus this map is leveled at y=0