Can't get minecraft version 1.21 to boot up using DH and sodium with fabric
Im using mc version 1.21, sodium ver. 0.5.9, indium ver. 1.0.33, DH ver 1.2.1-a and fabric ver 0.15.11
Minecraft with aodium DH and indium in mods folder dosent even boot up but i have noticed that also putting into mods folder fabric api ver 0.100.4 boots minecraft just fine also lets me make a new world but after a second just completly freezes
Im new into mods in minecraft so maybe i downloaded a wrong version of something. Please help
21 Replies
can you just send a screenshot of your mods folder? because DH version 1.2.1 doesnt exist, and now i wonder if the other versions are correct as wel
if your log file includes a mod list, you can send that as well
You should send your
file to provide additional useful information.
Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs
On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs
Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed.
After uploading the file, click on Save
and send the link.(and a log file will be helpfull in general)
here you go

try adding fabric api
and this appears when i try to open minecraft with them

so why havent you already?
i tried i added fabric api to mods folder and everything loaded just fine, i tried and made a server, it loaded but after a second or so it froze
add the fabric api, and if it still doesnt work, send logs
Sorry to ask but how do I send logs?😅
i just have to send you file named "latest.log"?
oh right im sorry
here you go
i didnt see the bots message
i doubt its the issue, but can you update fabric api to the latest and try again?
oh wait im blind
i dont know why but i thought it said fabric api version 0.100.0
i dont see anything wrong in the logs
it is still hanging with these mods installed?
could you repeat this in other words?
is it still freezing when making a new world with these mods installed?
im sorry english is my other language you know. With these 4 mods in mods folder it lets me make a new world, some chunks load like 2-3 and then the game freezes
at first i gave mc 20gb of ram and i thought it was the problem but it doesnt matter if i give it 3, the standart amount, 10 or 20
it still freezes
i dont know, sorry. everything looks correct. maybe someone else will have an idea
do you think reinstalling everyting will do anything?
it might
it did not help
i also tried with diffrent versions of fabric api - i swapped the official release for beta release. it is also worth noting that i was ablew to normally play without DH. Adding it made it crash
but thank you for your time maybe someone else will know how to help me