Crashing when on "Extreme" quality preset and "I Paid for my Whole CPU"

I have an i9 14900k, and a 4090, and I'm using Nvidium, which as far as I know is compatible with DH, but every time I load into a world with these settings my cpu temp goes up 20-30 degrees, and my game crashes. How do I fix this?
31 Replies
iVeggieOP4mo ago
When I change it from Extreme to High it doesn't crash, but then has all of these visible issues
Miki_P984mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz4mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are usually located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
Puhpine4mo ago
Give Minecraft more ram
Dragon4mo ago
6gb ram is criminal on a maxxed out pc edit the profile, change xmx6g in advanced profile to xmx16g or if you have insane ram count 32g if you want to be safe usually you can put it to 50-75% of your ram completely pointless sometimes above 32gb and 16gb will be fine for us maxed out pc users
Puhpine4mo ago
12 gb is already overkill for a lot of people. 16 gb is overkill for pretty much everyone
Dragon4mo ago
I forgot to say he probably will be using shaders usually people that buy pcs that are completely overkill will try and run everything possible at max settings and use shaders or RTX
costertunder4mo ago
I found that if you have 200+ mods installed + DH and iris + bliss shaders you need all of the 16 gb of allocated ram. Anny less would not run.
Miki_P984mo ago
I’be managed to find a mod combo that required abysmal 24GB and any lower would significantly reduce the fps
iVeggieOP4mo ago
I heard somewhere that even if you have the ram, allocating too much could make mc not work, so I did 6 thinking it would be enough also I still should be getting better frames than I am, and idk why it's so low will try that will higher ram help with fps? and I'll try this after I see if the ram fixes it do I use that before or after the crash? or do I use that for those visual bugs extreme no longer crashes but I still have that issue where as I fly around it does this
iVeggieOP4mo ago
No description
iVeggieOP4mo ago
even though it's all rendered
Dragon4mo ago
depends if your system has too little ram, your cpu is the heavy lifter you bought a single core beast sorry your cpu is essentially really good for minecraft its single thread speed is really good which the game runs from your cpu is doing the heavy lifting your ram isnt doing it but helps more fps is possible with different speeds 6400 ram speed is good for the cpu you have you could go faster if you wanted your gpu has very little to do with minecraft usually unless it comes to mods that utilize it such as DH and shaders you could run minecraft on a 14900k and a 1070 and get comparable frames to a 4090 i say that as i was once in that position but on a 13900k and 1070 your ram count matters if modding make sure to up it to a decent number compared to your pc and since youre on an intel processor increase your page file
iVeggieOP4mo ago
the problem isn't the fps now, this is the problem
Dragon4mo ago
just giving the info idk how to fix that i mean youre also going incredibly fast in the video especially send a video of your f3 menu while flying that fast
iVeggieOP4mo ago
it happens no matter the speed I go
Dragon4mo ago
like in the video
iVeggieOP4mo ago
Dragon4mo ago
send one walking just running around like a normal survival experience
iVeggieOP4mo ago
can't, game isn't open rn playing cod and I don
Dragon4mo ago
all good
iVeggieOP4mo ago
I don't want it for a normal survival experience I want it for replay mod clips
Dragon4mo ago
if I was to guess based off previous videos ive watched of this a fix could come soon if lucky or later on if unlucky of this mod* im just a random guy guessing im not in the know just a chill guy trying to help out
iVeggieOP4mo ago
yee I appreciate it I just hope I can get that fixed 😭
Dragon4mo ago,36929.html This is a toms hardware guide to increase page file size, id recommend it as it can prevent the out of vram errors you prob got a while back
Tom's Hardware
How To Manage Virtual Memory (Pagefile) In Windows 10
Follow these simple steps to manually manage the Virtual Memory (Pagefile) size in Windows 10.
Dragon4mo ago
if at all you got those crashes harry potter needs this sometimes tho for 13900k could also possibly help
Miki_P984mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz4mo ago
Hole at the edge of vanilla Render Distance, especially during movement: This is caused by either vanilla terrain not loading in fast enough, or shader's incorrect overdraw prevention implementation or configuration (if you use one) Some world gen speed improvement can be found when adding these two mods, but the affect will be minor: - Noisium - Faster Random There is another mod that may help: C2ME. However, it can decrease DH generation speed by up to 35%. The easiest fix is to move slower and/or ignore it. This hole is most visible while moving over not generated (by vanilla) terrain. Moving over that terrain every subsequent time may not create the hole. And moving slower will give MC more time to load the chunks as you go. If none of that helped, you can also tune the overdraw prevention, look at the third section to know how. Low quality full blocks behind and around non-full block, e.g. fences or ladders: This is intended behavior, to prevent holes in the world while you move, DH will overlap with some part of the vanilla terrain. How much of the terrain is covered is determined by the overdraw prevention: - 1.0 will mean DH LODs start where vanilla chunks end. - 0.0 will mean that DH render everywhere starting from your position. To fix this, you can either: - Increase your vanilla RD, which will move the DH LODs further from you. - Tune the Overdraw Prevention setting, see the next section to know how. Where to edit the overdraw prevention setting? Overdraw prevention setting can be edited inside the DH config under: Advanced > Graphics > Advanced Graphics But if you use shaders, they will override and take control of the overdraw prevention. In that case, check the shader's settings, if overdraw prevention is not there, contact the shader devs or change the shader you use.
iVeggieOP4mo ago
Yeah I saw this, would this effect be found in replay mode or flashback as well? Or since you aren’t rendering chunks would that issue not arise
Miki_P984mo ago
They are rendering chunks If they weren’t you wouldn’t see anything on your screen
iVeggieOP3mo ago
I mean new chunks It’s replay mod/flashback, so it’s playing back everything that occurred in game, including the chunks you rendered right? ^

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