Distant Horizons has weird grass LOD when using Stracciatella Shaders

Hello! For some reason, when using the Stracciatella Shaders the Grass LOD weirds out and becomes quite messy I've tried; Changing Quality, Transparency, Ambient Occlusion, LOD Shading, Noise Texture ( Steps, Intensity ) Mod List: Distant Horizons 2.2.1-a-1.20.1 Embeddium 0.3.31+mc1.20.1 ( Rubidium and Xenon both tested w aswell ) FerriteCore 6.0.1 Oculus 1.20.1-1.8.0 Stracciatella Shaders 1.6 Forge 47.3.29 Nothing wrong is happening in logs, and it's aswell happening for one other of my friends, thought it was just on my part though it seems like some weird thing, changing Distant Horizons version aswell didn't help. I apologise if this isn't that much information, bit scared of sending logs.
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5 Replies
Puhpine4w ago
does it happen with other shaders like complementary as well?
blungusOP4w ago
Nope, It's specifically this shader. Though, for some reason most Vanilla+ Shaders that can be used with Distant horizons don't work so well either, such as MINIMAL having a really messed up skybox or BVS having some weird lighting issue where there's some like.. big streak of light going throughout the entire world.
Puhpine4w ago
then you should report it to the shader dev and those do support DH?
blungusOP3w ago
https://gist.github.com/Steveplays28/52db568f297ded527da56dbe6deeec0e#shaderpacks They all support DH, used this compatibiliity thing to get all of the ones i tried.
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
blungusOP3w ago
I'll try!

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