Transparent Blocks dominating chunks outside of normal render distance

Transparent Blocks dominating chunks outside of normal render distance, only visible with DH render distance enabled.
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61 Replies
TheNewSky9mo ago
Wdym by dominating chunks The LODs look pretty normal to me If you don’t want transparent blocks to show up in LODs then disable “tint with avoided blocks” in the DH graphics settings
Miki_P989mo ago
Disable transparency in DH settings But I also don’t see any problem
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Thank you guys. I've got some new things to try. I was not expecting responses this soon! Basically, anything in the dh render distance is a low res, translucent block, whereas the trees persay in the normal render distance are fully rendered and at the appropriate resolution Sorry, I even had a zoom mod, which I could have easily used for more clear pictures. I'll retake some if I get the chance
Miki_P989mo ago
If they are really translucent/transparent it is shaders fault But I don't see any see-through trees
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
It's the case without shades though :/ As well
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
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GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
This dude, unfortunately got no responses. He had the same problem Maybe his picture is better
Miki_P989mo ago
He had a problem with a modded furnance Should there be a structure on your pictures? like a house or something?
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
No, there shouldn't. I didn't know that was his problem. I see similar blocks though. Though brownish blocks are the same low res, almost slime block that the chunks have No house, just every block indiscriminately Trees to dirt
Miki_P989mo ago
I think I understand now So LODs don't have and won't have textures
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
What you mentioned bf may work, I just can't test it rn lol
Miki_P989mo ago
With no shaders: Go to DH settings and tune the Noise texture
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Miki_P989mo ago
set steps to 8 and strength to 16
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Or there is an attempt to render and texturing, but it's low res
Miki_P989mo ago
it is just noise, you can disable it or make it better set steps to 8 and strength to 16 in DH advanced settings then graphics then Noise texture
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
I'll totally try this man. I can't get to my pc rn tho. Anything else you'd like to know that may help you help me?
Miki_P989mo ago
With shaders this won't work, so only thing you can do is find shaders that have better Noise You can also try tuning your Fog I very dislike the default settings If you want to also keep the vanilla fog, use mod Simple fog control or fog equivalent to tune it
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
It was interesting noe that yoy mention fog. Basically I had no fog, and everything was rendering.... I log out for a break, I come back and there is faint fog and the low res lods issue Ita like something broke while I was gone. Though I hadn't changed anything.... weird
Miki_P989mo ago
There are now 2 fogs in game, they need to be disabled and tuned separatelly There is vanilla fog on vanilla chunks and DH fog on DH LODs
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Ahhh I see. I just wonder how the changed happened indirectly, as I didn't do anything to change it lol. Thanks for your time btw, appreciated OK. I tried everything, and exclusivley the noise adjustment help slightly. The resolution on the blocks was slightly increased. Should I continue to up it to my preference? Any dangers in doing such? Any other ideas for resolution whatsoever? Thank again!
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
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GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Some fresh, zoomed in pictures i commpared exclusively trees bc the better foliage mods makes the rendered ones more conscipuous from the low res ones. Playing around more I noticed that this just wasn't the fix, but it helps a bit, so thank you immensley.
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
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GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
On the right I moved slightly closer to render in slightly more
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Good comparison of the dirt to "not rendered" dirt
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GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
On a new world
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
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GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
imaginary pillar. first pic = from afar, second = close, third = back out again
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Miki_P989mo ago
Steps are still at 4 Try 8
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
I did and reset it sorry, I noticed that it wasn't giving the effect i wanted but yeah, that green pillar there i go close to it, and it dissapears its made out of the same low res blocks it reappears when I back away i included a video. but all these screenshots should be better than my initial ones any other ideas with this new information provided? im in coms with the other guy with the problem, and id love to help him out too
Miki_P989mo ago
DH can’t go lower then 1 block And it can’t have real textures You can only increase vanilla RD
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
I understand that. Though when I first downloaded DH, I didn't have this "problem". Problem or not, something changed and I'm looking to revert the change. Everything DH loaded withgin its render distance had roughly the same, if not the same texture as the block I was standing on. Now, it doesn't. I am trying tio uncover what changed, and how to revert this change.
TheNewSky9mo ago
DH has never been able to render LODs smaller than one block or with textures You can change the overdraw setting to make the LODs start a little further away or increase your vanilla render distance Not sure what that green pillar is tho. Looks like a bug
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Gottcha. That green pillar is made out of the same, low res, almost slime looking block distant horizons isnt rendering. I wonder why all the blocks in the 128 render distance looked the same before, and after doing nothing, they randomly became lower res
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Those pink things are flowers. They became low res blocks as well
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TheNewSky9mo ago
Turn off “tint with avoided blocks” in the DH graphics settings It’ll either make small blocks like flowers low res or if you disable that setting you won’t be able to see them at all
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
noted Is ther a way I can reset everything DH related on my pc so that I may get the mod working properly agqain? How it was originally?
TheNewSky9mo ago
If you delete the config file it’ll reset everything to default If that’s what you mean
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
tried that, anything else that maybe saved somewhere?
TheNewSky9mo ago
Maybe there’s also a reset to default options button in the DH settings
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
good adivce tho, thx there is, did that. any random file I can delete for it to refresh?
TheNewSky9mo ago
I’m not sure if there’s anything else you can do to increase the quality Are you planning on playing with shaders?
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
well i mean youve been a trememdous help so all is good. I was with the bliss DH edition shaders and then this happened and then I turned them off, and the problem remained
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
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TheNewSky9mo ago
I’m not really sure what it looked like before so i don’t know what the problem is exactly
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Got it from the Iris Offical disc oh I hear ya, let me explain basically, everything rendered in DH redner distance was identitcal to regular render distance. the furthest block I could see with DH was as defined as the closet, albeit harder to see ofc that is what the original case was
TheNewSky9mo ago
Weird That shouldn’t be possible Yea it’s very strict
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
shoot I said d&mn np
TheNewSky9mo ago
Maybe your vanilla render distance was really high before? Or maybe you just never noticed Bc what you’re describing hasn’t ever been possible with DH as far as I know
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
but yeah, its wweird, it sounds like what im expericning now is the norm according to most, and what I was experiecing was a bug gottcha Maybe, are you getting this low res, etc, etc blocks?
TheNewSky9mo ago
There is a bug with flywheel (I think) that makes block entities like chests render outside your normal render distance
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
you happen to have a screenshot of you testin HD?
TheNewSky9mo ago
Your screenshots look normal to me
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
oh wow ok, maybe its my render distance I may have changed it from 8 to 12, i was wondering if i had earlier today. But it seemed so unlikely, such a vague memory, that i didnt mention it but if this looks normal to you, the translucent blocks then I guess there was no problem wait one sec actually
TheNewSky9mo ago
It’s hard to see but in the bottom left if you zoom in there’s some lily pads on the water They’re blocky
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
Man, youve been a great help. I just review some screenshots I just remmbered i took bf i thought there was a problem its the same thing no problem, I appreciate your time man, sorry nothing really came to fruition
TheNewSky9mo ago
That’s ok lol I’ve done the exact same thing before
GoldenHoldenOP9mo ago
wow, really? lol, thank you
Miki_P989mo ago
I think that if you increase entity RD in vanilla same happens, but I’m not sure

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