Missing chunks
Some chunks are missing from the LOD version, leaving holes in the map even though I flew over these chunks, and then back over them to try to get them again
15 Replies
Were you using chunky?
Chunky is known to cause LODs to turn into swiss cheese and bloat up world size, as can be seen in the attached screenshot.
We recommend you enable "Distant Generation" in Distant Horizons' settings and wait.
If you actually want to pre-generate vanilla chunks along with LOD data, disable Distant Horizons, wait for chunky to finish, then re-enable Distant Horizons.
I am on a server, but the server does use chunky
Are you using the serverside fork?
serverside fork? I haven't heard of it
Hmm, then that shouldn't happen
The serverside fork allows DH to generate LODs for chunks outside your render distance in multiplayer
Can you try with a high cpu load in DH's settings, reduced vanilla render distance, and move slowly over the holes?
this seems to work
btw, if i did want to start using the server side fork, is the issue with chunky guaranteed to happen?
no, and there is a workaround
First remove all DH mods (server side, not server side)
Then run chunky or other pregenerator
Then install DH back
i assume this is meant to say client side not server side
no wait
other way around lol
server side not client side
Depends if you want to use Chunky on the server or in multiplayer
For you yes
Remove the serverside DH from the server before running chunk
so considering ive already pregenerated a huge amount of the world, there wouldn't be any harm installing DH now unless i then use chunky again later