What is going on with the lighting here?
On top of FTB Direwolf pack
The distant areas I haven't explored yet, this is just what is off in the distance when looking through settings.

48 Replies
Also this thing following the screen

should probably just wait for oculus 1.7 or the iris forge port
oculus shader support is very broken atm
Ah okay no worries, yeah I've kind of sourced together all this and just right at my limits of figuring it all out. Is there like a good barebones setup you could recommend?
are you able to use fabric rather than forge?
it's the easiest route
Yeah I've got a pretty good setup on my own server, but just trying to get something going for someone else server that runs forge :1540_PeePeeHands:
which shaderpack is this?
it looks "fine" at night, but all the ones I've tried have that broken kind of look

is this the one from patreon
regular comp doesn't work with dh
Oh no just the regular one, I can probably nab it from patreon
odd that lods are rendering at all then, must be an oculus bug. comp seems to have a few major issues left to be resolved, keep that in mind if you decide to spend money on it
yeah if it just blends better I'm willing to spend a bit of money on something like this
comp from patreon has really good dh support with volumetric fog and everything
that's amazing
i've seen it have a semi consistent issue where overdraw prevention is improperly set causing a gap between vanilla terrain and lods. not sure if that's user error or a bug
yeah still having that weird LOD's having a different lighting issue

is this with the patreon version?
ComplementaryUnbound_r5.2_dev10.zip Yeah then again it might be the wrong version
make sure it's the latest
just to sanity check try loading the shaderpack while running iris
could very well be an oculus bug
which version of iris again?
ohh like start a new instance with fabric and load from there?
just to make sure the pack works at all
doing that now
yeah just moving around fresh install and it's not holding areas that I've visisted either

try capping your fps
cpu too busy doing other stuff to generate lods
or increase the cpu load preset
I capped it at 30 and increased load to aggressive now its realy laggy lol

preset's too high. even for an 8 core cpu you should at most use balanced
Ohh ok
It’s still kind of chugging
how much memory did you allocate?
Oooohhh whoops one sec
worldgen uses a lot of memory
6gb is a good amount
I have like 64gb of ram (just happenstance that I have this much) but would minecraft benefit from having it all? lol
quite the opposite
higher allocations lead to bigger gc spikes
even with 64gb total try allocating just 6gb. if this still stutters go up to 8gb
Ahh ok, I have a 3080ti so I'm not sure what it would handle but I'll do 8gb and move up from there, I was just giving it half and calling it a day
Yeah that’s much smoother
for reference my 3050 mobile can handle bliss with the medium quality preset, 256 radius, 1600x900, at about 70fps
so it seems to be working fine but I don't have the exact area to test cause of the mod pack and all

trees are different tho but I think thats to do with the texture pack
water lod's work tho

you probably just have to wait until oculus fixes the issue on their end
or wait for whenever the iris forge port happens
ok np
thanks for taking the time tho 😄
no problem
glad to help
just because I'm crazy and have OCD and can't let things go.
I noticed there was a newer version for oculus (I had oculus-mc1.20.1-1.6.15a for some reason)
Updated it to
Oculus mc1.20.1-1.7.0

again thank you so much, I probably wouldn't have ever stumbled on it xD
Not really, but over 12 GB you need to fidle with the GC