textures look weird

idk if its a distant horizons issue or an mc issue but the textures look so buggy and pixelated
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7 Replies
majo242w ago
Try removing DH and see if it still occures
Omar2w ago
its not a dh problem, but do you still have any idea why its like this?
majo242w ago
YAGPDB.xyz2w ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to mclo.gs instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
Puhpine2w ago
try resetting all settings in the nvidia controll panel, if you have a nvidia gpu
Miki_P982w ago
Looks like NVIDIA's anisotropic filtering override bug
Moshiur Rahaman Adib
I had a similar problem. Try this if you have a nvidia GPU - open nvidia control panel, go to "Adjust image settings with preview" and select "Let the 3D application decide" or "Use the advanced 3D image settings"