Is there a way to create a vertical render limit for tile entities?

I'm playing on a server with an increased height limit and I have some things at the top of a skyscraper that are rendered from the ground. However, DH is rendering the top of the tower using LODs and tile entities (chests, minecarts, create mod elevators, etc) are visible through these LODs, as well as particle effects. Is there a way to stop this?
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9 Replies
Puhpine2w ago
Do you have create installed?
Miki_P982w ago
I don't think they could have been able to see create elevator if they hadn't had Create installed Try changing entity render distance in vanilla settings Or install another mod for entity render distance Though that might not help
Puhpine2w ago
Oops read over that
dti131OP2w ago
it's only 100 meters and those elevators are nearly 500 meters up if i'm at ground level plus this includes tile entities like chests tried this it still renders tile entities
dti131OP2w ago
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dti131OP2w ago
chests at the top (large modded storage system) with some other create machines
dti131OP2w ago
another angle
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dti131OP2w ago
Block Entity Extended Rendering - Minecraft Mod
Block Entity Extended Rendering (or BEER for short) is a small mod to make block entities render from further away.
Evarika2d ago
I'm guessing you've fixed it? but if you haven't, and you're using Sodium, Sodium Extras has an option to cull entity rendering (and a separate option for block entity rendering) beyond certain distances - they're separate for vertical and horizontal distances so you can keep rendering entities 300 blocks away if you want but stop rendering mobs 16 blocks above or below you anyway this thread answered my question just by existing, so thanks for asking it

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