100% CPU Usage and High Temp
Hi, i've got a Ryzen 7 7800X3D CPU and when im loading a new world it goes to 100% usage, which isnt too much of an issue but my CPU temprature is sitting at an average of 90 degrees which is the problem, even wiuth the cpu at less than 50% usage my temprature is still 90, does anyone else have this issue?
my pc has crashed around 5 times because of this
419 Replies
that means you have inadaquate cooling, very likely not a DH issue. what cooler do you have?
Deepcool GAMMAXX AG400 ARGB 75.89 CFM CPU Cooler (R-AG400-BKANMC-G-...
Deepcool GAMMAXX AG400 ARGB 75.89 CFM CPU Cooler (R-AG400-BKANMC-G-2)
i've just bought 2 fans today for exaust since i had only 4 total before but i dont think it's helped
my GPU temp is perfectly fine
so its either an issue with CPU cooling or something todo with my game settings?
im not sure at all
right now im sitting at 89-90 with

this cpu usage
thats a fine cooler according to reviews
probably not that much no

it could be dried up thermal paste
less than 50% usage my temprature is still 90only reasonable explanation is that your cooler is inadequate
would you guys suggest i reapply thermal paste?
another friend suggested it but they werent sure if thats the issue
i've only recently built this PC
a few months ago
was about to ask if you knew whether the thermal paste was applied well
this is my first build, but i made sure to follow the youtube video as well as possible haha
i didnt know much about computers before this
impossible to say without knowing how much paste you used, but perhaps it wasn't enough paste
i used the packet that came with the cooler
that should have been enough right?
i believe so
also someone suggested that maybe i didnt screw my cooling in all the way
you used all of it? thats not a problem, but probably not necessary haha
is that something that could potentially cause the issue?
did you make sure there wasn't a sticker on the underside of the heatsink
there wasn't alot
yes it could
i don't remember but im sure i would have noticed
if i take my cpu fan off and check
and put it back on will that cause issues?
not if youre fast
or will i need to reapply the thermal paste
you cant just let it sit there
it won't cause any issues as long as you're fast to put it back on
how fast is fast
3-5 mins should be okay?
90 degrees from the mod is extremely high right?
wouldn't go longer than a minute or two personally
okay let me watch some tutorials about cpu cooling
and then will try it out
thank you guys đ

@Puhpine @Yeshi (GMT+2)
I donât know if this is right or. Or
Or not
hard to say if it is dry on the photos
what do you think
Itâs not rlly dry
alright, put it back on and tighten the screws (more than last time?)
Is it important that Iâve plugged the fan into the right place on my motherboard?
Maybe it could be that
the fan header you mean right?
Bc there was different type of fan labels
I didnât match them
There was Sys fan
it needs to be plugged in into some pins that are labeld cpu_fan
And a few others
Okay let me check
if you cant figure it out, send the motherboard model
I shouldâve done the cpu fan right but might aswell double check
1 second
https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/FgFkXk hereâs the whole pic
Part List - AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D, GeForce RTX 4070, Corsair 4000D Ai...
Part List - AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D, GeForce RTX 4070, Corsair 4000D Airflow ATX Mid Tower
If you haven't tried this yet, setting a negative all-core offset in the PBO2 section of your bios could help a lot. It applies a dynamic undervolt. It seemed to make my 5900x run roughly 20c cooler while maintaining the same performance. I would recommend setting it to -10.
Idk how good this is for Ryzen 7000 though
thats wont fix the core problem though, better to start with good temperatures and get great ones
Wouldnât that make it perform worse?
Surprisingly, no.
not if you do it right
It can actually clock higher compared to default pbo settings

the middle one
(i dont know what cpu opt is)
aah the opt is for a second fan
Itâs plugged into cpu fan
do you think its tightened enough?
It was already basically fully tight
Btw whatâs pump fan?
Iâve plugged in the 2 fans into pump fan
And theyâre running at full speed
That could be an issue right
Theyre wayy too loud all the time
dont use pump fan if you dont have a pump
Can you send the rest of this drawing
I canât find any more Sys fans
The normal fans should go into Sys fan right

iirc, yes
there is one more on the bottom
and those are the only ones

Okay fixed that
What do I do about the cpu issue
is it still bad
Shall I check
I havenât turned my pc on
Is this only happening in Minecraft?
Let me see
I donât really run anything else
But only with this mod
Try another game
I ran some cpu bench programs
And no issues
Yeah, it might be a thread priority issue. Another possibility is that you have the cpu load set too aggressively
oh that is weird
I have a few mods you could try to alleviate the issue
I do but that shouldnât cause 90° when cpu load is at below 50%
a cpu should never thermal trottle, not even under full load
With PBO2 stock on the new Ryzen processors it certainly does
I had to set my curve to fix this issue
Is there a way to speed up cpu fan speed?
Maybe it might not be running properly
yes, fan curve
that's typically done in the bios
My 5900x speedran itself to 90c+ when I ran it stock
Whatâs the shortcut for bios
might be under an "advanced mode" depending on your bios
with a good cooler?
Shall I try to check that first?
Or shall I try to run a different game
yes. 240mm EK AIO
either esc del or f2 typically
Ryzen 5000 Undervolting with PBO2 â Absolutely Worth Doing
Check prices on Amazon below
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X: https://geni.us/7kkZ
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X: https://geni.us/rA4a
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X: https://geni.us/YuQm
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X: https://geni.us/gOV2H32
X570 Motherboards: https://geni.us/GAf3gn
B550 Motherboards: https://geni.us/372dR5s
AMD's new Precision Boost Overdrive 2 Undervolting is basically free ...
This video covers it well
what brand is your mobo @Hamza ?
huh, you learn something everyday
Start with -10 and subtract 5 until it runs without crashing
Whatâs a mobo
The new Ryzen cpus are great but are wildly improved with some tweaking
stock settings are terrible
del should be the bios key
AMD always seems to make great hardware and screw up with the software part lol
Okay what do I do here
follow the video I sent
it should show a tutorial

although every bios is different
settings on the left
btw he doesnt have a 5000 series cpu
does that matter for the tutorial?
R we trying to speed up fan speed
Do this first

i dont fan speed will fix it
What am I doing now then
Sorry Iâm a noob with this stuff
idk, send another picture

I don't have an MSI bios
No I mean what am I doing to the pc, not instructions wise
What am I changing
AMD overclocking
we are going to reduce the voltage of the cpu
Ahh okay
more specifically undervolting to have the cpu produce less heat

possibly check the fan curves as well
But not lower performance too?
Precision Boost Overdrive
shouldn't lower performance
It actually helped me gain a few frames
and run cooler
90c -> 70c full load

Is there a custom option?
Instead of enabled
I donât think so

Hereâs the whole screen
Click Precision Boost Overdrive
What options are there
Do that

Open curve optimizer

All Cores
Set it to negative
and put in 10 or 15
probably start with 15 actually
brother has every value and setting memorized :o
I am a hardware guy
Mind also helping me do it beanboy?

What if heâs just making me blow up my pc
Set the sign to negative
and set the magnitude to 15
Don't worry about that. This is a dynamic system that AMD put in place to make undervolting easier and safer.
It prevents new cpu tuners from breaking things
over/under clocking/volting has gotten really safe in the last decade or so

That should be good
now go back until you see save and exit
So am I underclocking
This is my oc screen

Nice. You have the same bios as I do
Okay so how I save now
Is there anything else I should change?
undervolting is lowering the voltage provided to the cpu
underclocking is lowering the speed the cpu operates at
You may have to click save or something on the sides of the screen
idk how to exit msi bios
PBO2 curve optimizer allows a user-input automatic undervolt that also tries to overclock where possible
It essentially optimizes the clock and volt curve for your specific cpu
Since every cpu is slightly different
(silicon lottery)
I canât find a save button
Can I just select one of these or do I need to provide the numbers somewhere manually

Give me a sec and I can help
might need to hit back a few times
save button is typically on the main screen
âQuit without savingâ
Save and exit
Is that everything?
Thanks for the help
Wasn't sure where to exit bios
Web guides are terrible
i believe so
Okay so
I do have some mods you could try for optimization

Minecraft is a resource hog
I donât wanna be dumb and do something wrong
that''s the one yeah
I donât wanna change too much, whatever will fix this issue and nothing else
Go to advanced and look for AMD overclocking or PBO2
in the worst case scenario there should be a restore defaults button in the bios. this would be a last resort if stuff isn't working as expected, though
It is kinda necessary because default cpu priorities for mc hog cores on boot

Precision Boost Overdrive
I meant minecraft mods

Curve Optimizer
I donât run mods too often
So it should be fine?
Letâs see if the issues fixed with this
Then set it to All Cores, Negative, and put in 15 or 10
10 is guaranteed to work
15 could produce better results but may result in core crashes
no hardware concern though
Nice! Gonna do 15 and run cinebench
Good idea
That is how I tested mine
Games will cause more crashes though
I would recommend cranking render distance up a bit and flying around in creative
If it ever crashes unexpectedly, change that to 10 or 12
@Hamza same with you
It will be a pc crash, not just a game crash
Okay itâs staying at 74 rn
Give me a sec
My pc crashed a few times
Thatâs why I was worried
Otherwise I wouldnât have noticed the temp
That is likely just pbo2 causing problems
Another thing I would recommend is setting PBO limits to automatic or motherboard and setting the boost clock override to 0 or off
Both can cause instabilities if set how they are now
And +200 won't really net you game perf
Shall I run it at extreme settings?
To see
That is gpu
Because it should still not be hitting 90°
Itâs 86°
Yeah, that is a minecraft issue
I'll keep this in mind if it ever crashes
1 sec

@Hamza what version are you on?
do you use prism launcher?
Normal Minecraft
I would switch if I were you
i can vouch for prismlauncher
It is much easier to understand and doesn't put everything in appdata
Plus I can easily share an optimized instance with you
Temp has atleast dropped back to 73
is that under full load
Iâm just gonna use this mod for a few vids
Not rlly to play too much
So shouldnât matter too much
ah, ok
But it hit 88°
Is that an issue?
that happens without the right mods
Because itâs at a cooler temperature you will probably actually get an increased clock speed, so basically faster
plus you are at 100% on your cpu
Now itâs lowered
Iâve set it to aggressive
And itâs sitting at 84
With 600 render distance
Is that normal?
what other mods do you have?
as a general rule of thumb
85 is toasty but okay
90 is right on the edge
95 too much for extended sessions
100 and above something is going terribly wrong
new ryzens have higher tolerances too
they wouldn't ship how they do if they didn't

new ryzen cpus can handle 110 but it's unreasonable to be running 100+ for an hour straight
Also I ran a bench mark earliter

Whyâs my 2d rendering so bad compared to what my same model should be
Potentially inaccurate benchmark
What program?
Same for disk

I think it was performance test
idk about that one
I just use either OCCT or cinebench for cpu
gpu is consistently alright
disks generally are too
The disk one is confusing
unless it has fallen out of favor, use the 3dmark timespy benchmark
Okay so if my cpu sits at 85 for an hour
Would that be okay?
Okay so nothing to worry about with this
Let me try to turn my render to
as long as you're not 95+ you're good
90 from what Iâve read is horrible
For long periods of time
it isn't advisable
but you won't really pull those kinds of temps in 99% of applications
And if you do, it won't last
for older cpus 90+ is bad longterm
but your cpu is new and can handle it
although as mentioned above, not advisable
If you are worried about it, use my modlist
it is an easy setup
working on it now
what refresh rates are you guys on?
144 I think
Do you guys get high temps?
I just wanna make sure my pc doesnât randomly stop working bc of this
Only built it a few months ago
I gained 41 extra points, eyy

now try a game

No idea what the temperatures were before but the die temperature was around 80 this time
1000 render distance with aggressive
Can someone help me test my pack real quick? I want to make sure it is working properly on multiple systems. It is just optimizations.
I don't have prism launcher sadly
Oh no
I just touched 90°
check your monitor's refresh rate in Widows settings. make sure it's not still at the default 60hz
Itâs not looking good
Pretty sure I did that alrdy
Yep done
took a while to respond because my laptop decided to get funky

90 is an okay temperature
it's right on the edge
It is normal if you don't run any other optimizations
It hit 92 for a sec
Like I said, Minecraft be like that
Sitting at 91 now
Just hoping it doesnât crash
What did I say
short spikes upwards of 95 are okay
the thing beavers build
Wow. Why so vulgar? đŤ˘
Itâs sitting at 91
Idek what I said lmaoo
that's a fine temperature
Thatâs what my pc crashed at
the scary word which sounds similar to the thing beavers build
Oh the bot dmed me what I said
Whyâs that blocked
probably not a temperature related crash
What else could it be?
Itâs never crashed before
Crashed 5 times yesterday
While running this
i asked james if the word could be permitted but he said he wants to keep it blocked. i forget the exact reasoning but it's probably the same reason as why swears are blocked
Okay Iâll leave this game running for a while and see if anything crashed
If it hasn't happened in any other program, it is because you need optimization mods. Vanilla Minecraft can be unsafe to run at such intensive settings.
Thatâs a swear word?
I didnât know that
if i were to guess, cpu pulling too much power and the mobo or psu going "nuh uh"
No crashes when flying around and the temp never hits above 70 degrees. What is the best way to get a custom fan curve? I would like some less noise
Bro whyâs mine at 90đ
Bios. Just tweak it a little
Whatâs ur render distance at?
I have no idea
And whatâs your cpu usage at?
Are your cpu fans spinning?
Had it at 32 in vanilla just flying as fast as I can
well that is good
depends on cpu load, cooling solution, fan curves, etc. lots of factors
and you just repasted?
I just took it off took a pic and put it back on
Shall I change the thermal paste?
i think the exhaust fan is mounted backwards
I mean, it is a bit of effort but always helps.
That is possible
It was like that by default
can you show the fans while the computer is off
But everythingâs spinning the same way
nvm then, if they're spinning the same direction that's good

Look this is they back
It has the writing
There is a lot of warm air right behind the cpu fan
Do you have any other intensive games? Like cyberpunk or something?
Try running cinebench and watch temps
I have basically no other games
Okay let me try
do multicore on all cores
I think did that
Did you do it after the undervolt?
Let me try
CPU (multi core)
That one?
Okay started it
let it run for about 10 minutes and watch the temps with cpuz or something
5 min should be fine
just tell me the average and max if possible
CPU temps dropped to 85
Prime95 is a good CPU torture test
Okay should be done in 7 mins
Will update
Max cpu temp was 86

a max temp of 86 is good
excellent even
And that score is also good
Okay so no problems?
Just Minecraft
Being Minecraft
I guess so
Time to close up the pc
if you want an even more intensive test prime95's a good option
Okay let me quickly close this up
To stop the program, just click on Test > Stop at the top left corner. Then, right click and choose: "exit" from the tray icon.putting this here because closing the prime95 window doesn't make it stop
Bobby and nvidium is crazy

If it had distant generation it would rival the current DH releases
cortex is an opengl god
idk how one can get this good at ogl
I am curious about the potential of VulkanMod as well
that could be wild
boredom maybe?
im more hyped for voxy, another creation by cortex
its dh, but looks better, performs better, but has less features
news to me

CIV 8 gameplay
also voxy
Shall I run prime95
Or no need
should be fine
it is just an mc issue
if the heat issue only happens when playing minecraft, there's no need to run prime95
okay perfect
had another question if any of you guys would know
TikTok ¡ Donut
128K likes, 1174 comments. âThe villager was sleeping in my bed. IT HAD TO BE DONE. Mods are reterraforged / distant horizons / do a barrell rol / bliss shaders / camera utils for 3rd personâ
what world generation mod is this
from the thumbnail, looks like it was made by hand in worldpainter
same with this?
are these not just worl generation mods
i'm just guessing from the single thumbnail that loaded. my current machine would implode if i open a tiktok tab

frames are crazy
lemme try uncapped

textures go a long way in terms of graphical fidelity
Is it supposed to generate lods outwards?
Mine isn't
I assume you are supposed to use it with chunky or something
no, voxy doesn't have distant generation
i think you gotta explore
apparently chunky works
then you use /voxy import

allocation has left the chat
that means it is in 5 digits

oh no
maybe reduce the cpu load preset a bit
its on aggresive
shouldnt that be fine?
i don't remember the specifics, but aggressive is pretty heavy
theres definitely another issue
i've got a decent cpu it should be find with aggressive settings
you could try a slight underclock but you'd lose a bit of performance
is there still a chance it could be the cpu cooling?
an issue with that
i'm not too knowledgeable with underclocking tho
maybe, what kinda heatsink do you have?
not sure what that is
cpu is sitting at 96 degrees constantly
the metal block sitting atop the cpu
the fan?
Deepcool GAMMAXX AG400 ARGB 75.89 CFM CPU Cooler (R-AG400-BKANMC-G-...
Deepcool GAMMAXX AG400 ARGB 75.89 CFM CPU Cooler (R-AG400-BKANMC-G-2)
someone else checked it earlier and siad its good
maybe it could be the thermal paste? i have no clue
or maybe the fans arent running at the right speeds?
this is a heatsink

it's what you mount your cpu fan on
i think theres one with the cpu fan?
it came with it
i've heard stock heatsinks can be sub-optimal but i'm not confident that's the issue here
would that cause it to go to 96-97?
its sitting at that for the last 5 mins
It's fine according to reviews (toms hardware iirc)
can the problem be something to do with the fan not running at the right speed?
maybe not speeding up when they need to?
possibly. you should check what speeds your fans are running at
is there a way to check that?
i'll check what the best way is rq
it's been a while since i last had to check this from within windows
okay thank you
also what does it mean when my gpu hits 100% here

but its nowhere near 100 on my task manager
the ingame measurement is very inaccurate
were you able to figure out how i can check my fans
i wasn't. the results are either for checking cpu clock speed, or checking fan speed from the bios
let me do it from bios
maybe theres something wrong there


im on balanced settings now
7800x3d has a tjmax of 89 C so donât let it go over that
You very likely have an inadequate or improperly installed cooler
In the meantime try enabling eco mode in the bios to reduce power draw and temps
Or try a a pbo undervolt

Hereâs some pics I took of the thermal paste, thatâs the only thing that couldâve been done wrong but Iâm not too sure
Other than that it could be something to do with the cpu fan not running at full speed?
I think the guys here already helped me do that
And it hit 97° after that
without any games

its not minecraft
Thats really bad lol
reading this i doubt how well you screw on the cooler
i have the same CPU, i screwed on my cooler till it stopped turning. Only made sure i didnt use actual strength to tighten it
our install should also have been similar, iam using the AG500 BK
max out around uh, 87 degrees and at 4700mhz take it or leave it
iam looking into better cooling myself as well, but mine isnt nearly as bad as yours
could be room temperature
without games running ( i hjave my cctv open adn for some reason as soo as i do that it goes up)

just replaced thermal paste
we've concluded that the cpu could be defective
because ive literally tried everything else
looks hot
is the 88c the current temp reading?
I would blame the cpu cooler faster than the cpu itself
Yea cooler probably is broken or inadequate
Itâs running at a low voltage and clock speed and still throttling
It is possible that the problem is the cpu but thatâs rare
how would i check if its the cooler?
Buy a different cooler and see it that fixes it...
If not, return it
I can recommend the thermalright phantom spirit
whats the chances of it being the cooler tho?
i can see it running fine
ive repasted the thermal paste
No idea
If you have some spare time, I would just try it as you can always return it if it didn't fix it
okay sure
bad contact is always a possibility
also, what cooler are you using?
Deepcool GAMMAXX AG400 ARGB 75.89 CFM CPU Cooler (R-AG400-BKANMC-G-...
Deepcool GAMMAXX AG400 ARGB 75.89 CFM CPU Cooler (R-AG400-BKANMC-G-2)
ive made sure
its on
I mean the cpu itself could be faulty
hard to know
cpu cooler
how would i check that tho?
the fan is running
isnt that all that needs to work?
Could be the standoffs are too long. Mayhaps the cold plate itself doesn't make good contact with the cpu regardless of paste application. Only a new cooler could let you know,
Check If you used the right standoffs when you installed the cooler.
wdym the right standoffs
ill buy a different fan and see if it works
anyone got suggestions?
@Xyrius @Poob accrding to my friends it cant be the cpu cooling because it wouldnt hit 90 degrees when the cpu usage is not even at 100%
so it has to be the cpu being defective
like here

usage is around 20% with88 degrees temp
The orange Things in your Pictures are the standoffs. Maybe you used the wrong ones when installing the cooler brackets. If they are the wrong size, your coolong might Not be working properly. Look Inte the cooler Manual to make Sure you installed everything properly.
I fail to see how it couldn't be the cooler. Bad contact means that heat from the CPU isn't being dissipated. That would just let the CPU get hotter even at lower clock speeds/voltage. You can always check in with AMD to RMA the chip if you think it is that.
I don't own a 7800x3d so hard to know for sure.
It's definitely not a hard cpu to cool
The cpu cooler they have should handle 200 watts is what I've read iirc
Which should be plenty
when i put my hand next to the fan its giving out alot of cool air so not sure if that means it works or not
but behind it alot of hot air is coming out
so maybe it is working
There would still be hot air if there's contact. I'm just saying most of the CPU might not be getting contact by the cold plate.
But there's also the possibility of it being the socket having weird alignment.
okay ill buy a new cooler just to test it out
any suggestions for similar priced ones?
There's some good one by thermalright. I'll take a look.
The thermalright phantom spirit is a pretty solid cooler for the price. Just be sure it fits in your case and doesn't have clearance issues with your ram.
I suspect its contact too the cooler too, thats why i asked about the standoffs.
If the cooling is bad enough a cpu will overheat basically instantly without you having to run anything on it
Also itâs just easier to replace the cooler first