8 Replies
We don't support synitra comnector
It was supported in 2.0.0a
That is why i tried
You should add synitra connector in the incompatible mods section in this message https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/1035937813310484540/1035943534945112096
Since it is not there, many people like me will certainly use the synitra connector for nvidium
Well it's not really an incompatibility with DH, but with Nvidium.
If it were to be added to the list, people might get confused as DH is already supported on forge.
What's the problem exactly, that vanilla chunks refuse to render or that vanilla chunks disappear when flying too high?
If it's the latter, you can try tuning overdraw prevention in dh's settings
It just disappears, walking or flying
Vanilla chunks refuse to render
Tuning overdraw prevention won't fix that unfortunately
I will try to downgrade nvidium
Builderb0y might be able to shine a little light on why Sinytra Connector is problematic for running Fabric mods on Forge, but from the gist that I know, Fabric mods that make use of mixins does not play well if at all when run through Sinytra Connector. And, unfortunately for you, many Fabric mods heavily make use of mixins. Only a select few doesn't use mixins, those are fully compatible with Sinytra Connector.
Oh it was a problem of nvidium version 2.5
2.6 fixes that
But now DH sometimes stop working