DH 2.3 Nightly Build config different ver NightlyBuild_1.20.1-14edd630-2024-10-11T22_14_01-05_00.zip

Something has changed all DH 2.3 Nightly Build settings. different version NightlyBuild_1.20.1-14edd630-2024-10-11T22_14_01-05_00.zip Everything can be adjusted normally until later versions, then the Distant Horizone Fog part cannot be edited when other mods are installed. At first I thought it was due to other mods but apparently not. Just add a few other mods and this section will be disabled and cannot be adjusted
9 Replies
Miki_P985mo ago
There is no known fix yet In theory it is still a different mod that disables the fog toggle through DH API Does it work on its own?
HariOP5mo ago
:depressed: But previous versions are still normal. Until the recent UI update it was like that If it's just DH, everything is normal :4337sapo:
Miki_P985mo ago
We know, we don’t know why Either a bug was fixed and now another mod disables fog correctly or a bug was created that a phantom mod disables the fog
HariOP4mo ago
I found it :cou: https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/1309441633699364914 @Miki_P98 But it't not fixed yet :joewait:
BackSun4mo ago
If another mod is setting a config value via the API not being able to change it via the UI is expected behavior. That being said this isn't great behavior since it is very confusing. If/when the UI is ever re-written it would be better to gray out options that are set via the API to prevent confusion like this.
HariOP4mo ago
🧐 So if that's the case, it's not a bug, right? And is there any way to fix that situation? In future versions?
BackSun4mo ago
Well yes, but actually no. The API overriding the UI is intensional behavior however the lack of change on the UI is a bug. That being said a very low priority bug.
Miki_P984mo ago
Well, why does Iris mess with DH fog though
Puhpine4mo ago
it does make sense to block it when a shader is active, it doesnt make sense why its doing that with no shader active

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